I have been in contact with some race teams that are interested in coming to race with us at this event. But are worried that their particular classes may not have enough show up to actually be able to race which has them a bit shy to make the trip over. Some wanting to come from the Florida area.
Wondering who all is planning or is willing to bring their smaller runabouts.. A, B, and C Runabouts? I know we are going to attempt to have a B and C Runabout up and going for this event. But will have to see what time permits on our end as far as getting it together before the race. Trying to get 5 or so lined up that way they/we can run for a title. All of you smaller runabout folks ponder on it. We could definitely use you down here.
For those unaware (Just for quick reference).. The A Runabout is the Stock 80, restricted 102-302, Hot Rod A, etc. The B Runabout is the Mod. 80, Stock 102-302, Hot Rod B, Merc 25XS, B1 OMC, etc. The C Runabout is (all legal B Runabouts), Mod. 102-302, 35 OMC, C Merc, etc. (Has been my experience that many folks do not realize what is legal in the A and B Runabouts and therefore never actually know they have legal engines to add another class to their schedule.)
Wondering who all is planning or is willing to bring their smaller runabouts.. A, B, and C Runabouts? I know we are going to attempt to have a B and C Runabout up and going for this event. But will have to see what time permits on our end as far as getting it together before the race. Trying to get 5 or so lined up that way they/we can run for a title. All of you smaller runabout folks ponder on it. We could definitely use you down here.

For those unaware (Just for quick reference).. The A Runabout is the Stock 80, restricted 102-302, Hot Rod A, etc. The B Runabout is the Mod. 80, Stock 102-302, Hot Rod B, Merc 25XS, B1 OMC, etc. The C Runabout is (all legal B Runabouts), Mod. 102-302, 35 OMC, C Merc, etc. (Has been my experience that many folks do not realize what is legal in the A and B Runabouts and therefore never actually know they have legal engines to add another class to their schedule.)