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Lock Haven's Polish Invasion- The Rest of the Story

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  • Lock Haven's Polish Invasion- The Rest of the Story

    Cezary Strumnik took three deep breaths and nodded for the official to lift the cooler lid. What he was about to attempt was at best an underground sport still undiscovered by the masses and at worst just plain crazy. The Polish race boat pilot had traveled all the way from his hometown of Chodziez, Poland to the central Pennsylvania hamlet of Lock Haven to compete in a race boat competition. He was now, however, kneeling in a wet parking lot about to stuff his head in a cooler of freezing cold water. The object of this unusual game, he had been instructed, was to pick up a lone beer with his teeth faster than anyone else.

    Cezary’s journey to America actually began four years earlier when he befriended the United States Hydroplane Racing Team while hosting the 2009 UIM World Championship in his hometown. Since that time, the members of The U.S. A-Team had become good friends with the Polish pilot and renewed their friendship every year while competing in Europe. This year, with the assistance of The American Powerboat Association Historical Society, The U.S. A-Team had arranged for Cezary to fly across the ocean along with his mechanic, Marcin, to compete in the annual Lock Haven Labor Day Regatta and the weekends’ feature event, Sunday’s world famous C-Stock Hydro “Dash for the Cash.” The Polish twosome had flown to Boston on the preceding Wednesday where they were picked up at Logan Airport by U.S. A-Team captain Billy Allen who would be hosting them for the week. The pair had a quick Thursday morning tour of the coastline south of Boston but by noon it was go-time. The three then hooked up the trailer and climbed into Allen’s Toyota Tacoma Pickup Truck for the eight-hour trip to Lock Haven.

    Friday’s test session went well with Strumnik familiarizing himself with the beautifully-painted white laydown hull produced by Jerry Davids of Davids Motorsports and to get some much needed practice on the clock start. “I have never before started on a clock,” stated the Polish driver as he suited up for testing. “In the UIM races in Europe we always use the dead engine jetty start so this is very new to me.” On Saturday morning, the tension mounted in Cezary’s brain as he walked to the bridge with Allen to watch the first few heats of the weekend and to witness for the first time in his six-year racing career, boats starting on a flying clock start. After some preliminary instruction and advice by Allen, a decent clock starter himself, the two watched the first two heats of the day with Strumnik running back and forth across the street through the bridge traffic to get the best view. When the first two heats were completed, Strumnik turned to his instructor and simply stated, “We can go now, I have a plan.”

    Later in the day, in C-Stock Hydro elimination heat number two, as the ten little hydro’s scrummed and jockeyed for position under the bridge before the start, it was obvious that Strumnik did have a plan. In the very first clock start of his life Strumnik hit the line with the leaders and stormed to turn one right in the middle of the pack. He then battled around the challenging circuit finishing in the fifth place position and thus qualifying himself for the twelve-boat feature final. At the completion of the heat it was a smiling and much relieved Strumnik who pulled into the pits among much applause from his new fans. “You made the final!” yelled an exuberant Jerry Davids as he lifted the diminutive driver from the cockpit with one hand and spun him around in the air. “We knew you could do it!” Minutes later, in the twelve boat feature final, Strumnik hit the line amid heavy traffic in the middle of the tight group and then engaged in a great mid-pack battle against some of the best C-Hydro drivers that America had to throw at him. Finishing in the seventh place spot, Strumnik was once again wet and smiling as he pulled off the course to more applause from him now growing legion of fans. “That was much fun”, said the smiling pilot at the conclusion of the race. “The American drivers are very tough.”

    In his elimination race on Sunday, Cezary’s luck ran out and he hit a buoy in turn two while battling for a qualifying spot thus disqualifying himself from the two-heat final. His consolation prize, however, was to witness two heats of great racing as mid-westerners, Joe Silvestri and Brian Williams, along with east-coasters, A. J. Jennings and Billy Allen, put on a show for the crowd as they scratched, kicked, bit, and thumbed each other in the eyes for two heats on the angry Susquehanna River. In heat one it was local favorite A. J. Jennings from Aston, Pennsylvania outclassing the field and taking the checkered flag for the heat win. In heat two it was Allen, driving the beautiful 26-A owned by Bob “Crowbar” Cronin who led wire to wire to take the win in heat two. When the spray had settled and the points were counted it was the high flying 9-P of A. J. Jennings with the overall win as dad, Alex Senior settled back in his lounge chair with a fresh cigar and a big smile. Second went to the last year’s winner Allen and third place
    went to past champion Silvestri.

    As the tension from two days of intense racing settled into Sunday evenings’ party atmosphere, it was now time for the other big attraction of the Lock Haven Regatta weekend—cooler bobbing!
    Cezary Strumnik now plunged his head into the ice-cold water hoping to succeed in this wacky American boat racing tradition. As the time ticked by, seconds seemed like minutes as the assembled masses fidgeted with anticipation wondering if Cezary Strumnik would ever come up for air. When he finally did emerged with a cold beer bottle clutched between his frozen lips, the crowd exploded into a whoop that could be heard all the way back to Chodziez, Poland!

    “That was a bigger noise than I have ever gotten for winning a boat race in Europe”, said the shivering Strumnik as he shook hands with the crowd of admirers after the event. Although he did not produce a gold medal time it was, however, good enough for third place and with this finish, Cezary Strumnik secured his place in Lock Haven boat racing history.

    On Monday, the last day of racing, in another highly competitive C-Hydro contest, Strumnik proved that he is as good a hydroplane driver as he is a cooler bobber. Now getting used to the new boat and the clock start, Strumnik battled to a solid third place and his best finish of the long race weekend.

    Asked about his American racing experience, Strumnik was quick to acknowledge all the help he received in order to make his dream of racing in American a reality. “I want to thank the APBA Historical Society for starting this international racing program and for buying my plane ticket, The U.S. A-Team and Billy Allen for hosting me and also Jerry Davids who built a great boat and for bringing me a faster motor to race.” stated Strumnik as he prepared to leave the venue. “The racers were very helpful to me and were good sportsmen. Hopefully I can come back and race here again someday.”

    Attached Files
    Fast Boats Rock!!

  • #2

    If anyone has pictures of Cezary racing and doesn't mind us using them on our website or sending them to the Propeller, please submit them to this thread. PopPop has posted some fantastic pictures on his threads, but if anyone has others they'd like to share, we are looking for more pictures.

    Thanks so much in advance!!

    64W & 22B


    • #3
      I'll go through and get some more shots tomorrow.
      !"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."


      • #5
        One More

        Here is another. I enjoyed the races this year as always. Thanks!
        Attached Files


        • #6
          It was a pleasure to meet Cezary and Marcin. They are great representatives of the Polish racing community and I look forward to hopefully seeing them here next year. I will, of course, donate whatever I can to help make that happen.
          John Runne

          Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

          True parity is one motor per class.

          It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

          NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


          • #7
            Johns equipment.

            John, i hope you can buy the kid a new helmet next year so he does not need to use duct tape for his shield. lol. Thanks for all you do to help people get on the water.


            • #8
              Thanks for the photos~ they're excellent!!

              Just wanted to add a little note from Cezary himself~

              Dear Powerboat Friends from US,

              We already arrived safely at home. I would like to say some words of praise and thanks to all who was supported me in LOCK HAVEN. I've never been to a race where is such friendly atmosphere and relations between ALL participants. A BIG word of THANKS I'd like to say for all "A TEAM" members, especially to the reliable and irreplaceable captain - BILLY ALLEN for all support which I got during my stay in US. I am really grateful to the APBA Historical Society who paid for my plane ticket to the US. I address a big THANKS to Jerry Davids (Davids Motorsports USA) who supplied me best engine in whole US and also the Delaware Valley Racing club who were so hospitable. And thanks to the many others who I met during weekend in Lock Haven who were for me, really friendly and helpful. Great atmosphere, many friends, good parties (freak Americans with coolerbobbing and flipcup competition ) and obviously great and tough racing. Thanks one more time, it was my one of the best weekends in my life, mostly because of great people!

              Cezary Strumnik
              64W & 22B


              • #9
                Fantastic story and great pictures!! Thanks for sharing. How cool is this?!?!


                • #10
                  They were cool guys. Hope they make the journey again. <label for="rb_iconid_10"></label>
                  Last edited by Sonny; 09-14-2013, 09:00 AM.
                  Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.


                  • #11

                    Glad to see you continuing a racing alliance with the Polish. Gary and I did the same starting at the 1985 0-350 world championship in Boretto, Italy.

                    Multi world champion Waldemar Marszelak came to our rescue with a quick ignition tweek when Gary's Konig had a top RPM burbble. We were able to repay the kindness when we hosted Waldemar and his mechanic Adam at the 1986 0-250 world championship held in Ypsilanti,Mi. Waldemar drove my Yamato RA250 powered 1985 Pugh Boat Works entry. Over the years, we collaborated on more occaisions.
                    " It's a sad day when you've outgrown everything"
                    Art Pugh

