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Old guy class proposal

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  • Old guy class proposal

    I have proposed to our region 10 Commissioners a new Stock class be established. I call the class Masters C Hydro. Like many other motorsports this is a class for old guys and gals. It is basically CSH for racers over 45 years old who still want to compete but want to do it in a less aggressive environment than we usually have in CSH. To further that end the only other new rule for this class is the overlap rule would be 3 boat lengths! Many racers as they age drop out because they don’t want to compete with 20 year olds who still think they are invincible. These racers love the sport and have lots of equipment but are just reluctant to still get in the mix at turn 1. If this class were available it would provide more registrations and we could keep those old guys more involved with their equipment and perhaps more important with their knowledge and help at a race. It adds a class to the schedule which may not be good for large clubs like SOA but may be a big help for struggling clubs that want more entries. If you like this idea speak to your SORC commissioners.
    John Adams

  • #2
    Good idea but I think you might want to raise your age limit a little. The majority of your "top gun's" in CSH are either over 45 or knocking on the door. Holt, Pater, Dagostino, Allen (Billy not Donny but Donny has to see 40 from where he is at), Clark, Silvestri, Miskerick, Sutherland - the list goes on and on. And trust me - those guys are not giving you 3ft much less 3 boat lengths.

    If you are thinking about "Gentleman" Hydro, that is more of a mindset, not the number of candles.
    Brian 10s


    • Shane_B
      Shane_B commented
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      I believe 50 should be the entry level requirement - same as many other sports Master classes (bicycling, running, etc.). I'm at the point where my physician has advised me to quit racing or face the potential of being wheelchair bound (not as a direct result of racing, rather due to numerous previous injuries sustained in my previous profession and arthritis attacking those injury points - but bouncing around in a knee-down isn't helping). At a point where I am seriously thinking of selling my boat and motor... I'm sure a lot of other 50+ guys are feeling those aches and pains that we were all immune to when we were young and impetuous.

    • G Force Racing
      G Force Racing commented
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      Amen To that, finesse is not on the mind of a 20 year old or my nephew Troy. I've seen drivers die Gary Hillson, The Broom, 35ss hydro driver in Lake placid. I know that when I got my full Kevlar I pushed alot more but never to the point of disrespect or putting someone else in a bad position
      Last edited by G Force Racing; 11-18-2017, 04:28 AM.

    • G Force Racing
      G Force Racing commented
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      Would we get our seniors discount on registration lol

  • #3
    Please explain the 3 boat length rule


    • GrandpaRacer
      GrandpaRacer commented
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      Current rules allow some one to cut in front of you with one boat length space. It is not fun to be the one being cut off and it is dangerous and unnecessary. Often it is not even a boat length so in this more gentlemanly class the rule would be extended to 3 boat lengths.

    • G Force Racing
      G Force Racing commented
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      1 + 2=3 if Matt has 1 boat on you at the entrance pin he can shut the door on you under a 3 boat rule he would get tossed if he shut the door

  • #4
    More Yamato Classes, AWESOME!!
    Ryan Runne
    Wacusee Speedboats

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

    These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


    • Big Don
      Big Don commented
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      Yes! I knew Ryan would come around!

    • Dr. Thunder
      Dr. Thunder commented
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      Really ... another Yamato class! God help us all!

    • ryan_4z
      ryan_4z commented
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      If it'll get you back in a boat, Don.....

  • #5
    Grandpa, I think that adding yet another class is poisonous, especially when we have classes on the program with too few boats to be interesting.

    ​During the past several years as a Senior, I've entered and run an obsolete boat, just to fill out the field. I got my boat ride, had some fun, and maybe made at least the start more interesting for the spectators.

    ​I think that we need not add even a single extra (boring!) class to an otherwise scarcely--interesting race schedule! Let us Seniors add boats and run at the back or just as hard as we want to. Some of us might surprise you about how competitive we still are!


    • ryan_4z
      ryan_4z commented
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      AMEN! South Shore Outboard has a five boat minimum for all classes. Seems upside-down when the club has a higher standard than the national organization....

    • TPLACE31
      TPLACE31 commented
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      Off topic but SSOA Clarification - for Milton, NH & Kingston, NH: We try to keep the program at ten classes. Four boats or less, one heat four laps. It works. Ten classes with 75-80+ boats puts on a show and is financially successful.

      When we were approached about the 300SSH class our thought was that to add a class to the schedule, we would need a five boat minimum. We started 2015 with 5 entries and that has now grown to 12 outfits in the Club. Ten of those participated at the year end event Kingston race and 300SSH was the largest class in SSOA for 2017.

      Maybe the new readily available equipment idea does work.
      Last edited by TPLACE31; 11-18-2017, 06:54 AM.

  • #6

    Please don't get me wrong, I actually love the idea here.Sounds like a hoot! Coincidentally, I, inspired by Uncle Tim, conceived of a similar class this summer, the Masters J class. With Merc 60s, of course. I say, make any class you want, locally, if you have enough boats. Out national structure, however, does not need the burden of more classes. That's all.
    Ryan Runne
    Wacusee Speedboats

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

    These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


    • #7
      Unless of course this new class required a wacusse craft. 🚤🚤🚤🚤


      • ryan_4z
        ryan_4z commented
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        Well, I imagine a Masters C Runabout class would naturally draw up the ol' round chiners!

    • #8
      470lbs. This would require a new set-up and help even out the field.


      • #9
        There is also the Stock Classic category. You could buy a 30H for quite a bit less than a 302 and get a quite satisfactory boat ride. It'd be cool to see them in stock form more. Those wraparound cowlings were really cool!
        Ryan Runne
        Wacusee Speedboats

        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

        These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


        • #10
          I personally think it would be unfair to the young drivers having to follow the old guys who can actually drive a boat with finesse
          The Race Starts Back There!


          • #11
            There are 3 points to talk about here: #1 is adding a class to SO. The Nationals with Stock and J were completed in 3 days this year so clearly there is room for another class. #2 is why a Yamato? What other motor would have the numbers to make it worth while? #3 is safety. One boat length is not safe even in J. I am surprised APBA and Insurance Cos even allow it.


            • #12
              I always leave people 3 boats lengths...............)


              • GrandpaRacer
                GrandpaRacer commented
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                That’s why you are loved so much... I think.

              • krazy karl
                krazy karl commented
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                In front of you? Sorry couldn't resist.

              • Flyer
                Flyer commented
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                Your getting old I can remember when 1 length was optional

            • #13
              I don't think there is room for another class in our region (R10), but my input for a "gentlemans" class would be rather than 3 boat overlap, which can be hard to judge, just hold your lane from start line to exit of turn one. Easy to call, and usually would spread the boats out a bit.


              • flatsmoke
                flatsmoke commented
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                What's the definition of gentlemen?

            • #14
              Originally posted by Matt Dagostino View Post
              I always leave people 3 boats lengths...............)
              Yea, right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People ???????? Boat Racers are not people, so I guess you're good to go!!!!!!!

              Just having fun.

              How about staying in your lane until your roostertail clears the boat behind you? That is probably more than 3 boat lengths.

              Dean F. Hobart


              • Matt Dagostino
                Matt Dagostino commented
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                Dean............i addition to leaving people 3 boat lengths i always stay in my lane and never take my hand off the throttle......just sayin.

            • #15
              Why complicate it more than it needs to be. Same rules as CSH with the exception of 50 year old age minimum and your not allowed to run in both the seniors class and CSH. Let's pull the rope and go racing. Aloha


              • GrandpaRacer
                GrandpaRacer commented
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                A couple people suggested 50 yrs old. That would be good too, the Masters Class is just an idea now so input like we are getting hear is all good.