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  • Rules??

    Maybe someone can help me with a few things I dont really understand. I was talking with a friend of mine...a fellow boat racer...about putting a Motoplat ignition on a yamato 102 for "C" mod...He informed me that that was illegal to do. Seeing as how a 302 has an electronic ignition I'm think'n that the rules couldn't possably be that rediculous.....could they? The other thing that was confusing me was....if there's no height rule in the mod classes, what difference does it make what gearfoot we run?...Dont get me wrong, I'm really enjoying this stuff and I'm not complaining...I just wish I understood some of these rules that dont add up
    Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.

  • #2
    Let's suppose this scenario .... any ignition is allowed. Racer A builds a system that somehow optimizes the spark timing for each rpm via computer chip he makes on government time at work ... suppose this system decreases his lap times by 5%. No one else has access to custom chip making equipment at work and has to pay the going rate for custom chips .... probably thousands of dollars each in the fewer than 25 unit quanity. Racer A has a distinct unfair advantage.

    Mod lower unit rules are mostly about keeping larger classes from using smaller lower units (mostly). There might be some advantage in running an A foot under a Formula E, but it would certainly be expensive in the long run. The scenario above also applies to lower units. Suppose Rossi releases a magical lower unit next season that is the size of a Merc 60J lower unit, but can handle 600 hp ... it costs $10,000. If there were absolutely no lower unit restrictions in Mod the well heeled teams would be at an advantage they previously did not enjoy.

    My suggestion in Mod would be any racing lower units made in the past can be used in any class of the same or smaller displacement/hp ... any old C stock or alky lower unit could be used under any A, B or C powerhead ... any B lower unit could be used under any A or B powerhead, etc ... current Bass, Scott, Konny, Rossi lower units could be used under any Mod powerhead


    • #3
      makes sense... but a Motoplat isn't just a basement built ignition....how about any production built ignition on a mod motor... espeshally if the latest version of your motor is equipt with it.
      Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.


      • #4
        Propose It Then


        Best advise to give is to propose it at the National meeting. To many folks talk about this and that, and never follow through with trying to make it a rule. If it fails, then you know the majority is not in favor of it. It is up to the one who proposes it to sell the rest of the racers on facts of why this should be a rule. This is a good place to air your thoughts, but the real deal needs to be done at the meeting.

        Just drop your Mod Chairman an email, or your local comissioner. Just beware though, sometimes the commision can be rough on someone.
        Dave Mason
        Just A Boat Racer


        • #5

          PM me with info on the pipes.. enjoyed talking at the dinner saturday. Shawn

