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Swap Meet and Sale Aug 7th - 9th
Lots happening , the 1st week of August,
along the St Lawrence, in upstate NY .
The Clayton Boat Yard has its annual ACBS Boat Show & Auction, AUG 02-03, and then will transit right into the bi-annual
Race Boat Regatta, for the weekend of AUG 08-10.
I am no longer a member, but I hear that the 'RBR' this year is featuring the Outboard Racers of the St Lawrence.
That bay is not a great place to run O/B's, but we are looking forward to a good turn out, and good fun, convincing Doug Reed,
that he is no longer a Mercury Dealer.
Attached FilesLast edited by bh/; 07-19-2014, 06:27 PM.Brian Hendrick, #66 F
"the harder we try, the worser it gets"
The 50th edition of the annual Antique Boat Show & Auction will featureFishers Landing, aka 'Reeds Garage', is a few miles east of Clayton.
If you find Foxys , or Chalks Marine, just look across the street .
The ABM Boat Show Auction of used boats/equipment is on SAT AUG 02
There is a flea market both weekends, but for some reason
it has been better on the 1st weekend, ie; the Boat Show date.
One also must have a ticket to the grounds to get access to the market.
This began last year, and is NOT popular with vendors or buyers
Doug does not (as yet) charge for access to his SALE !
ps; -this from the ABM news letter;
The Antique Boat Museum (ABM), North America's premier freshwater nautical museum based in Clayton, New York, has announced a complete guide to the longest running Antique Boat Show in North America, to be held Friday, August 1 through Sunday, August 3
and the running of the 12th Antique Raceboat Regatta on Friday, August 8
through Sunday, August 10.
a wide variety of antique and classic boats from near and far.
In addition, the Marketplace returns with more vendors than in 2013.
The popular boat auction conducted by Antique Boat America
will take place on August 2 at 1:00 p.m.
Also, the ABM will host the 12th edition of the Antique Raceboat Regatta,
an event that began in Clayton in 1992.
Friday, August 1 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 2 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 3 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Friday, August 8 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 9 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 10 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Members Free
Adult $15 (Friday/Saturday); $13 (Sunday)
Youth (7-17) $10 (Friday/Saturday); $7 (Sunday)
Brian Hendrick, #66 F
"the harder we try, the worser it gets"
Saturday was a long day of clean up to get the area ready. For sale among other things a fully restored Speedliner, 7 x 14 enclosed Trailer mint condition new tires low mileage, one 6 known original OMC out drives, new mercury parts from the late 60's-70's still in the package, 6 cylinder merc blocks and parts, 4 cylinder blocks and parts, tons of Champion motors we collected when we were racing Hot Rods.....Elton, Johnson, mercury, Wizard and the list goes on come to buy or come to sell
I will have my trailer on the Museum grounds THU>SUN
with three runabouts on it , all FS.
and some 'old alky iron',
ie; Speeditwins, SR and PRs.
50>60s Konigs & parts
DeSilva KR CSerR, x/Williams/Erb,
DeSilva Delta CSR, x/Weber/Walters
Bennett ASR, x/Nuccio/Staron
Brian Hendrick, #66 F
"the harder we try, the worser it gets"