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OMC's now dominate J Class again in 2015??

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  • #16
    I think it's great that the OMCs are more competitive. It should help get more kids on the water.

    I believe that testing was done to support the decision to go to the larger size restrictor, but it will be good to see how it all plays out on the race course.



    • #17
      Originally posted by pav225 View Post
      I think it's great that the OMCs are more competitive. It should help get more kids on the water.

      I believe that testing was done to support the decision to go to the larger size restrictor, but it will be good to see how it all plays out on the race course.

      Sounds like the Pavlics are going to the basement & bring up the OMC's LOL Good like to your boys at Pell Lake. Good luck to Jimmy & without saying to Donnie who makes his own Luck



      • #18
        Here is my two cents
        The apba will never allow the omc to dominate. That is why they produce the restrictor. That is why omc ax plates are undersized. Good luck arguing that one. 4 apba members took measurements of a hand full of plates and some of them are illegal they do not meet the tolerance. They are SMALLER. I sent one back to have it evaluated by a chief inspector only to be told it was in spec. I was refused the name of inspector but they decided to send me a new plate free of charge. Guess what i measured it and it also is out of spec.
        I couldnt tell you what it is like to be on the spoon side of the stirring being able to go out and buy the motor or motors of choice. I think people forget what its like to be new in a sport whether you are a kid or an adult running this engine. There is a clear prejudice on being a issue of this motor in the front. Everyone should have a chance at winning. When i decided to get involved in stock outboard racing i remember reading in the rule book some line of bs to the effect of making every possible attemt for fairness. I beleived it.
        At this point i refuse to drink the punch.
        Please know that i mean absolutely no disrespect towards anyone running any certain engine. I have alot of respect for people out there doing amazing things with these boats and engines. I have dedicated my life to the marine industry and love boat racing and would like to stay involved and let the sport keep me young like the 70-80 year olds i will be out there battling with.
        best of luck to all in 2015


        • GrandpaRacer
          GrandpaRacer commented
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          Both the restrictors, Merc and OMC are a few thousandths undersized when compared to the spec sheet. I am sure that is so they are all legal as manufactured. The manufacturer has to have some tolerance and APBA sure doesn't want to ship any over spec and therefore illegal.

      • #19
        I tested the new size restrictor with 3 OMC motors and two boats, the top speeds I got were generally 37mph. One time on the data logger I saw 38mph for about 1.5 seconds. I have heard that the good Mercs can go 40mph but I have not personally recorded that. I soon will be able to get data on a Merc but I am sure others here have some information they can share.
        John Adams


        • #20
          Originally posted by GrandpaRacer View Post
          I tested the new size restrictor with 3 OMC motors and two boats, the top speeds I got were generally 37mph. One time on the data logger I saw 38mph for about 1.5 seconds. I have heard that the good Mercs can go 40mph but I have not personally recorded that. I soon will be able to get data on a Merc but I am sure others here have some information they can share.
          John Adams
          Thanks for the info.
          it definitely isnt fair for the ax to be a few thousands undersize when the merc runs no restrictor. Not in spec means ilegal. If someone decided to open one up a few thousands that would be ilegal. Cheating is cheating. Doesnt matter by a little or a lot. If the number is .650 plus or minus 1-2 thousands and plates are being provided to the advantage of its competitor then there is a problem


          • #21
            You guys need to read Chairman Gleasons J Article in this months Propeller..........it is NOT the intent of the J Committee to allow the OMC to be competitive with the Merc 15 (Motor Of Choice) but to simply give the OMC a little boost (still not sure what that means). The reason i started the thread was to put it out there that this new larger restrictor is available through APBA and to be aware as race teams are having mixed results with the new plate per some of the parents on the West Coast. The worst thing that can happen is that race teams find ole KILLER OMC's from the day and pick up 2 mph with the larger plate and show up at Wakefield and wax the Merc's. That would really undermine the J program of the last 15 years!!


            • #22
              As others have said, let’s not panic over 1 race.

              I'm not sure even the killer OMC could run with the best Mercury's.
              "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

              Don Allen


              • #23
                "Dammit Captain. Stop rocking the boat. I understand you have an unbelievably awesome OMC in your garage; I get that. Leave it there because I'm not here to screw up the J class. I'm hear to give the OMCs some speed so they can stay on the same straightaway as the Mercs instead up being a half a lap down from the Mercs. Spend your time a bit wiser - go round some tips."
                - The Voice in Pat's Head.


                • Big Don
                  Big Don commented
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                  Matt, If you really cared about the outcome you would not let it sit in the basement until then. You would put it on the back of a boat at the next race and report your findings.

                • Matt Dagostino
                  Matt Dagostino commented
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                  Big Don...........Gary and I have the motor ready to go. We just need a boat and a J Driver. HELP HELP!!

                • sponsonhead
                  sponsonhead commented
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                  Let's take a second here and clarify something that Matt stated: "as far as i know nobody from the East Coast was asked to participate in the J restrictor plate testing back East." That was THEIR choice. Nobody sent out invitations or precluded anyone from testing different restrictor plates.

                  In 2014, the J Committee passed a new rule that allowed testing of Prototype Restrictor Plates, and outlined very specific processes and procedures for doing the testing. It's still in the Rule Book today. If it reads familiar, it's because it is based pretty much identically to the APBA Mod Outboard rule regarding Prototype Engine testing. In spite of the fact of the rule being in both the West Coast and East Coast versions of the APBA Rule Book (that is a JOKE, people, don't get excited), only one person took the time to read the rule, understand it, and do the testing and send us the data. You could have been a part of this at that time Matt...or anybody else....if you wanted to. It's open to everyone, per the rule.

                  In fact, the J Committee is using the same rule to test a prototype .700" size plate in the AX classes this year. Jeff Williams is coordinating those efforts along with myself. Matt, if you have a SUPER OMC and a driver running AX (and I believe you do), why don't you do the J Committee a favor and test a prototype .700" plate in AXH? I know that both myself and the other members of the J Committee would appreciate your contributions.

                  Thank you,

                  Patrick Gleason R-19
                  APBA J Committee Chairman
                  Last edited by sponsonhead; 05-14-2015, 08:36 AM.

              • #24
                I never raced the junior classes, thankfully no. Things haven't changed much.

                The kids want to run their cool, little fast boats but Dad gets in the way.

                Let the kids have fun and parents, take a chill pill. This is like little league boat racing.

                Tim Weber


                • #25
                  Tim you been to a little league game lately? 400.00 bats, Dad screaming at their kids. Not sure it's much different. LOL

                  But I agree, people need to chill.

                  "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                  Don Allen


                  • Big Don
                    Big Don commented
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                    Matt, Not everyone knows that you have the best OMC out there. Maybe you should have offered it up for the testing.

                  • Matt Dagostino
                    Matt Dagostino commented
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                    Big Don..........as far as i know nobody from the East Coast was asked to participate in the J restrictor plate testing back East. I would have certainly tried to help out much the same way i am sure you or your teammate Pavlick would have if asked. But it may work out as you predict that it will not beat the front running Merc's. After all, the Merc's have had several years to blueprint ports and find those Merc KILLER motors. That's racing!!

                  • Racerkyle20
                    Racerkyle20 commented
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                    It's funny to me this entire thread was started by Matt D, who has no dog in this fight. The question Matt is what is your deal? Why do you care? This is not a class you even run, or your kid runs. If the OMC has more speed then you and Gary need to find some kid to put into your old rig and run it. Preferably someone new, so they can win right away. Also the reason the testing was done in region 10 was because there were 20 JH's in region 10 last year. How many were in your region? How many OMC's? Region 10 had ample kids running OMC's. Seems like the place to test. In fact how many kids ran JH last year total? I'll answer that-54. How many were region 10? Again-20, 23 if you want to count the Qatar kids running Moses Lake nationals as well.Over half of those kids in region 10 were running OMC. 18 kids ran out of east coast regions last year and that's from New England to Florida to Ohio. The best sample size to test this was in region 10, where the Merc dominated, but there were plenty of OMC's at each race. Plus each race having over 12 JH's to test with multiple qualification heats per weekend.

                    Now you're telling me the J commission should have called the fastest guys from yester year that had awesome OMC's to see if this restrictor plate works for them? Please.

                    But again the real reason this was done in region 10? We had a JH grandparent volunteer his time to do the engineering and multiple JH parents and kids do the testing without getting points during racing. And were they spanking everyone last year? no.....
                    Last edited by Racerkyle20; 05-14-2015, 12:22 AM.

                • #26
                  Parity ( parody ) is achievable . One of my favourite racing series is Continental Tire ( we can't get it in Canada anymore ) . Watching a Mini go by a V8 Mustang because it corners better and has better brakes is great. Dumpy little Subarus in the rain are fun too.

                  The organization has done it right. V8, V6, 4 cylinder engines; RWD, FWD,4WD, front engine, rear engine : they run heads up because the association has talented people doing the work.


                  • G Stillwill
                    G Stillwill commented
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                    Parity wasn't the reason in this case the Mercury is still the motor of choich and lets not compare oranges to apples people that do all the testing do it for free not like some associations that pay people to do the testing so don't talk about talent there are some very talented people in our sport and in APBA
                    Last edited by G Stillwill; 05-09-2015, 03:46 AM.

                • #27
                  One would think if parity was in fact achievable, the last ten years of the Merc/OMC J engine debate would have been resolved. And one wonders why boat racing is behind the 8 ball........some of us don't wonder at all.
                  Dave Mason
                  Just A Boat Racer


                  • Big Don
                    Big Don commented
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                    Bill, with that Killer OMC that Matt has, he certainly thinks so.

                    Hey, I think you and I agree on this one.

                  • Matt Dagostino
                    Matt Dagostino commented
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                    Big Don..........i think it is worth trying!! In theory it should make it faster that the .500 plate. I looked at my testing notes from 2005 when Val ran Margaret's repaired J Hemp boat with our OMC and outqualified the J Hydro field by 16 seconds and won the Jo Ann Ellis award. We ran 43.6 mph that weekend with the OMC over the Merc's . Just wonder what another 1/8th inch more on the restrictor would do???

                  • GrandpaRacer
                    GrandpaRacer commented
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                    Matt, the new omc restrictor is only 1/16 inch bigger diameter.

                • #28
                  Matt < i got a grandson come up in age for J we'll put him out there with your OMC and shut that one 3000 miles in space up.... Wow matt just offered a motor and his end put on things and space cadet tryed to hang him.... its great the J class is getting this much talk ... Great job APBA and all that was part of helping the J class..Let the kids race and parents watch and be SPOTSMEN about it... Matt see you in Hinton HOT ROD MASON in J class soon,, space cadet bring your merc 3000 miles or half way and let the kids do there thing RACE AND HAVE FUN!!!!! Man a opaion here starts this.....


                  • #29
                    43.6??? Holy sh*t! Was that with the 2-blades or the "original" 3-blades?


                    • Matt Dagostino
                      Matt Dagostino commented
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                      Kyle......3-Blade in 2005 with Val. In 1997-98 when my son Justin won a couple of J Nationals we ran the 2 blade spec APBA props and we were running 44ish on the Hydro (Flyer) with our Runne OMC. I am not sure what year APBA went to 3-blades?? 2001-02??

                  • #30
                    Remember the good old days when Mark 5 J's went 29 mph? Lots of people thought that was plenty fast enough for 9 year olds. Now we have 14 year old K&N drivers so I guess 43 is fine.

