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Ralph DeSilva's own book now available

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  • Ralph DeSilva's own book now available

    Ralph has been working on a book for the past three years. It is now available on Amazon. The title is Then and Now.
    It is full of photos. Ralph has stories in the book going back to the early 30's through today's history.

    It is listed at $29.95.

    Bonus! If you want a signed copy, Ralph will be at the APBA nationals in Kingston with his book. He'll be located near my trailer and available during the day except when the antiques are racing.

    Tim Weber

  • #2
    That's awesome. Congratulations and a bigThank You to Ralph on yet another great accomplishment in the World of Boat Racing. One of the real life legends of the sport.


    • #3
      Just ordered me one!
      Chris Fabbro 2-F CSR / Carson Fabbro 95-F 25ssr, CSR, CSH, 300SSH / Greg Fabbro 63-F CSR, 25SSR


      • #4
        Great that a 90 plus year old racer has wrote about his memories. Maybe as we all to start to age we should consider to think about writing our memories. I have many from 55 years of racing.
        As a DeSilva boat owner since my family bought their first one in 1961 (a BU) and through the years (a second BU, BSH, CRR, 2 more BSR's and a DMR) I look forward to seeing Ralph at Kingston and getting a autograph book and visiting him once again. What a great history and inpact the DeSilva family has had in boat racing!
        I don't know if the younger generation can search the internet, as we don't have access to a rule book anymore, but in the old rule books from APBA, NOA and others would show that about every runabout record or National Championship was won by a DeSilva runabouts during the 1950's thru 1960's and into the 1970's. Quite an accomplishment!
        That is not to forget that their Dad started it all in the the 1930's building boats and race boats. Ralph and his brother Bill (long missed since his passing) took over the family boat building business from their Father and went beyond their Dad's expectations.
        I hold a special part in my heart for the DeSilva's.
        R. C . Hawie


        • Matt Dagostino
          Matt Dagostino commented
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          R.C. i will buy one of your books. )

      • #5
        Amazon has the title of the book backwards.

        If you want to order one, in the search area, type in Boat Racing, Ralph DeSilva and it will take you to the listing.

        Tim Weber


        • dwhitford
          dwhitford commented
          Editing a comment
          Tim, my search took me quickly to Amazon's listing, even with the backward title. So my copy is on its way!

      • #6
        I just bought one also.


        Dean F. Hobart


        • #7
          Direct link

          I always thought growing up would be cool, I was wrong!
          The other day GG laughed at me because I take more pills a day than she does....


          • Al Lang
            Al Lang commented
            Editing a comment
            Have also ordered a copy. Ralph is an amazing man both in memory and his accomplishments.

        • #8
          I spoke with Ralph today about his book sales. He just found out it's on the Amazon best seller list under sports.
          Tim Weber


          • #9
            It may even be on back-order now. Delivery is delayed with no date for delivery now provided.
            David Weaver

