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Attention: Marathon Boat Owners

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  • Attention: Marathon Boat Owners

    Top O' Michigan Outboard Racing Club is looking for anyone who wants to loan at least a boat to a driver for the August Marathon Nationals race in Indian River. Many drivers would love to have a chance to race at this historic site but lack the equipment to do so.

    If any of you have a sturdy marathon boat just hanging around your garage and would like to loan it for the race, please contact me, and I will get the information to the club.

    This is an effort of TOMORC to help other racers have the opportunity to experience something all runabout racers should Please help make this possible

    Thank you,
    Amanda Hagerl

  • #2
    Ecuador driver coming to Top 'O

    There will be 4 to 5 drivers from Ecuador planning to race in this year's Top 'O. Included are the 1st & 2nd place finishers in this year's Guayaquil - Vinces race. I tentatively have 4 C rigs lined up. However 3 of them are for sale, so may not be available.
    Also need the loan of driving gear.



    • #3
      Driving Gear

      Darrell, I have a medium set of sleeves and pants along with a new Large HJC full face helmet I could loan out. You can get it from me at Wakefield after my heats. I will need them back before Laborday weekend. Sorry I don't have a life jacket to loan. The one I'm using has been loaned to me from a club member. Would this work for you? What date is the race?

      Last edited by Lights; 04-16-2006, 06:32 AM.
      When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
      Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!



      • #4
        Thanks Mark
        See you at Wakefield


        • #5

          We are all very excited about the Ecuadorian’s coming to Top O'! However the post for marathon boats was not aimed at them. Every year we have a handful of drivers that want to be able to participate in the race and can get there with their motor, but lack a sturdy marathon boat.

          We just want to make the race possible for drivers that want to take part in this historic event.

          Amanda Hagerl


          • #6
            We may have a C runabout that could be used. I'd have to check it's condition. Someone would need to transport it up there though. I think it needs hardware.

            When we were able to make it up there years ago, I borrowed equipment from the Ladd brothers(D boat/prop), Tom Fairborn(D engine) and Billy Allen(A boat, etc). Not sure if you've been in contact with them or not but it may be worth a try. Thanks again guys for 2 experiences I will never forget!

            Jerry Brewster

