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Gary Pugh says no more wood

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  • Gary Pugh says no more wood

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  • #2
    Any luck repairing my capsule?


    • #3
      All right, am I the only one busting up at this thread title??! No jokes about little blue pills, etc.?!


      • #4
        You are not alone, that's right where my mind went.
        "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

        Don Allen


        • #5
          I was innocent... till I wondered if composite would replace it & looked.
          Team Tower


          • #6
            maybe his blood pressure is to low
            Mike - One of the Montana Boys

            If it aint fast make it look good


            • #7
              Can't Get No Wood

              This is too funny. He didn't say he couldn't get no wood, he said he's not
              using no wood no more. So I guess no more buffing the wood either!!!

              Dean F. Hobart


              • #8
                Originally posted by DeanFHobart View Post
                This is too funny. He didn't say he couldn't get no wood, he said he's not
                using no wood no more. So I guess no more buffing the wood either!!!
                Folks are going by the title.. Not what he said
                Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                If it aint fast make it look good


                • #9
                  Does Larry 'the cable guy' visit here?
                  Team Tower


                  • #10
                    No wood!

                    Wood is good. kev. maybe playing for the other team?


                    • #11

                      I believe that Gary is trying to shorten his time in the shop.
                      Once molds are made future boats fabrication time will be shortened, therefore allowing for building more boats, or maybe go fishing, or maybe even take in a movie.

                      We have both wood (Krier) runabouts and Carbon,kevlar hydro's. Wood boat has longer life as there is a life shorter time limits with carbon,glass.
                      Also it is more difficult to complete a carbon boat to the perfection of a wood boat (many stock boats have incredible perfection). Anyway just my first thoughts about the two options.

