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Move over APBA there’s a new sheriff in town

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  • Move over APBA there’s a new sheriff in town

    Well its official so maybe 2016 will be the year that all the moaning and *****ing about the APBA will finally end. There are several alternatives out there now so go racing and enjoy! well lets face it Im probably a bit delusional about the no more *****ing but hey :-) It sounds good.

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  • #2
    Weird post, and quite frankly sad to see.
    APBA, like all organizations, is not perfect, but it's still the most relevant and meaningful boat racing association in America. It has incredible history, and while not everyone sees it, is working hard to move forward.
    There have been other splits and series started in the past (I can probably name 10 myself). Unfortunately, in the end all of racing gets a bit smaller and everyone suffers.
    The energy spent complaining and moaning about APBA should be focused on helping to improve it.
    I'm certain this post will get harsh replies from the usual self proclaimed experts and known APBA haters. Fire away in your usual, miserable way. I'll be in the garage building boats for CSH and a great example of APBA and the SORC putting their efforts to grow the sport... 300ssH.
    See everyone in Hinton!


    • csh12M
      csh12M commented
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      Mike, I agree with you...but I think it is also ok to constructively criticize. I had a conversation with Mark Weber and Mark Wheeler years ago in Seattle about the history of APBA being its only differentiation. Anyone can go get insurance and become a sanctioning body. We needed to do more to emphasize the shield and IUS. At the end of the day that is the only real tangible asset that APBA has that no one else can replace or emphasize. At the point that you do not covet that shield or national champion status then replacement is not only possible, but probable. At that time I made the following suggestions:

      1. Every decade put out a hardcover year book of the category champions of the last decade - heavy on pictures, but with all champions listed

      2. More emphasis in Propeller magazine on the National Championships and the title winners

      3. Digitize all the Championship data and utilize look up tools on the website so that we can all access the history any time we want it - would also drive your web traffic higher, maybe making online sponsorship possible

      4. Standardize Championship trophies around the 1US sheild - easier on the clubs and also build the 1US sheild brand

      I made these suggestions ten years ago and talked about this being APBA only real asset. I feel like nothing has changed in the last decade. In fact it has gotten worse. This fragmentation is inevitable and I would contend will probably continue. At the point where you feel that the SO nationals are not the greatest title you could win even the die hards will fall away and race in whatever category is most convenient for them.

      APBA# 8738 and proud....but also realistic
      Last edited by csh12M; 02-17-2016, 08:44 AM.

    • Matt Dagostino
      Matt Dagostino commented
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      My years as a proud APBA member tell me we have two factions in APBA-------Outboards (Stock-MOD-PRO) and Sit-down drivers (Inboards-OPC-Unlimited). Over time the gap between the Categories in terms of their 'needs' had changed . As many of the bigger categories are moving tword 'SERIES racing, Outboards still live and die by CLUB racing. As Dean says trying to do things to feel part of the organization (APBA) is important to maintaining our identity and connection to APBA. However the elephant in the room to maintaining CLUB racing is fixed costs to APBA. With new insurance costs, membership fees and sanction fees it is tougher and tougher for local Stock Outboard-MOD clubs and members to conduct a race and break even! Most clubs have to charge high entry fees and do all sorts of fundraising just to put on a race. And trophies/prizes have become a thing of the past............ Money drives everything and to most Outboard clubs $500-1000 either way is the difference in a club making or losing money. In the future the SORC/APBA must figure ways to move forward by making it's members feel more a part of the mother organization but also help it's clubs in reducing fixed costs as to insure 'sanctions' continue to flow through APBA via club racing.

      Series racing is fine but most of us in APBA depend on our local clubs to race and survive...so as a famous Pavlick likes to say SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CLUB... (and i am talking about Bill P. sorry Mike...
      Last edited by Matt Dagostino; 02-17-2016, 02:19 PM.

  • #3
    See, I don't see this affecting Stock or Mod at all. Less for APBA to manage. I see it this way... USTS left for reasons and it worked or is working. Remember other than Depue in the past 20 years (other than west coast and few reg 1 races ) How many times were Pro classes on Stock/Mod scheduled races? Same with these guys... We don't run Sport C or F1 at Stock Mod races either...so hopefully it works out for them.
    APBA Stock and Mod will stay as long as the members want it to.
    sigpicWayne DiGiacomo


    • csh12M
      csh12M commented
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      I do wonder if there will be longer term insurance ramifications for SO/MOD? Are we splitting cost along less categories/events...or are we smaller in negotiating power.... or maybe its a positive, less events that carry bigger risk? Will have to see how this plays out.

  • #4
    Will NASF support all OPC classes and geographical areas of the country? I absolutely understand why some Series clubs feel the need to take charge of their racing, insurance, marketing, etc. However, I see no reason that these Series cannot coordinate with other sanctioning bodies across the country in order to standardize technical requirements, coordinate schedules (especially around championship events) and, most importantly, grow their respective categories.
    David Weaver


    • #5
      Unlimited, Offshore and OPC have left and came back to APBA many, many times...nothing new here.


      • #6


        • #7
          In regard to a previous post, the US1 shield seems to have lost its meaning. I realize that the boat numbers are down in all classes and categories but US1 should not be given if the class can not field a full field of 12 boats. The other thing is the stock nationals start on a Monday. How can they expect any spectators or potential sponsors to attend. Just seems that it is only for the boat racer to fit the bill for everything. Just might attract more interest if the finals were run on the weekends.


          • L A Martin
            L A Martin commented
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            New Sheriff

            It appears that Boat Racing is like politics.....out with the old guard....in with the new

          • Matt Dagostino
            Matt Dagostino commented
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            Bob.............fully agree that if a class at a National Championship can not get a full field of boats(12) they don't deserve to be a 1-US........amen. As far as spectators we do not race for spectators and to think we will ever will is non-sense. We (Stock Outboard) are primarily a 'hobby sport' and whatever spectators we get is icing on the cake

        • #8
          All very good points here, Like Mike Bartlett pointed out many different categories have come and gone over the years from A.P.B.A. for many reasons.

          So what if Jake and others have found a better insurance group for their series than what we (apba) can give them for the size of the events who are we to complain ? no doubt with the size of the events and the problem that occurred last year at the inboard race insurance rates have gone up for larger type races I could be wrong but doubt it .Call Rick Sandstrom and get the real numbers

          Speaking about series races did any of you look at the sanctions from the races that the s.p.o.r.t or F1 put on last year? or the payouts or the sponsorship for the series or the sponsorships on the boats?, well its a hell of a lot more dollars than having a Kev's Coffee sticker on your boat, they really don't need us.

          I don't think we (apba 's) insurance covers the unlimited races since a problem they had a few years ago.

          the only people on here discussing this matter are outboard racers, not Steve David, or any in boarder, OPC or offshore folks.

          Like Matt pointed out we are basically a "hobby sport" and will continue this way for ever, we are not part of LUCAS series racing, nor USTS, NBRA or any other sanctioning body . Did you know A.P.B.A. sanctions about double the races that U.I.M. does world wide? yeah not bad for a little group that we are....

          Yes, A.P.B.A. has over years had some hiccups but has been behind us all the way, we can ***** and moan on H.R. like we always do... and I do have a ***** with something about them right now but I will save that for another day on here.

          Dean made some great points as well and did the mother ship take any of those ideas and put them to use? well I can see that it did not fall on deaf ears and they have progressed forward .

          Any way Mike and Theresa have given us this forum to speak our points about the sport we all love, good , bad or indifferent, at least we are speaking, who knows maybe sometime something said will make a difference and make our sport better than it is.


          • #9
            Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but this was not about the insurance. There is more to it than that. My understanding is when comparing what APBA had and what they have now it's basically the same, cost is within 100.00.

            If someone can find APBA or any organization less expensive insurance without cutting coverage...let us know, I'm sure every organization would benefit.
            "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

            Don Allen


            • #10
              [QUOTE=pav225;n443100]Weird post, and quite frankly sad to see.
              APBA, like all organizations, is not perfect, but it's still the most relevant and meaningful boat racing association in America.

              As far as being the oldest, I would agree. But as far as being the most relevant and meaningful boat racing organization in the nation, I'm sure there are plenty of boat racers that disagree with that!!!
              Keith Kampen


              • Mikey_Pavlick25
                Mikey_Pavlick25 commented
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                When are the NBRA summer nationals?

              • Racerkyle20
                Racerkyle20 commented
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                Mikey you gonna hit it up on the way home from WV?!

              • Mikey_Pavlick25
                Mikey_Pavlick25 commented
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                Only if you can guarantee that my man Will Smoot will be at both events.

            • #11
              8/12-8/14 Claremore, OK
              Keith Kampen


              • #12
                What I don't get is what is this organization going to do that the OPC commission could not? It's basically the same people with what different means? Is there all of a sudden a group of people that can market OPC better than the OPC commission? Is there all of a sudden more money being brought to these groups without APBA? If it's about promotion and marketing these are all things your commission can do if asked to within APBA. Their insurance in not better or cheaper. So why leave? Are you going to sanction more races? How many F1 tunnel races were there last year? 5? Tell me what is better about this organization that they can't do in APBA. APBA does not restrict anyone from marketing themselves, they could do a better job of promotion, but that all comes down to your commission and what they're willing to do. APBA is a member run organization, sounds like this is too. So tell me what's the difference?
                Kyle Bahl

                "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


                • #13
                  A couple of questions:

                  1. Does F1 and OPC leaving hurt the organization? Why or why not?

                  2. Within APBA (forgetting the other organizations for now), what are the issues within SO-MOD? What needs done to fix them?
                  Dane Lance


                  • #14
                    For an example of point 3 in the post above you can access the following link: http://qlik2go-demo.com/hub/stream/f...4-210afbd8a1a2 Open the Champions app. and click around and do some analysis of all the Stock Outboard Champions.

                    2016-02-18 08_24_04-Greenshot.jpg


                    • Big Don
                      Big Don commented
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                      That is some slick software.

                    • Matt Dagostino
                      Matt Dagostino commented
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                      Dean............i can't access it from my flip-phone!! HELP!!

                  • #15
                    Imagine if we had all the high point titles records, pro, mod. ect. or even simpler a lookup off all the open boat numbers? This is not million dollar stuff its all within scope of what APBA could afford and leverage.


                    • Brian10s
                      Brian10s commented
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                      My company uses this software for tons of stuff (Dean used to be the salesman before moving on to bigger and better). For the user, it is simple to use, can sort data quick and export to excel with one click. This is the kind of stuff that helps save the history and makes winning a championship, high point or getting into the Hall more valuable. Because it is then stored and accessible data for years to come.
                      Last edited by Brian10s; 02-19-2016, 06:16 AM.