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FRED MILLER...............RIP.

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  • FRED MILLER...............RIP.

    It was announced that Fred Miller pasted away suddenly today. When i started racing in 1971 Fred was a rock star to this 12 year old kid........as the years went on Fred was responsible for starting the Modified Division of APBA, Created the Hall Of Champions and was the father of the Dayton Record Runs/ The Great American Boat race. APBA lost a hero today.

  • #2
    I went into The Gulf Hall with Fred. R I P! A B P A lost a hero today.


    • Fast Freddie
      Fast Freddie commented
      Editing a comment
      And I went into the Chattanooga jail with Fred. This is such a great loss for boat racing. RIP.

  • #3
    OMG......I am so sorry. I met Fred in the late 80s for the first time. What a total class act. I am so sad right now for his family and for all the people he touched. aww crap.


    • #4
      Very saddened to hear this. Fred was a great boat racer and a man that was respected by everyone that knew him. Our condolences to his family and the countless friendships he developed throughout his extraordinary life. Race in peace, Fred. You will long be missed.


      • #5
        Very sad to hear this..... Fred was a mentor to me when I was just starting as a kid and put me in one of his old boats for my first race.
        Chris Fabbro 2-F CSR / Carson Fabbro 95-F 25ssr, CSR, CSH, 300SSH / Greg Fabbro 63-F CSR, 25SSR


        • #6
          This is a very sad day. Fred was the Boat Racer's Boat Racer. First met him at the 1975 Dayton Nationals. At the Drivers Meeting when he was asked "What is the distance for an overlap"? His famous reply was "1/4".

          Condolences to his family. He will be truly missed by all.

          Dean F. Hobart


          • #7
            Rest in peace my friend. Boat racing has lost one of the pioneers of this great sport. Condolences to his family.


            • #8
              Fred Miller was a father and mentor to a countless number of drivers over the years. He dedicated his life to the racing community. He and Gordie were the reason I transitioned into OPC for an amazing decade of my life and I will forever be grateful to them. From the stories I hear I wish I was old enough to remember watching him behind the wheel.

              The Fox Family is praying for the Millers. You lost a Great Man.

              ​Thank you Fred....God Speed
              Last edited by jayfox; 03-08-2017, 12:06 PM.


              • #9
                Fred Miller help so many of us . I won my first national championship driving one of Fred's boats. I will truly miss this great gentlemen.
                Rest in Peace Fred. Our condolences to the entire Miller family from the Klein's


                • #10
                  Who could forget the wakeup call at Dayton; "This is god speaking ".


                  • #11
                    Condolences to the Miller family. Fred was a living legend and his passion for boat racing was unmatched. A true one of a kind.


                    • #12
                      Fred was truly a great guy and will be missed by everyone he touched.

                      Few quick stories about Fred & Merry.

                      Back in the 70's Dayton era...Miller starts laying into me and Bruno for not having the buoys all blown up at the Dayton race one time. Bruno and I may have been hitting each other with them and not getting it done to his liking. After laying into us, he starts laughing and says, you two know how ridicules you look hitting each other with those things. Get them blown up and go back to beating the hell out of each other, as he shakes his head walking away from us.

                      I was chatting with Don Sr. & Fred one day about 15/20 years ago about Don loaning a boat to a new person and how many people they have both helped. I said to both of them, I hope someday I can give half as much as you two have. Don looks at me and says, you have to give back to this sport if you want it to succeed. He then says, I bet Miller has helped double the people that I have. I think we would all be amazed on how many people Fred has really helped or loaned equipment to.

                      Last one, back when Krysti & I got married. Fred & Merry would have us over to dinner on many occasions. I can remember sitting in their Trenton home talking racing and Fred saying how much he cared for this sport and how it makes a persons life better being in it. I look back at that generation of racers and see many of them still giving to this sport. We are truly better for knowing Fred.
                      "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                      Don Allen


                      • #13
                        Wish I met him, from all the responses he sure was a nice person to know and learn from. Rest in Peace and condolences to the Miller family.
                        "Keep Move'n" life is catching up!
                        No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.


                        • #14
                          Condolences to the Miller family. Fred was a living legend and sportsman.
                          I still remember when Dayton would fall on Mothers Day, Fred walked the pits handing out flowers to each Mom because their boys were too busy playing to take care of it. That and him calling for Drivers Meeting when it was snowing.

                          He will be greatly missed.
                          Brian 10s


                          • #15
                            Boat Racing has lost a legend ! When i started racing 46yrs. ago , Fred was one guy many people looked up to knowing his heart and soul was boat racing. I for one am so thankful for his generosity and friendship through our many years of enjoying this sport. I remember going to Rumson N.J. for the marathon nationals and the wind was blowing really hard and the water almost white capping , i said my boat would not make it in those conditions. Fred had just picked his new Austin B Runabout up and said put your 15 Hot Rod on it and race son. Well i said no and he said you did not come all this way to not sit on the beach. I ended up running his boat and won the first day, then on sunday it was rougher than saturday and i ended up in the drink upside down . Luckly no damage to his new Austin . But that was how Fred was , he would loan anything he had to make sure you were racing.
                            He will be missed greatly and we need to keep his passion for the love of boat racing. To Mary , Stacy and Gordie , our condolences and prayers be with you. RACE IN PEACE 33-M ....
                            The Sidor Family

