Officials for the Nationals
Ref. Jack Stotts
Chief Scorer Patsy Ruth
Motor inspector Kelly Kidwell
Weigh Master Bryan Tharpe
Trailers can be placed on Wednesday at noon. Testing Thursday($20.00 fee to offset insurance cost) 9am to 5pm
Testing Friday 9am till 11am. 11am drivers meeting
Racing starts at 1:00 pm , testing if time allows
Sat. Drivers meeting for eliminations 9:00am , elimination heats, races
Sunday races start at 12:30
Host hotel is Holiday Inn Express
If you can not make the drivers meeting please call me Doc Miller 19187911733
Ref. Jack Stotts
Chief Scorer Patsy Ruth
Motor inspector Kelly Kidwell
Weigh Master Bryan Tharpe
Trailers can be placed on Wednesday at noon. Testing Thursday($20.00 fee to offset insurance cost) 9am to 5pm
Testing Friday 9am till 11am. 11am drivers meeting
Racing starts at 1:00 pm , testing if time allows
Sat. Drivers meeting for eliminations 9:00am , elimination heats, races
Sunday races start at 12:30
Host hotel is Holiday Inn Express
If you can not make the drivers meeting please call me Doc Miller 19187911733