Years ago, in Region 3, when i was involved in EMDA, we ran a class schedual in which we rotated the groups of classes up one set on each race day and did not reverse Saturday's schedual. We had one running order and after each day of racing and we rotated up; The second set moved up to first, the third set up to second. The first set moved to last, etc. The first day of the next race week end, the third set was first, the fourth set moved to second, the first set up to third etc. By the third race weekend we were back to the first set being first again. It was fair for everyone over time. You always knew which class you followed in your set every week but your set moved up earlier than tha day before. It ain't complicated!! Think about it!! We should try it for Millville and Lambertville
Regards, Phil Doerle
Regards, Phil Doerle