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Defiance Class ?

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  • Defiance Class ?

    In reading the race sanction for Defiance I see there is no AXSR class on for that weekend. Why not?
    Tom L.

  • #2
    Because there are none.

    Most likely because of last year's turnout. We had one AXSR show up. If you can find enough, I'm sure they can run.


    • #3
      # count

      Well Adam was hoping to race AXSR and I know that class is bigger then last rear as far as #'s go. The bumer is if it's not on the sanction they can't run it.
      Tom L.


      • #4
        Thats too bad here in region 7 its not a huge class but there is allways enuff to run


        • #5

          I'll be there tom. That makes 2 AXSR drivers c'mon lets get sumore.


          • #6

            I'll respond to this valid question about AXSR since I'm the one who filled out the sanction.

            My number one goal is the create a fair and manageable schedule. IE...keep the number of heats at a realistic number so everyone (drivers and officials) gets done at reasonable time.

            With Defiance being basically a new race, I'm trying to get a feel of what classes show up there. Last year, there were a handful that didn't (BSH, CSR, 25SSR, 25SSH) I'm giving those classes one more year to determine whether or not they are worthy of inclusion at the event.

            If they get dropped, then there will be room to begin adding other classes.

            As for AXSR, all those drivers have the ability to run JR at Defiance. And many can and should be running ASR. So, there are classes they can run.

            On the other hand...when a class like BSH is left off, there is no other place that a driver with ONLY BSH equipment could run. So that person is totally on the beach.

            And AXSH is obviously included because that class consistently fields 8-10 boats at every race I attend. Plus, the jump from JH to ASH is FAR greater than the jump for JR to ASR. Thus, the bigger need for that class.

            I hope those affected understand the reasoning that goes behind setting up a race.



            • #7
              I respectfully disagree

              This has been bugging me for quite some time, so I gotta speak up and disagree Dana. I feel TRORA should be running All stock and all mod on all of their sanctions. Not just the decision of one or two people on what they think will show up or what happened last year.
              Our club had simple rules set up in the past that encouraged drivers (with classes of low numbers) to go out and recuit people to show up and race with them. ie..if you didnt have enough boats to run you were either combined or not run. Now that has been tossed out and each TRORA event is completely different from the last.
              In a time with declining membership a club should be welcoming drivers with open arms instead of turning them away. What ever happened to "we need as many entries as possible to cover the costs of the event"???

              If AXSR is worthy of joining the other classes having fun at this race, my son will race one and if needed I am sure my nephew would run also if we needed him. I feel this is an excellent 'stepping stone' to the A classes and they should be run everywhere to get our new drivers as much time in the boat as possible.

              Thanks for reading, see ya at the races.


              • #8

                I have to disagree with u dana. you say that "As for AXSR, all those drivers have the ability to run JR at Defiance. And many can and should be running ASR. So, there are classes they can run." Your rong im to old to run J and my father runs A. Where does that leave me?


                • #9
                  A comprimise

                  I do see both sides of your reasoning and I can't say anyone is right or wrong here. It's hard to please everyone. I do feel that the Junior classes are growing in leaps and bounds. We seem to have many new faces.Runabout classes are making a comback Looking at last years #'s for AXSR I can see how Dana would wonder if it could come together this year. I do know that weight plays a big factor in how the kids are deciding what classes to bump up too or stay back in. If your to heavy for "J" your in the back of the pack usally. That's what makes AXS classes so appealing is the chance to still be competitive and not run with the big guns in "A". I know it's to late know to put it on the sanction but lets see what can happen for next year. Three Rivers has worked very hard on this site and I thought it was a very nice site to run last year. That's why were coming back again. Lets hope we have good #'s this July and you guys can have a quility race site for years to come. Thanks for your input.
                  Tom L.


                  • #10
                    Respectfully on the fence

                    Now with another race offering all-stock/MOD and OSY-400 I have to look hard at were I'm going that weekend. Both are the same distance for me. May be the last chance I get to run OSY-400 this year. Motor/rig felt very strong at Waterford and now bottom is straight "I could be a contender" (M.Brando).............. I know I'll run 25SSH. and a couple Merc C-MODS will be there..........

                    When all classes offered, subject to combining/one heat run, it obligates the racers to get their class to show up. Less than specified amount (say 5) they still have a chance to get their equipment wet.
                    When a race limits their offering, it just seems to cause ill feel'ns.

                    "And that's all I have to say about that"---Forest Gump

                    With a reallity check I know were I will be, but when I reach I-90 I know I'll have to fight the wheel to head West.

                    Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 07-04-2006, 04:26 PM.
                    100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

                    SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


                    • #11
                      Formula E hydro

                      Dana, is Formula E hydro going to be on the schedule? If so, anybody going to run that class?
                      Joe 2-H


                      • #12
                        To All,

                        Here is the list of classes on the schedule:


                        Keep in mind that this race is on a narrow river, which means we can only run a maximum of 8 boats at a time. Also,there is only 1 boat ramp to launch and recover boats after each heat of racing. We will be pitting on the opposite side of the river from last year, which gives us access to a bigger ramp and an area to stage boats to help make the transition of classes quicker and smoother. This is a much better set-up than last year but this will still create a little down time between heats. Therefore, Dana and I did not want to schedule to many classes with fear of not being able to run all of the classes within the race day.

                        Steve, I understand that we do not have all of your classes on the schedule, however, you are not the only one with this dilema, I'm sure. We have tried to accomidate everyone as best as possible.

                        To all club members, if there is a club practice that you are not happy with, come to the meetings, voice your opinion and try to have policies changed. If not, then deal with the way things are.

                        Finally, the schedule is set and will not change as Dana and I feel we are doing the best we can with this race site.

                        Please come and support this race. If you have concerns or questions, contact myself or Dana for clarifications. Race Day, Race Director. Thanks
                        Joe Silvestri

                        Dominic Silvestri


                        • #13
                          "To all club members, if there is a club practice that you are not happy with, come to the meetings, voice your opinion and try to have policies changed. If not, then deal with the way things are."

                          Joe, if you are referring to me... then you need to know I was banging my head against the wall at those meetings when you were still poopin' green!
                          When TRORA changes it's by-laws back to not allowing the race chairman to be god...then I will be back. The board of governors meeting is a joke since they have no power to do anything but sit around and b.s. and wait to see what the race chairmen shove down their throat.

                          And yes, I have been dealing with the way things are...for years and it stinks.
                          I am sick of seeing people left on the beach at one race and then welcomed at the next..just because all of a sudden the race needs entries. Wow, that's loyalty to your club members!

                          Thank goodness though, this is still America and I can voice my opinion.
                          Thanks for getting me cranked up, now my family wont speak to me for a month!


                          • #14

                            My message was for ALL club members who have a question or concern about club matters.

                            As I stated before, if there are any questions or concerns about the Defiance race, contact myself or Dana directly (by e-mail or by phone).
                            Joe Silvestri

                            Dominic Silvestri


                            • #15
                              Jeff you see what all those J rigs are doing to you. Don't get all work up and go and have the big one. I thought you were retired and promoted to head the pit area in the Brewster up-in coming camp. Come on and drink beer with us and tell war stories and let Dana & Joe deal with the Bull Sh-t.
                              mike ross

