I've raced Hot Rods for a long time and even though I think I've retired, (you never can be sure ), I have heard that the new HR is going to be a reed valve motor. This came from a source I feel is reliable. I still have one of my motors left.
If this is true I'll keep my Hot Rod and forget about the new ones. I feel that they may be easy to get, but they will never be a real Hot Rod. I had the impression that the new ones were going to be about the same as the originals but built stronger. The Hot Rod has always been a rotary valve motor and anything else isn't a Hot Rod, just another motor. I'll have to be shown that the new ones are as fast as the real thing.
If this is true I'll keep my Hot Rod and forget about the new ones. I feel that they may be easy to get, but they will never be a real Hot Rod. I had the impression that the new ones were going to be about the same as the originals but built stronger. The Hot Rod has always been a rotary valve motor and anything else isn't a Hot Rod, just another motor. I'll have to be shown that the new ones are as fast as the real thing.