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Flying hydroplanes not entertaining enough for today's youth From The Detroit News:

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  • Flying hydroplanes not entertaining enough for today's youth From The Detroit News:

    Detroit — The grand experiment failed.

    My 11-year-old son, Brandon, spent Sunday with me at the Gold Cup on the Detroit River. He said he liked watching the hydroplane races — as he fiddled with his I-Touch. He watched the racing for about 10 minutes, then returned to playing games.

    Talk about a generation gap. One of the oldest events in Detroit sports should be revered. Instead, my son — as well as kids in the groups sitting next to us — spent their time on their cell phones, munching on ribs and chicken and throwing around footballs and baseballs during races.

    “It was really fun,” Brandon insisted. “(But) in between (races) it was boring.”

    But what about playing video games during the races?

    “I can multi-task,” he said. “I was looking.”

    Adults wide-eyed

    In the 1960s and 1970s, things were different.

    These boats were magic. The speed and power they produced was amazing. Of course, there weren’t technological distractions either.

    Sunday, you could see the difference.

    The adults were wide-eyed and focused on the racing.

    The kids were mostly glassy-eyed and distracted by their gadgets.

    What happened?

    Robert Peace and Ray Leach have an idea.

    They were part of four families that lined the shore from near the Detroit Yacht Club to the Belle Isle Beach. They pitched a tent and grilled just as they have the last 10 years. It’s a family tradition.

    But they’ve also witnessed the changes over the years. The enthusiasm isn’t what it used to be.

    “When you look around, you just don’t see as many people,” Peace said. “We love coming here.”

    Games not enough

    It seems as if everything in sports needs a catch to attract young people.

    You have a Ferris wheel and merry-go-round at Comerica Park.

    They play loud music at Red Wings and Pistons games.

    And every minor league sport fills time with games, rides and attractions.

    Remember when sports were just about that ... sports?

    The four families had their complaints, too, but plan to be back for next year’s Gold Cup.

    As for my son ...

    After the third set of heats, he asked: “Can we leave? It’s getting hot.”

    He wasn’t hot. He was bored.

    And here’s the proof. A few minutes later I asked if he wanted to ride the giant slide located in the middle of Belle Isle. His eyes lit up and he rode it six times.

    (313) 222-1494

    From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/2...#ixzz2ZsFcY069
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  • #2
    I don't go to the local stock car races anymore because the promoter spends more time pleasing the crowd with raffles and shooting T shirts into the stands with an air cannon than the actual racing.



    • #3
      The times they are a changin'

      I REALLY fear that with no Blue Angels this year the cover will have been stripped, and it will be on full view to see that very few people actually care about hydro racing in Seattle. I sure hope I'm wrong.
      Moby Grape Racing
      "Fast Boats Driven Hard"


      • #4
        Originally posted by propnuts View Post
        I REALLY fear that with no Blue Angels this year the cover will have been stripped, and it will be on full view to see that very few people actually care about hydro racing in Seattle. I sure hope I'm wrong.
        I really hate to say it but Tony I think this will be a bad year for the big boats in Seattle.. Maybe Boeing will do a couple slow rolls with the Dreamliner to wake folks up!! lol
        Mike - One of the Montana Boys

        If it aint fast make it look good


        • #5

          Their are many reason, & outside options, for the decline in unlimited interest, but I have to think one of the major ones is the lack of noise. Like NASCAR and drag racing, the ground pounding sound adds to the excitement of the event. Once the piston motors... Allison, Rolls Royce, Rolls Merlin & Rolls Griffin...were replaced by the lighter, more reliable & quieter (lack of noise) turbine motors, we (in my mind) have seen a decline in interest.

          Unlimited racing is as competitive as ever, but as a kid being raised in north Seattle, I could hear the piston boats from my house (half hour away) during qualifying. Yet now, even if I'm at Lake Washington, I have to keep an eye on the pit area or I may miss a boat coming out onto the course.

          Love the unlimiteds, but like all types of boat racing, the question may be...what can we do to improve the product?

          My thoughts only


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nilsen Racing View Post
            Their are many reason, & outside options, for the decline in unlimited interest, but I have to think one of the major ones is the lack of noise. Like NASCAR and drag racing, the ground pounding sound adds to the excitement of the event. Once the piston motors... Allison, Rolls Royce, Rolls Merlin & Rolls Griffin...were replaced by the lighter, more reliable & quieter (lack of noise) turbine motors, we (in my mind) have seen a decline in interest.

            Unlimited racing is as competitive as ever, but as a kid being raised in north Seattle, I could hear the piston boats from my house (half hour away) during qualifying. Yet now, even if I'm at Lake Washington, I have to keep an eye on the pit area or I may miss a boat coming out onto the course.

            Love the unlimiteds, but like all types of boat racing, the question may be...what can we do to improve the product?

            My thoughts only
            I agree with you totally Jim. I rod my bike to the pits every day for qualifying. We could hear them from all sides of Mercer Island.. I stopped going when they went to the whistle.. Not interested.. Really liked the unlimited lights but now they got the boot..

            Maybe they should pin some playing cards to hit the turbine blades!!! lol
            Mike - One of the Montana Boys

            If it aint fast make it look good


            • #7
              Originally posted by propnuts View Post
              I REALLY fear that with no Blue Angels this year the cover will have been stripped, and it will be on full view to see that very few people actually care about hydro racing in Seattle. I sure hope I'm wrong.
              No need to worry about Seattle, the F1'S will be there, always a crowd pleaser!


              • #8
                My 1st post so please forgive me if I break a rule.

                For hydro racing this is exciting:

                I'd be changing my underwear after that ride.

                And for sound (non hydro) this one is hard to beat:

                My girlfriend makes me jump in the car and take her there when she hears them practicing from 2 miles away. I grew up watching these guys.


                • #9

