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New racers/spectators...

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  • New racers/spectators...

    Hey, question for ya... sparked by Dan's recent post about no races in region 4.

    "What does your club do to try and get new racers/spectators?"

    We alway hear gripes that we need motors, we need fewer classes we need race sites... but aside from that, what is your club doing now to get new people?

    - we attend any boat/sport/cottage/home show that we can convince the organizers to give us a free booth. We take a boat or two, information table, tv. This is work, but we usually got 1-2 new racers on the water from these per year.
    - I'm currently making 1000 posters (11"x17", costs $90 Cnd for black and white) to spread across Ontario marinas, shops, lumber places, where ever we can find an audience.
    - I made a membership form for the club that has general info for stock, mod, classic classes, approx costs to get into the sport with used equipement, a race schedule, costs to sponsor the club via newsletter ads, logos of companies already sponsoring the club, and contains links to club website, hydroracer.net, apba and cbf.
    - I've made flyers that contain all the current stock race engines and their specs/costs.
    - I'm trying to promote push boat races. We may even approach local chapter of cub scouts to see if they would like to come join the fun of this like they would for cub car races (do cubs/scouts do this in the US?). This brings kids and likely their parents out to watch, takes maybe 20 minutes to run either before or after the races or even during patrol boat changes and maybe plants a seed out there in a kids mind. Also it's brings the family feeling back into the sport for the current racers.
    - we have a club newsletter, this is very important I think, no matter how small. New people don't just jump into boats and race. THis lets them warm up to the sport also raises money for your club by the old timers and curious who just want to see what's going on.
    - finally organized a regular meeting date routine for our club... the second saturday of the month through the winter... then anyone who asks can get a quick answer as to when and where to meet. If there is no meeting business to cover that month, people can go for a drink/socialize.
    - we created a race series that supports Meals on Wheels... so towns/people can look at us as a positive instead of coming to tear up their lake and go home. In two years we donated $1750. Also makes it easier to ask for sponsors in local towns.

    I've been part of the membership director and or newsletter of our club for almost 20 years now. I've seen our membership cycle up, down, up, down, up , down from 30 to 160 members. It has a direct connection to the things your club does within itself to promote regardless of race sites and equipment. If you find someone who really wants to race, they will find the way. But first you have to find the person.

    What's your club doing? I'm always looking for another idea, share your info and technics. I'll gladly share any of my flyers to any club that wants them. They are in Corel Draw format. Just email me. andrew@fralickboats.com
    Fralick Racing
    Like our Facebook Team page "Here"

  • #2
    183 views later and no comments on a topic of promoting your club and sport?

    No wonder we're dying/dead.
    Fralick Racing
    Like our Facebook Team page "Here"


    • #3
      Andrew, You got mail. I think I need to do something to help in region 8.

      When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
      Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!



      • #4
        As a newer/returning racer, here is my 2-cents. I think the problem may be that some people, like me, do not know what to do. Too much faith is being put into the average racer. Maybe the APBA/AOF/NBRA should produce a booklette from what you have written. If there is already a booklette, I am unaware of its existence. I posted this on another thread so here I go on this thread, there is too much racer participation. There needs to be just a handful of people who make the decisions from race sites, to rules, to promoting the race. The APBA/AOF/NBRA probably should hire a full time promotor for the kneeldowns. I think NBRA is already doing something similar from what I hear and read and they are booming from nothing in just a few years. Dictate, don't ask for opinions. How do I know how to promote a race without being taught? How does a college student, mechanic, desk jockey, etc. who races know? (Also, don't demand that racers work the patrol boats, set up or break down. The full time promotor could hire a crew for the week end to do all of this.)


        • #5
          I guess things are different up here then... we depend almost 100% on the clubs for promotion. CBF trys to do something but in reality can"t afford to do anything. CBF is almost all volunteers, most of the volunteers are racers. We don't even get a newsletter from CBF anymore.

          Sooner later someone had to decide, this sucks and I will try to do something about it. That was me 20 years ago when I wrote my first newsletter (I'm 34 btw).

          You've got mail Mark
          Fralick Racing
          Like our Facebook Team page "Here"


          • #6
            Also maybe it's not jsut about promoting the race, but the club you belong to? You need flags, boats, scales, bouys etc... growing your own club membership helps pay for these. The added benifit is maybe you find a racer or two. 100 members at $20 a head is $2000, every year. This membership base can also brings in your workers for the race... lots of people out there don't want to race, but love the races. Again you have to find them.
            Fralick Racing
            Like our Facebook Team page "Here"


            • #7
              Just to clarify, I didn't mean to say that there are many people tripping over themselves to help. I meant to say that it should not be expected because people who work 9-5 don't have the time, and many do not have the knowledge to organize and promote a race without being taught, and your post is helpful and should be turned into a booklette to help people.

              In Region 5, there are a good bunch of leaders who have organized over 17 races this year and help mechanically challenged dorks like me get on the water. A full time promoter/staffer could help them take racing to the next level. Where would the money come from to hire such a person? Beats the heck out of me.
              Last edited by DougMc; 02-09-2006, 01:34 PM.


              • #8
                Yup agreed Doug. There are many people who don't have the time. Many who find it hard enough to simply make it to a race. And it would truely be awsome to see APBA hire someone to promote racing, races and clubs.

                In the mean time, the intent of my posting is to the ones who might have a little spare time, that can then step and say, "Heck yeah, it's only about $90 for 1000 posters!? I had no idea. I'll plaster my city/state with posters promoting our club and see what happens."

                My day job is 40 hrs a week... my hobby is 24 hours a day... lol.

                And to clarify... I'm a nobody! LOL. My knowledge and experaince is just that, mine, leaned from trial and error... I have no training or teacher. Just doing what I can to help out. i help some people, I'm sure I piss off some other people... haha.

                Fralick Racing
                Like our Facebook Team page "Here"


                • #9
                  hey Andrew, you are doing ALL the right things.........


                  • #10
                    Great job Andrew

                    It is a thankless job with no pay and no help but people like you keep the sport alive, and I thank you . I don't know the right way to get new racers ,we haven't gotten that far yet 1st we have to iron out a few things to keep the active racers that we have like
                    stop spreading false rumors
                    stop talking behind peoples backs
                    get new race sites
                    race dates that don't conflict with series races
                    need more and new race officals
                    sponsorship(so we don't have to charge the racer the entry fee that they need to pay in order for the club not to go broke)
                    team work ( WORKING TOGETHER)
                    support from catagories on schedule(you know boats that show up)
                    more and new volunteers ( I know everyone works 9-5 ,we are no diffrent than little legue baseball ,football ,scoocer
                    better organization
                    ect ect ect
                    Then when WE get that all straight ,putting on a quality race with total support from our region . Then we need to find a way to grow are sport.
                    Good luck Andrew and all the other hand full of people left that are trying to keep the sport alive


                    • #11
                      As a non racing race official, I feel that there are the ones to help and the ones to watch. I have tried to put together a team of track marshals to help officate the race. As said earlier nobody knew what to do. I even got that from older racers that do not race any more and are seen at most races. These people feel they are a guest, and no need to help. At our last meeting I asked two retired racers to help and there response back was, it will all fall together on the day of racing. As most clubs work hard for months for an event, most of the group stands there and watches and can't wait to get to the course to help there buddy race. So thats why there will always be the patrol boat sheet that will delay or even cancel the race due to lack of help. I say "get in the mix in 2006" support your local clubs and races. Just my two cents worth.
                      Dean Neumann


                      • #12
                        Old idea, same result

                        I have said it many times. Help at a race. I have too taken a race or two off.... like when I crash or when I drive 10 hours to lock haven (most people don't even know I drink, but I think I ended up in a ditch??? ). Thank you Big Rapids. They filled my spots after a very hard crash.

                        I say we need to get hard core. Every day you race you get patrol or score something. Clubs need to start charging and refunding or no 3rd class without 2 days work.

                        Many people don't work because they need to get a team member out on the water. Wow I hate this one! (exception J Moms and Dads, you need all the help you can get)

                        Never seen a racer sitting on the beach with no help ready to go. late or not ready yes... the later is me.

                        If you run 4-5 classes SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO What!!!!! get in the turn boat. Drop a class. Don't care.

                        We have a 5 hour drive home. booooo hooooooo Work first set. These are the people who get there last and leave first in most cases. (the trick of registering last so the patrol will be full for your open sets, this is my favorite.)
                        Solution ask someone off the first flight to move so you can have a spot. see alt solution below...

                        Raise your hand if someone has been mad at you for asking them to work both Days!!! lol, I have.

                        Some people will not do rescue because of liability. Cool, but that does not stop you from scoring, or grabbing the Mic.

                        Solution.... Pick one race a year where you help more than you race.

                        I do this twice a year, next year it will be Hilsdale and Big Rapids. I have equipnet to race 6 classes but I will race only 1 at these two races. (Kip, I will try not to break anything this year.)

                        I am club officer, hosting a race this year, a Ref for stock mod pro, host the IOA Awards and fall meeting. Gave 3 rookies there first ride in the last 3 years. I have announced, not sure I will do that again. I have called two nasty crashes just before they happened over the PA..... at least everone saw it coming.

                        I am far from the most active in our club... but I think I'm doing all I can without doing a poor job at something (like safety checking my own equipment or my team mates).

                        How are you doing? The gloves are off!!!


                        • #13
                          Andrew and all,
                          If you really want to know how and where to start, just start. Call your sanctioining body and get step by step assistance. I am sure APBA does what AOF does, we provide a club handbook and then follow up through every step with anyone brave enough to take on the task of putting on the race.
                          Several years ago we made up the handbook taking you from finding a location all the way through to how to send in your paperwork. In the handbook is every form you would need, sanction form, scorers sheets, drivers meeting checklist, financial reconciliation; generic contract forms to present to a potential race site, releases, and on and on. I had a lot of help putting this together (RC Hawie, Jay Roesner, Margo Fleming, Pat Porter, and anyone else who would contribute). It took several months to compile. Now when a club joins AOF one is sent to the club commodore.
                          So, first step, get an acive club, look up your club handbook, or call APBA for help. I think that having the club active is a vital first step. People really do like to help, they just don't know what to do. Get organized.
                          Now, on to what Paul is saying. We really do need to clean up our acts before we grow. We are killing each other. Take Florida for example.
                          Florida racers should be jumping in the streets with all of the races that they have this year. It is awesome. There are several clubs doing races in Florida in kneeldown racing this year: FORA, HOA, USTS, Peace River, and there might be more. However, and maybe it is because the competitiveness carries over from racing to beach: we secretly want the "Other guy" to fail. I am not saying guys like Paul H and Carl S. They work together, but the average Joe racer, who doesn't do anything but show up at a race anyway, takes this attitude: "I'm not going to that race because I don't like the (pick one or more) club; sanctioning body; race promotor, etc.
                          So, the guy that works his tail off for all of us ends up putting a race on for 10 trailers. The others are home or on the beach ...er.....watching!
                          And why don"t we like the other guy? I have heard every excuse in the book including, "That club called me for gun jumping when I didn't, so I'm not going to their races anymoe!" We've all heard that one. We hear that more, than, "Thanks Paul or Carl for getting us a race to go to every week end." In fact, I bet you haven't heard that one at all!


                          • #14
                            Good post Connie.
                            When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!


