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OSY-400 MM in Italy, Rasmus Haugasmägi World

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  • OSY-400 MM in Italy, Rasmus Haugasmägi World

    English Translation

    OSY-400 MM in Italy, Rasmus Haugasmägi World
    posted 15 Jun 2013 07:30 by Vahur Joala [ updated 16 Jun 2013 11:00 ]

    World Champion had previously mentioned Rasmus Haugasmägi.
    He also lost his other Estonians like their best propeller, but still managed to win.
    Two years earlier Sten Kalder world champion suffered a loss as a result more and propeller had to settle for third place overall.
    They also won a meritorious pilot Slovakia Miroslav Bazinsky. Was also awarded Algo Six.
    Now, for the fourth year in a row OSY-400 World Cup podium was l Tartu Kalev Veemotoklubi pilots.


    2 Rasmus Haugasmägi


    1 Sten Kalder


    1 Sten Kalder
    2 Rasmus Haugasmägi


    1 Rasmus Haugasmägi
    3 Sten Kalder

    Both pilot boats are built in Tartu Tartu (Üllar Põvvat leadership) and the propellers are manufactured by Lembit Aaslav-Kaasik.
    Rasmus boat ready for a couple of weeks ago, just before the EM-i, where Rasmus won the silver medal. Work and plagued charges itself completely.
    Tartu, the two are still young and gifted athletes have risen to the world's most popular boating class Superpowerful ruler.
    Strength for the future!

    1 Rasmus Haugasmägi EST 1200
    2 Miroslav Bazinsky SVK 1000
    3 Sten Kalder EST 825
    4 Luke Hugman GBR
    5 Algo Six EST
    6 Cezary Strumnik POL
    7 Annika Suuk EST
    8 Billy Allen USA

    The fourth race was led by Sten Kalder, but the "angular" pöördes and remained Miroslav Bazinsky second place after losing the silver medal.
    The third was an Englishman Luke Hugman. Rasmus Haugasmägi world champion last start did not attend.
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