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  • Tach

    I'm looking for a tach to use on a 102. I'm in need something proven, available, and hopefully less expensive than the Digatron offerings.

    I know.......... Digatron is the best, however I’m on a budget.


    Troy Gladkowski

  • #2
    Tiny Tach

    Try the tiny tach. These are $35. Don Jones of Pennsylvania used to sell them and Joey Z of Wisconsin did too. I've never used them on a yamato, but they work on the motoplat hot rod and a lot of others didn't. You might see what others think about the tiny tach on the yamato. Ed. Hearn.

    "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


    • #3
      From our experience the tiny tach has some troubles working on the 102. What we found did work was a regular chain saw tach. simple enough and cheap at any outdoor-like store. The problem with the tiny tach was that it would often pick up both plugs, or it would bounce around everywhere. just my two cents,


      • #4
        What you need is the old diditron model 6E It works good on Mag systems. I could never get the Tiny Tac to work right on the Merc 15 so going to the DT-46K Digatron I got a almost new Tiny Tac you can try if you want will be at the Banquit in Feb and give it to you. Will also post some links for different kind tachs on here just have to look them up in my files.
        Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


        • #5

          You might try the Vibra-tak. No batteries, no wires, and cheap but is for setup in the pitts only. It is a aluminum sleeve with a adjuster that slides a wire out the top of the tube when it vibrates you look at the scale which reads 500 RPM increments. It's range is from 2000 to 21000 RPM.


          • #7
            Thanks George


            • #8
              No problem buddy, here is one I missed dont know much about them but they look pretty good and the price is reasonable they are located in Canada

              Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


              • #9
                Additional Tiny Tach point

                We also got the jumping around on the tiny tach when we first bought it on the Hot Rods. The way to fix this is to make two wraps of the lead around one plug wire and then the remaining wraps of the lead around the other one. That fixes the problem. $35 is hard to beat. Ed.

                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                • #10
                  Originally posted by 14-H
                  We also got the jumping around on the tiny tach when we first bought it on the Hot Rods. The way to fix this is to make two wraps of the lead around one plug wire and then the remaining wraps of the lead around the other one. That fixes the problem. $35 is hard to beat. Ed.
                  Yes, when you wrap the wires as described this set up will work on a 102. Only small problem is seeing the numbers if you are testing RPMs in the turn, they are tiny.

