Well here we are a few weeks after what looked to be the end of HydroRacer.Net but with the help of many of you we are back ten times stronger and even better. Some of you might even have notice the speed and stability of the new server verses the old one and there is defiantly a huge difference.
I would also like to take this time and express my gratitude to all of you for being there with your donations when I needed it most and I do appreciate everything that you folks have done.
Just like on race day any one of us would give the shirt off our own back to help another racer and this sport without a doubt is growing due to that very fact. This sport is based on the friendships that we have all nourished through out the years and is truly the backbone of Stock, Mod & Pro racing.
I also wanted to make everyone aware that I have received all donations but I must apologize because we are smack dap in middle of super busy season at work and my day job must come first.
It will probably be another week or so before I can update all the donation logos etc. due to my heavy load at work and family demands at home but I promise to get everyone updated over the next few weeks.
Once again I sincerely thank you all.
I would also like to take this time and express my gratitude to all of you for being there with your donations when I needed it most and I do appreciate everything that you folks have done.
Just like on race day any one of us would give the shirt off our own back to help another racer and this sport without a doubt is growing due to that very fact. This sport is based on the friendships that we have all nourished through out the years and is truly the backbone of Stock, Mod & Pro racing.
I also wanted to make everyone aware that I have received all donations but I must apologize because we are smack dap in middle of super busy season at work and my day job must come first.
It will probably be another week or so before I can update all the donation logos etc. due to my heavy load at work and family demands at home but I promise to get everyone updated over the next few weeks.
Once again I sincerely thank you all.