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Price of gas is over $3.00 per gallon in Maryland and going up

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  • #16
    great point

    Good point Corin, while I dislike 3 dollars and 10 cents a gallon here in south florida, I would ride a bike if i lived in europe. Feel terrible for you guys. I was watching a local news channel and some idiot was complaining about his 100 dollar gas tank as he stood next to his brand new Hummer. Dumb ---
    Last edited by Boomtap15F; 04-26-2006, 01:53 PM. Reason: point change


    • #17
      Originally posted by DougMc
      I'll start by saying that Bill will not make a very good "Jesse-crat" when he settles into his new home in NC.
      Is that Helms or Jackson ??
      !"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."


      • #18
        Gas Tax

        Originally posted by Admin
        Will the high gas prices force you to stay at home this summer? With gas prices already over $3.00 per gallon and set to go even higher before memorial day will this play a huge role when its time to pick which races to attend?

        Anyone care to discuss this?
        Maby every State should lower the gas tax per gallon to control the cost somewhat. It stands to reason that many people will not travel as much as in the past. So the actual taxes received by the state could be less than if more gas were used. This is a snowball efect as with the less traveling many things will be affected as camp sites, resorts, pleasure boating, and yes boat racing, etc. All these people by reducing their travel will all be paying less sales tax to the states . If the price of gas comes down, the state can increase the tax accordingly. Just a thought......Bob


        • #19
          Originally posted by PopPop
          Is that Helms or Jackson ??
          Helms. In NC there has historically been significant cross over from Democrat to Republican specifically for Jesse Helms. Those Dems always put him over the top and earned the name "Jesse-crats". Like him or not, he was one of the few Rs who could win D support when the state as still hard core D.


          • #20
            Traveling solution

            Buy a used Toyota pickup with a 22Re engine & 5 speed transmission. A light weight 2 boat trailer and roof-rack for a 3rd boat (also great when you need to go to the lumber yard) Last year I made a 5000 mile trip from California to Franklin PA, Dayton OH, and Indian River MI with 3 big runabouts. Adverage for the trip 21.6 mpg. 283,000 miles on the Toyota and still going strong.



            • #21
              Buchanan, sounds better than Snow.

              Proly , kech stuff about that , even though they're both old , just curious , what the heck you guys say, as my wiffe says old,whoe in the "ell you talkin' ' bout? Ohh heck, i really like that Taylor Guy, as Daren says , anyways, LOL.
              Richard F.
              Originally posted by DougMc
              Helms. In NC there has historically been significant cross over from Democrat to Republican specifically for Jesse Helms. Those Dems always put him over the top and earned the name "Jesse-crats". Like him or not, he was one of the few Rs who could win D support when the state as still hard core D.
              RichardK.C. Mo.


              • #22
                Last time I checked, my dually p/u was getting 8 miles per with no headwinds. Last summer I got lots of flak because of the amounts we spent getting to and from races so this summer I will need to be very selective on which races I attend if I want to keep my happy home. Too bad that the races seem to be so far away from home...not like the 50's when they ran races everywhere in Michigan almost every weekend.

                Bob Hartman


                • #23
                  Them Southern Democrats

                  Originally posted by DougMc
                  Helms. In NC there has historically been significant cross over from Democrat to Republican specifically for Jesse Helms. Those Dems always put him over the top and earned the name "Jesse-crats". Like him or not, he was one of the few Rs who could win D support when the state as still hard core D.
                  Back when I was a wee pup, the saying went: "Southerners drive Fords, smoke Camels, and vote Democratic." One could make an interesting study about the flipping roles of Dem and Repubs in the south. One could start with the life and times and political party switchs of Strom Thurmond.

                  RE Jesse Helms. Although I rarely agree with his views, Helms spoke truthfully. A Wash Post journalist studied several politicos including Helms and dear ol' Jesswe was the only one that came up clean on the lie meter.

                  DougMc - Yeah, waht can I say a Blue stater inna Red state. Hey, I live in VA now, although Northern VA is a Liberal outpost. And NO, the 12 year(?) Springfield Interchange project is NOT done. Getting close. Soon as traffic begins flowing smoothly - HAHAHAHAHAHA - thru the new interchange the ongoing 10-lane Wilson Bridge project will be in full traffic disruption mode.

                  Traffic - main reason I'm outta this car jam city . . .


                  • #24
                    Hey Bill?

                    Hey carpetbagger, hows tysons corners, these days, always thought that was my way out of town??

                    I know , you'll let me know at a later date, anyways one of you geeks should help the man in a real way.
                    At any rate i read with int. Hey Marshall Hall? Oh hell, wrong state.
                    RichardK.C. Mo.


                    • #25
                      Tysons Corner . . .

                      When I wuz a highway inspector for VDOT I worked on the 123 overpass being built over Rt 7, both roads two-laners at the time, expanded to four. No need for porta johns, one could step into the woods and pick out a tree.

                      So they built Tysons One shopping mall and expanded the fairly new road to 8 lanes. And they built Tysons Two mall and added a gazillion hotel rooms, condos and wahtall! Traffic actually moved, albeit creepy crawly, jam packed traffic, so they built Tysons THREE Mall !!! Yowzaa, build it and they will come. Problem is getting outta Tysons traffic once you get there. Pack a lunch.


                      • #26
                        LOve To Live There Now

                        Hey Bill you should 've tryed to get across Key Bridge , to get a cheap beer at 18, i meann in 1961, Hell is just cactching up.
                        By the way, could say anyways, done all of the above , "cept drive a ford on purpose anyways, as Gomer would say.
                        Originally posted by Bill Huson
                        Back when I was a wee pup, the saying went: "Southerners drive Fords, smoke Camels, and vote Democratic." One could make an interesting study about the flipping roles of Dem and Repubs in the south. One could start with the life and times and political party switchs of Strom Thurmond.

                        RE Jesse Helms. Although I rarely agree with his views, Helms spoke truthfully. A Wash Post journalist studied several politicos including Helms and dear ol' Jesswe was the only one that came up clean on the lie meter.

                        DougMc - Yeah, waht can I say a Blue stater inna Red state. Hey, I live in VA now, although Northern VA is a Liberal outpost. And NO, the 12 year(?) Springfield Interchange project is NOT done. Getting close. Soon as traffic begins flowing smoothly - HAHAHAHAHAHA - thru the new interchange the ongoing 10-lane Wilson Bridge project will be in full traffic disruption mode.

                        Traffic - main reason I'm outta this car jam city . . .
                        RichardK.C. Mo.


                        • #27
                          Another issue will be reduced attendance, due to fuel costs. when high fuel costs start keeping racers away, some us us are concerned about having enough entries to cover costs.



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Richard K.C. Mo.
                            Hey Bill you should 've tryed to get across Key Bridge , to get a cheap beer at 18, i meann in 1961, Hell is just cactching up.
                            Richard, that little beer store right across from Key Bridge in Georgetown is still there. I think us Georgetown students kept it in business. Toughest part was getting the kegs up the hill when no car was available.


                            • #29
                              1st Bar on the right

                              Doug, that was a hard place then, can't imagine now , only what carpetbagger says, brothers mil, mother in law , lives behind the bank in Fall Church, one heck of a drive, both ways , North and south, used to just head West to Winchester for bikes, after stopping at state store, i guess those are still there? HaHa. Tell me i'm 'rong Pleese
                              RichardK.C. Mo.


                              • #30
                                I see

                                DuH, I fail to see the logic, but i'll listen.
                                Originally posted by BP125V
                                gas did'nt go from free last year to $3.00/gallon this year, it went from $2.50 something to $3 so the cost difference is not as great as we all tend to think it is.

                                All of us could make up the difference here and there with a little thought and effort and planning. For instance, my wife and I saved a combined $500/yr on taxes on our cell phones by switching to a Trac Phone, we had Verizon. Think about that, $500 in taxes for stupid cell phones.

                                There are no victims, only volunteers.

                                Bill III
                                RichardK.C. Mo.

