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Grand Lake race is Go

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  • Grand Lake race is Go

    $3,000 tow money, trophies, cash awards and Clyde Bayer High Point Award all will be given out to those who attend Thunder On Wolf Creek next weekend. Drivers have a chance to win two 50" HD Samsung TVs as well. Two dinners are planned , one is free. It just doesn't get better than this! Ray Rodda will be there to create excitement. Our launch area is the best I've ever seen, last year 3,500 spectators attended.

  • #2
    Thunder on Wolf Creek is the National Boat Racing Association's Short Course Nationals. We usually set up a .7 mile course.


    • #3
      Looking forward to it. See ya Friday.
      "In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress". -- John Adams


      • #4
        For those coming, I see on Facebook that the pits will not be in the parking lot on the waterlike last year, but a little further away. Make sure you bring enough carts for all your rigs as it will require some distance and is too far to carry.
        Dave Mason
        Just A Boat Racer


        • #5
          Weather report looks good for Sat. And Sunday, wind direction is predicted to be out of the southwest so that is best direction. We are working hard to make your experience as good as any race. Last two years a boat racer has won a TV. This year we have 2 50" Samsung TV to give away. Our pits are just the best. We pride our selfs in a well run and fair race. We will make it the safest possible with 2 great fireman teams working modern rescue boats. See you in Grove.

