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Stock Outboard June 16-17,2006 weekend

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  • Stock Outboard June 16-17,2006 weekend

    Why would races be set on the same weekend? That weekend you have a race in MA,NY,MD and WI; we don't have that many races per season so can't we plan them on different weekends. I know some races have to be on certain weekends only, but let's try harder, I'd like to go to all them when possible.
    I'm Back!
    Earl 11 J........ Dangerous when Wet Runne Craft- Earl said, " Driving a Runne Craft is like Cheating". Dude, ........ Where's My Boat!

  • #2
    Club leaders in close geographical regions should get together in November to try and prevent this from happening next year. Work on a joint, non conflicting schedule. Of course this is probably impossible, but worth a try.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Hydroglobe17J
      Why would races be set on the same weekend? That weekend you have a race in MA,NY,MD and WI; we don't have that many races per season so can't we plan them on different weekends. I know some races have to be on certain weekends only, but let's try harder, I'd like to go to all them when possible.
      I'm Back!
      Check the schedual for Sharptown MD.
      !"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."


      • #4
        I don't believe there is a race in Mass. that weekend.

        hauenstein outboard team
        186-W * 28-C * 4-T * C-101


        • #5
          MI on that weekend, but not WI


          The June 16/17 (or Father's Day weekend) has always been the SO/J Constantine, MI event since we started runnning there in the late 80s/early 90s. For the most part Region 6/7 (BSOA, DRRA, IOA, MHRA, and MRC) have always tried to keep from overlapping within the Central Divisional area. Since we've never really got any participation beyond Region 6/7, we've never seen it as an issue.

          This year Constantine is the SO/J Central Divisionals and we welcome anyone to come from out of the Division to attempt to keep a "pre-qualified" spot open. It is also the 50th year of outboard racing at Constantine.



          • #6
            Central States

            Thanks Mark for making our race coordination known to the rest. Sometimes not always perfect, but at least we have a very good track record of cooperation amongst the central states.

            50 year at Constantine, WOW! T-Shirt available maybe!? How about a picture of VFW Joe on a shirt. That guy works his A**S off!

            We'll be there!



            • #7
              Being the Vice Commadore of TRORA, in Region 6, we too look at the race dates of the other clubs in the region and surrounding regions and try our best to not put on a race the same weekend. Sometimes there is no choice because it may be the only weekend we can get the body of water. I believe we have a good working relationship with the surrounding clubs in and around our region.
              Joe Silvestri

              Dominic Silvestri


              • #8
                Originally posted by sam
                Are you sure? Might not be on the APBA schedule .... because its an AOF race?
                I must be mistaken. Where do you find this information? It's not on any AOF schedules I could find.

                hauenstein outboard team
                186-W * 28-C * 4-T * C-101


                • #9
                  Thank you all for your input. I am not trying to put down anyone, region or club. I just thought it would really help boat racing in general to be able to travel on more weekends to different areas and get more races. I have come back into the sport after many years off, and when I started looking up races for this season some were not happening ( Williamsport,PA ) and some were on the some weekends. Just trying to help out, please don't take my commits wrong.
                  Thank you again and I wish all a great season!
                  Earl 11 J........ Dangerous when Wet Runne Craft- Earl said, " Driving a Runne Craft is like Cheating". Dude, ........ Where's My Boat!

