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Price of gas is over $3.00 per gallon in Maryland and going up

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  • Price of gas is over $3.00 per gallon in Maryland and going up

    Will the high gas prices force you to stay at home this summer? With gas prices already over $3.00 per gallon and set to go even higher before memorial day will this play a huge role when its time to pick which races to attend?

    Anyone care to discuss this?
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  • #2
    we'll still race, only we'll just pick our events


    • #3
      Definatel Has An Affect

      It makes me sit back and choose which races will be the most fun to attend. Only a small small handfull from here.
      Dave Mason
      Just A Boat Racer


      • #4
        I can't let the price of gas keep me from going to a race. My work schedule keeps me from going to way too many as it is. If I go to any fewer races I'll be someone that owns some race boats instead of a boat racer.
        Last edited by David_L6; 04-26-2006, 10:03 AM.

        OMC FE/SE powerhead parts for sale. Kurcz ported block, Mod 50 pistons and cylinder head, exhaust, etc.


        • #5
          Economize Elsewhere

          I will just try to save a little money elsewhere. I would rather travel and race than watch bad shows on cable!!

          May work a little harder too.
          David Weaver


          • #6
            trying to look on the bright side

            gas did'nt go from free last year to $3.00/gallon this year, it went from $2.50 something to $3 so the cost difference is not as great as we all tend to think it is.

            All of us could make up the difference here and there with a little thought and effort and planning. For instance, my wife and I saved a combined $500/yr on taxes on our cell phones by switching to a Trac Phone, we had Verizon. Think about that, $500 in taxes for stupid cell phones.

            There are no victims, only volunteers.

            Bill III
            Support your local club and local races.

            Bill Pavlick

            I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


            • #7
              Thank God for Stock Outboard

              I can only be thnakful I don't race something like Offshore or Drag Boats, that suck down fuel like Ryan Runne sucks down cold beer!!!! Stock Outboard is the saving grace of fuel using vehicles.

              BTW: Congratulations to John Runne for CSH SE Div. Champ, and Ryan as runner-up.



              • #8

                Originally posted by roperz111
                I can only be thnakful I don't race something like Offshore or Drag Boats, that suck down fuel like Ryan Runne sucks down cold beer!!!! Stock Outboard is the saving grace of fuel using vehicles.

                BTW: Congratulations to John Runne for CSH SE Div. Champ, and Ryan as runner-up.

                And one can tow a multi-boat stock outboard trailer with a 4-cylinder dinky-mobile! Only one boat? Roof rack!


                • #9
                  We'll suck it up.

                  We'll continue to race, but will definitely watch the costs.

                  I think we're going through a period in which we've seen a new plateau established on fuel costs...

                  And, a plug for a product one of my buddies is selling, Engine Shield, it's good for at least a mpg with one treatment in the crankcase... supposed to be good for more than that with differential and xmission treatments.

                  I know it works...seen it in my Mustang GT and a fuel-flushing '96 Ford F250 with a 460 inch V8. The Mustang never got better than 25.1...and now gets close to 27 on the road. The F250 never bested more than 11.0 ... last trip out I got 11.8 with some driving in and around Tulsa. (This is from a guy who NEVER got any difference out of teflon treatments or graphite compounds.)

                  Contact Vernon Barfield about Engine Shield at: hydro090@yahoo.com.

                  Dan Crummett
                  NBRA President


                  • #10
                    Just think, average 48.5+ cents per gallon in taxes are tacked on there. Yes, I said each gallon. That makes me sick!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DougMc
                      Just think, average 48.5+ cents per gallon in taxes are tacked on there. Yes, I said each gallon. That makes me sick!
                      Just think how sick you'd feel if you had to drive on busted roads and meander around broken bridges `cause the state had no money to fix all that fine stuff.


                      • #12
                        You should be in Europe........

                        You should think yourselves lucky guys. In the UK (and most of Europe) gas is $1.66 A LITRE!!!!!

                        A quick calculation makes gas over $6 a (US) gallon


                        • #13

                          Doug and Bill
                          In Michigan, We pay it AND Drive busted roads. They just leave the bridges open 'till someone falls through!


                          • #14
                            I noticed . . .

                            few years back I traveled an "Interstate" from Ann Arbor to Detroit that was so wrecked I figured the Army used it for artillary practice and forgot to clean up. Fortuanely I was riding a motorcycle and could swerve around the mega-craters.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by les
                              Doug and Bill
                              In Michigan, We pay it AND Drive busted roads. They just leave the bridges open 'till someone falls through!
                              I'll start by saying that Bill will not make a very good "Jesse-crat" when he settles into his new home in NC.

                              Now there is the rub, ditto here in Florida. We even have here in Florida what is called a local option tax, which means a county commission or city commission can put even more tax on top of what the Feds and State charge.

                              Kicker is they don't have to, and usually don't, use the collected gas tax money to fix the roads. Usually they use it to build a bigger administration building, buy land for parks or some other pork project. Worse than that is it is not always liberal Democrats doing it here in Florida, it is the so-called conservative Republicans.

                              When I lived in DC and northern VA, I used to hate driving through the mixing bowl. All the money collected in gas taxes and it took years to finish, if it is even finished yet.

                              In Florida the smarty pants in the state Legislature, many of whom I know and work with or for, do not have, and refuse to make, a law that requires gas stations to show you how much you pay in gas tax. For example, go to a Florida Wal-Mart and your receipt will show what you paid in taxes, not so if you go to Hess or Sunnoco and buy gas. Your taxes are hidden and the government, from the lowest ranking City Commissioner up to the Governor, wants to keep it that way!

                              I was told point blank by a Member of the Florida Legislature who I helped elect that if they had gas taxes listed there would be riots in the streets in front of the Capitol. My response was good, I'll help lead the charge.

