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Hill city Demo rides

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  • Hill city Demo rides

    TCPBA drivers
    Will have the demo rig's at hill city for rides and for sale. A inexpensive addition to your OPC racing. try it you'll like it. Anyone know the guy with the 20H NORM? I've got boat for you. bring your motor and props. Steve

  • #2
    Steve will those demo rides be for OPC folks only or for john Q public too?


    • #3
      Anyone sober and slightly sane

      I've got about a dozen civilians that want to try this. I am making them come up to a race to do it so I think it will eliminate those just after something free.
      Ed we should talk about what kind of exposeure I'm opening myself up to with the public and the OPC guys as well. If I'm likely to lose the house over this the project IS OVER. any insurance still avalible? APBA take a ride program still in effect?


      • #4
        if you are worried . Can an A motor get a C boat on plane if it set deep?


        • #5

          I'll bury this thing deep and slow. I'm not too worried but in this day and age ya best cover your A$$ . I'll have a waiver written up at my Moms lawfirm and hope for the best. Just thought APBA had Insurance for this sort of thing. I'm most likely the one at risk of a wet motor and broken boat. not that I haven't done that sort of thing myself. If its a real scary idea I'll not let someone drive,til we get the liability thing squared away. I have enough freinds and family that want to go to keep me busy for a while.


          • #6
            Any advice ?

            Ed Steve Mark W. ? you guys know all that APBA has to offer, Whats in place now for DEMO rides at races?


            • #7
              Demos work!

              We didn't even think about insurance and/or liability back in the 80s & 90s, we'd just drop an A boat in the water and would have a line of eager folks. Usually had a 20ssH in the mix for heftier wannabe drivers, and I clearly recall the Internationally Famous Augustine Racing Team turning a total novice loose in a 500ccH pro boat one time That demo rider got a rig and raced PRO for many years before a bad back and knees got the best of him.

              Since me'm my son no longer got a thrill from the A hydros, any demo rider who was real intereste din raing got a deal. Beg, borrow, or buy personal race gear (helmet kevlars), show up at Hokey Hydro works in time to get in the van, pay their entry fees, and they could drive our A rigs! A few drove our 15 and B Hot Rod stuff as well. My personal record was towing seven boats to a race with a van full of what we called "rent-a-drivers."


              • #8
                think of it this way Steve . Its still safer than letting someone climb on your 4-wheeler or dirt bike esp. if the boats setup slow and stable + the throttle doesn't open clear up otherwise I think you will have to talk them into the daily race fee to get them covered by APBA ins. right Ed. ? I have let people run my A. Only 1 of those scared me so we called him into the pitts and that ride was over
                Last edited by kws; 08-09-2006, 07:28 PM.


                • #9
                  Or mow your Lawn , less it's yer' own,!!!

                  Kid i mean , i only followed 'rections , and added several more characters , had to get to 10.
                  Richard F.QUOTE=kws]think of it this way Steve . Its still safer than letting someone climb on your 4-wheeler or dirt bike esp. if the boats setup slow and stable + the throttle doesn't open clear up otherwise I think you will have to talk them into the daily race fee to get them covered by APBA ins. right Ed. ? I have let people run my A. Only 1 of those scared me so we called him into the pitts and that ride was over[/QUOTE]
                  RichardK.C. Mo.

