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100N Fred Bieger passes

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  • 100N Fred Bieger passes

    Just got word Sunday (08/20) that local legend "Fast Freddy Bieger" past in July at 87.
    Fred raced Martins and Hot-Rods in the 50's-80's. Marchetties were his boats of choice.

    I met Fred when I first got into kneel-downs around 1999. My first hydro was a Marchettie A-B that Fred had raced. I also had a Swift "Super B" that still has his 100N numbers on it a couple years ago...The Swift is now used in car shows behind a 1948 Chrysler Town+Country "Woodie" convertible that a fella has at Chautauqua Lake, Ny. It has a 40's OMC PR race motor on it that the current owner raced himself on Chautauqua.............

    Fred and I would talk for hours about "Iron-fist", Charlie Strang, Mr. Martin, Marchetti, and many others that Freddy knew in his years of racing.
    He told me about a guy who stopped by his house once selling gold and green race motors (20H's) out of an old panel/bread van around 1956.......Had a funny last name that started with a K.........
    I had never heard of a "poppet-valve" two-stroke till he showed me a Martin race motor he was restoring............

    His house in Dunkirk, NY. was literally packed with racing memories.
    Two garages out back you could hardly walk through for all the Martin and Champion fish'n motors and others that kept him busy trade'n parts and conversation. I purchased every green tank Merc and Mark-15/20/25/30 he would find over the few years I've known him.
    In one garage, was a 1965-66 T-Bird that has been there since his wife passed in the early 80's.........
    This was one of those individuals with a wealth of info that if you would sit and listen to, could amaze you with his life exsperiences and knowledge of local industry that has come and gone in Western NY........

    Fred served in the Navy in WW2 in the Pacific.

    Fred often spoke of his racing family That includes his Son Bill and two Grandsons Billy and Pete. You may know Bill and Billy and their partner Tim Graminski 116N from days dominating B and 15ss with their Hot-Rods...............

    He always asked how the "Brewster bunch" were running.............

    I last talked to Fred in May when I picked up a Merc-400 he found me for a D-Classic project.
    Coming back from the Waterford race in June, I drove past his house near Dunkirk harbor, but didn't stop. I was kinda beat-up from the weekend races.....I regret not stopping now.......

    Fred is still a member of APBA-100N. He always had a well worn copy of the latest "Propeller" magazine on his kitchen table...........
    I've never met Bill or "The Boys", but will take a trip this week to Dunkirk to meet Bill at "Bill's Hook Shop" (fishing outfitter).
    If you want to share memories of the Bieger race team, post here and I will copy and mail/deliver in a few days.

    Race on Freddy!.................

    Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 08-27-2006, 06:42 AM.
    100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

    SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>

  • #2
    im sorry to hear of are lose. im sure he is at the first turn watering hole.chillen with the rest of his race family. as you say steve . race on fred.




    • #3
      I remember Fred and his family like it was yesterday- used to pit next to them quite often back in the 70`s. He will be missed by many. Lord please bless him and his family.
      Richard Russo
      CSH 9-L

      2009 NBRA CSH Southern
      and Northern Short Course
      Nationals Winner
      2009 NBRA CSH High
      Point Winner

      Andiamo Joe!!


      • #4
        Way back

        I haven't seen Mr. Beiger for years. We pitted next to them in 1978 at Saranac Lake. Billy of course beat the pants off of me in J Hydro. I still remember him smiling as he passed me on the outside in the elimination race. That was my first year racing. His grandfather, I'll never forget, taught me and my cousins, David and Mike (remember them???), the proper use of a Daredevil spoon when fishing for Northern.

        May he rest in peace. Ed Hearn.

        "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


        • #5
          Thanks for sharing the above memories.......

          I'll give this thread a couple more days and then forward to his Sons.

          Impressive how our paths cross through RACING................on and off the course..........

          Going to see "Brooks and Dunn" tonight at the Crawford County Fair. Maybe they'l play that song about old man Rigley----kinda fits the mood of this thread...........

          I edited my original post (mostly for spel'n )
          Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 08-23-2006, 10:04 PM.
          100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

          SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


          • #6
            I haven`t raced since the early 80`s- amazing how we remember folks from such a long time ago. Obviously he made an impression on me. I remember when his grand child (i think thats who he was) first started racing J hydro. I was racing A runabout then. Talked to my dad the other evening- Bernie Russo (old 199-N) who now lives in Ga, he knew Fred very well. He was very saddened by his passing. We got to talking about the old racing days and about the comrodery and friendship, I think we both started to welt up. Well it`s been nearly 24 years since I raced outboards- if everything goes right this weekend I`ll be back in it (CSH) just like riding a bicycle right?
            Richard Russo
            CSH 9-L

            2009 NBRA CSH Southern
            and Northern Short Course
            Nationals Winner
            2009 NBRA CSH High
            Point Winner

            Andiamo Joe!!


            • #7
              Say hi to Dudley Malone, Doc Sr and Doc Jr (Rick) Miller. Ask Doc Sr how his flower garden is doing this year...............

              I sent Dudley an extra 202/302 tower I had for a motor he was putting together, maybe yours?

              When we go to Florida, I try to stop to see a friend in Jessup, Ga. who has bought several Wizard motors from Fred through me. Ask your Dad if he Knows Bill Beasley?

              Ya ....(at our age)........"like riding a bike"................ ....(Up hill for a couple miles....... ) But the adrenaline does taste soooo much sweeter! -------Let us know how it went!

              19P----- At the Crawford Co. fair, Brooks + Dunn did the song about "old-man Rigley"......"If anyone ever deserved a ticket to the OTHER SIDE........it would have to be......that sweat old Man.........!"
              Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 08-24-2006, 04:18 PM.
              100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

              SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


              • #8
                I`ll say hi to all th guys for you this weekend. Small world, huh? My dad has been away from boat racing as long as I have. Keep all his CSR equipment (all Merc stuff, and a garage full) untill a few years ago. Mark Johnson from up state NY bought it all. My dad lives in Savannah. I still have my late 70`s Race Craft ASR- it`s been dry since 82. I`m going to re-finish it and buy a new A motor soon for my youngest son for next season. It still should be a competitive hull I believe. Really looking forward to this weekend. I`m a diehard runabout guy but hydros are great fun too. I`ll have to check out that tune. Have a good one!
                Richard Russo
                CSH 9-L

                2009 NBRA CSH Southern
                and Northern Short Course
                Nationals Winner
                2009 NBRA CSH High
                Point Winner

                Andiamo Joe!!

