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SOA's Speed Freek Week 2013!

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  • SOA's Speed Freek Week 2013!

    It's just around the corner; are you ready?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Yes sir!

    Soap Lake Sanction:

    Yelm Sanction:
    Kyle Bahl

    "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


    • #3
      My sister-in-law vacationed in Soap Lake this last weekend and saw this at the local pub. Not very often when the town where we are racing creates and distributes their own fliers in addition to the one we provided, not to mention pay us to race.

      Last I heard, free green fees for JSH/JSR and all the rest of the class green fees are highly discounted.

      See you in a couple of weeks!
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Soap Lake

        I raced there about 40 years ago. Dennis Lee & I were in a tight race for region high points in ASR. We each ended up with a 1st & 2nd that weekend. It went down to Lawrence Lake & I ended up with the title.

        Wash your boat with fresh water & flush your motor after the race. That Soap Lake water will take varnish off! The good side effect, it cured my athlete feet!


        • #5
          Water at Soap Lake

          The water at Soap Lake is much less "soapy" then it was in the past. JW and I were there in July....I waded out to above my knees and water felt fantastic. I light hose job wil now take care of any residual stuff on boats and motors, as the inboard group proved this spring. Dave


          • #6
            Originally posted by daveracerdsh View Post
            The water at Soap Lake is much less "soapy" then it was in the past. JW and I were there in July....I waded out to above my knees and water felt fantastic. I light hose job wil now take care of any residual stuff on boats and motors, as the inboard group proved this spring. Dave
            Glad to hear that. In '73 it was like Salton Sea is now.


            • #7
              Race weekend Updates

              Can be seen here: https://social.apba-racing.com/discu...ke-and-yelm-wa
              Kyle Bahl

              "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


              • #8
                Results for soap lake on the Soa Facebook page. APBA social isn't workig on my iPhone for some reason....
                Kyle Bahl

                "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


                • #9
                  Saturday Results from Soap Lake as posted to the SOA Website.

                  20ssh final
                  1-Dunlap- no record
                  Lots of bf

                  25ssr final:
                  1-bahl- no record

                  500ccmh final
                  1- Maroney
                  2- Goehring
                  3- Peterson

                  Ash final
                  1- smiley (sw) no rec
                  2- 220r
                  3- Martin

                  350 final
                  1- Jamie Nilsen
                  2- Jim Jolson
                  Dnf- Malhiot

                  Csh final
                  1- Magnuson- no rec
                  2- Lewis
                  3- Malhiot

                  750ccmh final
                  1- Goehring- no rec
                  2- Magnuson
                  3- Bartley

                  K-pro final
                  1- 199r
                  2- 662r
                  220 and 119 dq

                  Dsh final
                  1- Goehring
                  2- Magnuson
                  3- Peeters

                  Kpro final
                  1- 199r
                  2- 622r
                  3- 888r Thompson

                  Axr final
                  1- 102r
                  2- 888r

                  Jr final
                  1- 199r- no rec
                  3- 119r
                  4-150r marquart

                  Jh final-
                  1- 333
                  3- 311
                  4- 119
                  5- 150
                  6- 623
                  7- 29
                  8- 500

                  No records set today. Difficult weather conditions with 95 degrees and so humid that's it was equivalent to running at 3000’ feet (Soap Lake is 1100’).

                  Welcome to hydroracer, we hope you enjoy your visit.


                  • #10

                    It was hot and humid...felt like we were in the deep south. As co-race director I want to thank everybody that supported event. One minor accident this afternoon with a J driver having to be transported to the hospital with a possible broken arm. That stuff bothers me a lot. Dave


                    • #11

                      Thanks for putting on a great race! For a first year race it was great especially in a town that wants racing.

                      It was great seeing 11 J Stock Hydros on the water.

                      I was at the hospital when they released Travis and no broken bones but will be very sore for a few days.


                      • #12
                        Congratulations race committee

                        Running a first race at a new site presents lots of challenges, and the Soap Lake race committee handled them all perfectly. The weather was not favorable for records, but with a Seattle winter coming that shot of heat might have to hold us Seattle mossybacks for a while

                        Coolest part of the weekend, no question, 11 J hydros, SOA rocks!!! David Williams told me we have another solid field of J boat builders for this winter too. I believe my dream of having elimination heats in J stock at Nationals next year has a good chance of becoming a reality. Glad to hear Travis is OK too.
                        Moby Grape Racing
                        "Fast Boats Driven Hard"


                        • #13

                          I want to thank Terry Anderson, the Shaw family, Mark Mallory, Ric Sanstrom, and JW for helping put on a great event. Sometimes first year races have major issues..but this really did not. I checked the weather channel and the offical high and low for Soap Lake on Saturday was 99 and 72. No wonder we did not set any records. And....there was a lot of humidity.....that made things worse. We did have a cool race sponsor, the Del Red pub.....stumbling distance to all of the hotels in town...great food, good drinks...a really fun place. Soap Lake, like a lot of small towns, does not have a lot going for it....no real living wage jobs, mostly tourism keeps them afloat. The pits were literally right in town....and there was a large contingent of locals that wanted to be a part of event. Jan Shaw paid them 10 dollars a day, plus lunch, to either work pulling boats in and out of the water or work the gates....good call Jan. Some of the guys pulling boats out of water also helped us tear down, they were awesome! One kid...maybe 12 years old, was a poster child for what can go wrong if you do not make the right choices early on. He sorta helped for a little bit on Saturday, an hour or so...and was pretty demanding that he get paid up front for working. We paid him etc....and I noticed that he already had tattoos on his arms....pretty sad. He showed up again Sunday and I had to shoo him off....but...racing does make a difference in a small town like this. For every bad apple there were ten people that we made a positive impression on.....and that's what counts. A lot of kids were put into my D stock both days in the pits....and had their pics taken.....this is something they will remember for a long time. I had quite a few of the helpers, and townsfolks, ask if we were coming back next year. I said yes we would. We DO make a difference in peoples lives, even if pit and racing conditions are not the best. Again, thank you to everybody that showed up and thanx for all the help. Dave


                          • #14
                            Well said, Dave. Everything ran smoothly. The toughest part (for me) was battling the heat. It really wore you down. It was definitely nice for me to travel less than two hours to a race site!
                            Sean Byrne


                            • #15
                              Soap Lake

                              I went out testing Friday...ran 3 props....was very happy with speeds. Saturday rig (d stock hydro) would not get out of it's own way. Could not get it started second heat, even worse on Sunday. Tore motor down monday....discovered bottom bearing seals were completely gone. You could see light thru the bearing cap. No wonder motor was hard to start and had no speed....lol.....

