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Lock Haven, PA Day #1 any word ??

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  • #16
    Photos Dave !
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    • #17
      Cell Phones

      Originally posted by Admin
      Come on guys no cells phone in PA. ?? no internet ? Lock Haven is not that far off the main road! lets get some info
      Actually Dan we couldn't get a cell call out of the pits with the mountains.
      I'll have some photos tomorrow.
      !"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."


      • #18
        here are a couple before you go look at Phils work

        Attached Files
        I always thought growing up would be cool, I was wrong!
        The other day GG laughed at me because I take more pills a day than she does....


        • #19
          Lock Haven Photos

          My first set of Lock Haven 05 are posted on Webshots. I have about 120 more that I should get up tomorrow. Go to "newest" on webshots.
          !"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."


          • #20
            Thanks, Dave_E71 . . .

            Great to See Wetrider (4Q) flying the hydro straight and level!


            • #21
              To the owner of E-71:

              You didn't sit and watch. You paced like an expectant father in the waiting room with that "please don't wreck my boat look in your eyes".

              The only time you looked relaxed was when someone was attaching the "this side up" decals on wetrider's new boat.

              And then there was "let me wreck a scooter on asphalt at 40 mph so I don't have to race CSH this weekend" Ian. Some people will do anything to get out of the dash! Next time, just follow the good example of Sean and Brian and leave out the drain plugs....much less pain for the same result! And as an added benefit, you get to rinse the inside of the boat....or in your case water the hermit crabs!!

              And yes it was old guy Sunday. Someday when Harry is old he can participate too!! Unfortunately, he is too young and got mugged in turn 2.

              The tale of the tape never lies.....


              • #22
                Yea For Our Generation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Originally posted by Jeff5P

                And yes it was old guy Sunday. ..
                And yes, from one of the chief 20 SS hydro and C Mod runabout groupies ---- Super job, Dave and Jeff ----- you did us proud!


                • #23
                  Actually,there were 2, the other sticker was strategically placed upside-down on the floor under the steering wheel and it said "if you can read this, it's too late!"

                  Congrats on your win Sunday! I think can scrounge up an engine, maybe you and Big Dave can team up for 1100 runabout next year at DePue? You could become a member of Internatonaly Famous Augustines' Racing Team (hah, got that passed the censor)

                  I always thought growing up would be cool, I was wrong!
                  The other day GG laughed at me because I take more pills a day than she does....


                  • #24
                    D-MOD SAT. and testing the C-MOD MERC Fri.

                    (click on pics for clearer look)

                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 04-06-2010, 02:33 AM.
                    100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

                    SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


                    • #25
                      Here is the same shot of DMH from across the course. That was a fast race. Congratulations on your win. Lock Haven is always fun.
                      Attached Files

