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David Weaver Reports from Raleigh

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  • David Weaver Reports from Raleigh

    Well, not yet, but, David, I have created a thread for you.
    The Payn and Krier family left yesterday morning for NC with out me (Babysitting so everyone else can go), and without Mike Krier. (Has to bring in the crops. Those cornflakes don't just jump in the box).
    I have not heard anything, but am expecting some good play by plays full of color that David gives us as no one else can.
    Good luck Yankee Racing. Do us proud here at the Iowa Surfboard Company.
    Terry and Brian Payn be good. Rich, show them how the Krier boats kick.
    And to Bev Krier, thank you for all that you do for the USTS, and putting up with all the men on the way out. If you come back with one or two less teammates, I will certainly understand.
    Looking forward to your first report, David,
    FBI (Fast botz of Iowa)

  • #2
    Just got a phone call from the pits. All I could understand was, that the party was going strong.
    Sattler Racing R-15
    350cc Pro Alcohol Hydro
    The Original "Lunatic Fringe"

    Spokane Appraiser


    • #3
      Originally posted by pro350hydro
      Just got a phone call from the pits. All I could understand was, that the party was going strong.
      that phone call must have SUCKED big time!!!!!


      Team Darneille



      • #4
        Originally posted by pro350hydro
        Just got a phone call from the pits. All I could understand was, that the party was going strong.

        Must be quite a party! Nothing from David yet..


        • #5
          I talked to Weaver last night, he said the wind came up so they moved the course.

          125 hydro had it's share of mishaps. Buddy was hit in a turn, causing his boat to sink. Billy Allen had someone run into him. David was not sure, but said Billy might possibly have a broken arm, (David's words, not mine ).

          Brandon Thilby won the first 2 heats of 250 runabout, then went swimming in the third.

          That's all I know right now.



          • #6
            Sorry Connie

            Brian won 125 runabout and had less luck in 250 runabout. Rich Krier and Mike Thirlby dueled wonderfully in 350 runabout, only to have both jump the gun in the second heat and hand the win to Jared Gryz.

            Mass gun jumping in OSY400 and 250 hydro, as everyone knew how important the first turn would be. 7-8 gun jumpers in the first heat of both!! Only 4 legal in each first heat. Wild stuff indeed.

            Water was rough each day. Feel like I competed in a wrestling match yesterday, not a boat race. Good crowd each day and the locals were very pleased with the race. We will give careful consideration to the "place" on the calendar next year. Will try to establish what the normal wind pattern is for October. Locals said that they never see a strong breeze for 3 straight days this time of year. They have now.
            David Weaver


            • #7

              There was a party there? Musta missed it, or started too early and went into can'tremember***t mode. Whatever happened bad, I didn't do it! Ian Augustine did - yeah.

              Christie did a fantastic job keeping this windy race going. And to all you who traveled many miles with your boats to make this race happen, thanks. Y`all put on a great show.


              • #8
                I had a great time in Raleigh on Sunday. It was a beautiful park and the Stock people would LOVE to have a race there. Despite the wind, they still put on a great show! And I want to thank Kristi Ellison, she did a heck of a job and even if it was too windy she was determined to put on a race or "be creative", as she said. Thank you to the people of Raleigh, Kristi, and the race committee! Hopefully we'll be back next year
                The Runne's: Born with plastic sporks in their mouths.


                • #9
                  I have to say that all of you made this race as good as it was. I had so many comliments on the professionalism and kindness of all the racers from the park staff and the American Legion. I do want to thank all of you drove from far and near. OSY you all showed just as promised and put on a great show for the crowd. The City manager in charge of the Park had hernia surgery last week and hobbled out there to catch the last 2 heats of the day...OSY and 250H. Needless to say after seeing that we have been invited back (when I grow up I want to start like my brother in that final heat of 250H0. We were able to raise about $1200 dollars for the American Legion and they have offered to be involved next year and sell ads to help us cover our costs. My race committe did a phenominal job as always and Robby and Debra Galletta helped out a whole lot with their sponsorship.

                  I also want to thank Bill Huson and our new USTS patrol boat driver "LT. Brian" for helping us out you guys did a great job. Ray Rodda you make it exciting...thanks.

                  On a seperate note, when you get your medals you will notice that this was my Dad's memorial race. Since we had to cancel Cambridge we dedicated this one too him. This was Travis's first race and I know he would be very proud to see his 3 grandson's out there racing.

                  I hope all of you who attended your first USTS race will come join us again.


                  Kristi Z-22

                  PRO Commissioner

                  APBA BOD

                  "Ask not what your racing organization can do for you...Ask what you can do for your racing organization"
                  Tomtall 06


                  • #10
                    Who says you can't do it all? Kristi does!
                    Thank you Kristi so much for taking care of my crew and the great race and all that you do for boat racing. You are appreciated.


                    • #11
                      Thanks Connie....right back at you!!!

                      Kristi Z-22

                      PRO Commissioner

                      APBA BOD

                      "Ask not what your racing organization can do for you...Ask what you can do for your racing organization"
                      Tomtall 06


                      • #12
                        More On Raleigh

                        The pits were pretty full on Friday and lot of testing was done in the afternoon without incident. Thanks to Fred mason for manning the resue boat. Denny Henderson put in a lot of effort to layout a competitive race course about 1 mile in distance that featured sizeable turns in order to keep the action in front of the specators. Of course, mother nature negatated this effort with her winds on Saturday.

                        Yes, apparently unseasonable breezes forced a shortening and tightening of the race course both days (with Sunday even shorter than Saturday). Otherwise, the weather was simply specactular for racing, spectating and generating horsepower. A nice size crowd attened each day and the American Lgion was very pleased with the "gate" each day. Funds from the gate will go to the VA hospital in Durham.

                        A wonderfully pleasant suprise was the large turnout of "old faces" in the crowd. Former racers from many categories were in attendance and it was great to catch up with many old friends. Many stayed for the dinner hosted by the USTS on Saturday night following the boat racing.

                        Of course, this was our (USTS) first event here and we have many things to consider for next year's race. I heard many of our guests (OSY 400 drivers) comment on the slow show on Saturday. The USTS is supposed to run off quick races, but this day seemed to drag.

                        Well, the USTS does typically run a quick show, but we cannot control the weather. The decision was made to space the heats more than normal in hopes of gaining better water. This worked for a while Saturday, but then the wind came back up. Also, the vendors wanted to slow the pace a little as they were selling lots of BBQ (and sold out !!). And Sunday's early winds made racing impossible. I personally applaud the effort by the race committee to put on a show and every option was considered on how to do it. By delaying 2 hours, we did gain raceable water.

                        We will take this experience and learn from it. Items under consideration will be: (1) Pit set-up / parking trailers; (2) race course placement (move further west?); (3) date for the race (keep in October or try earlier in the year); (4) sponsorship, who can we add and what are their wishes for a date in the year.

                        The setting sun really impaired vision going into the first turn late in the day. This was something we just did not consider, as the racing experience at this lake was always in June.

                        Look for a bigger and better event in 2006. I thought the for the first race, this was quite a success. The park employees were just great to work with and we appreciate their cooperation all weekend long. Garner EMT provided great coverage for the event and we hope that they are never so busy again.
                        David Weaver


                        • #13

                          Thanks for putting OSY on the schedule. I look forward to racing OSY at Title Series races next year.

