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Kev's Coffee's

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  • Kev's Coffee's

    Gotta plug that Kev's coffee in the pits every morning. I like GOOD properly prepared brew and this was as good as any I've had. Two different blends even. I'd like to buy some. How do I go about doing so? Kev?

  • #2
    Thanks Steve!
    I'm glad you liked my coffee. I am going to get a new shopping cart for my website that should make things much better (shipping will be calculated based on zip code and shipping weight) paypal carts do not let you do that I want to thank EVERYONE who gave our coffee a try. Seeing the smiles on peoples faces was very gratifying! special thanks to my wife Karen for keeping the pots full when i could not !



    • #3
      Kev's Coffee saved me a few morning too! Excellent coffee and great people! Very nice meeting you all!
      Earl 11 J........ Dangerous when Wet Runne Craft- Earl said, " Driving a Runne Craft is like Cheating". Dude, ........ Where's My Boat!


      • #4
        Ya buddy

        Kevin - You got me to Indian River to drop off the trailer on that last cup you poured me at the camp site on Sat. morning. WOW, I was reved up for hours! Thanks and good seeing you.
        Tom L.


        • #5
          Im glad i could help my friends ! AND its legal fuel (for the body at least ) lol
          You dont need TARBUCKS when i am there!
          BTW at the NATS nearly all of the proceeds went to sponsors in one form or another. mainly the food vendors as they were kind to let me provide my coffee when they were selling that stuff they call coffee


          • #6
            Hey Kevin...

            Did you get the coffee order my wife placed online? She placed the order last week while you were off having fun @ the nats.
            BTW, have you come up with any Kevcoffee boat decals yet? I'll buy a couple.


            • #7
              boat decals

              Actualy we had Mike Frank do some for my boat. I will get a pic to post. Mike did a great job !
              Gene Schertz 26V
              TEAM CAFFEINE
              Cranked up and ready to Roll
              Reeds for Speed!


              • #8
                Yes Jeff I did get your order. I had to wait for new green beans, they came in this AM. and the roaster is preheating as I type this sorry about the delay Kevin

                I will find out from Mike what he wants for a run of the stickers as we need some for my boat and the trailer also LOL it seemed funny to me that it worked out that I have the coffee bus. and Gene got the good stickers before me
                Last edited by kws; 08-10-2006, 07:32 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kws
                  Yes Jeff I did get your order. I had to wait for new green beans, they came in this AM. and the roaster is preheating as I type this sorry about the delay Kevin

                  I will find out from Mike what he wants for a run of the stickers as we need some for my boat and the trailer also LOL it seemed funny to me that it worked out that I have the coffee bus. and Gene got the good stickers before me

                  kev thanks for helping load my trailer on friday as you can see you need lots of coffee when loading side show bob up.lol hay we must keep in touch. i would love some of that brew,as i did not get but a cup on friday as i was busy. thanks again for the support in loadind all the boats we came with 8 and left with 9 boats. best trip yet. thanks to ever one in helping me.
                  RICHARD J BIRD


                  RICHARD J BIRD
                  THE PROP SHOP RACING TEAM
                  MOST MODS AND SOME STOCKS



                  • #10
                    It was my pleasure to help my new friends from the left and right coasts!
                    GO TEAM SCOTT


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jeff55v
                      Did you get the coffee order my wife placed online? She placed the order last week while you were off having fun @ the nats.
                      BTW, have you come up with any Kevcoffee boat decals yet? I'll buy a couple.
                      those beans are now in the hands of USPS Thank You


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jeff55v
                        BTW, have you come up with any Kevcoffee boat decals yet? I'll buy a couple.
                        Jeff: you gonna race that thing or what? We're dying to see that Tohatsu run. Ed.

                        "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                        • #13
                          Hey Ed,
                          I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still gagging on the Prince Charming comment from yesterday. Ughhhh LOL
                          Member - Team Red

                          Looking forward to feeling better later!

                          Go big or go home!

                          2nd Sux!

                          "Sorry For Partying"


                          • #14
                            Sheila: I'm hurt . You don't subscribe to that charicterization of me? Everyone else on this message board does. Ed.

                            "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                            • #15
                              I'm sorry Ed, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I was just tryin to deflate your ego!!! LOL I won't be kissing any frogs, that's for sure. LOL
                              Member - Team Red

                              Looking forward to feeling better later!

                              Go big or go home!

                              2nd Sux!

                              "Sorry For Partying"

