FOR SALE 12.8 foot Hydro/$3000, 44XS gear case to flywheel/$3000, 44MOD gear case to flywheel/$3000, 3cyl OMC/850 MOD gear case to flywheel/$3000, 2 Yamato gear cases( 1 to 1 and a 1 under)$1000 each, 5 props/$200 each, a complete set of safety gear helmet down/$600, 3 spare power heads $100 each, a complete set of 44XS ignition parts/$600, a new set of 44XS pan and lid/$250, DMOD pipes/filler bracket/$?, two rebuilt Merc mags/better than new/$300, Merc clamp brackets on an Brinkman H Leg including mounting plate and bottom spray shield/$?, also enough miscellaneous parts to get thru a race weekend and more. I'm not online much so call for more info or details.
Kevin (586)324-1277. Thanks.
Kevin (586)324-1277. Thanks.