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NBRA Short Course Nationals-East

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  • NBRA Short Course Nationals-East

    Grove Oklahoma June 14 testing, Nationals on June 15, and regular race on the 16. 1.2 million dollar facilities built for the Bass Master Classic. Wolf Creek Park at 16th St. and Hyway 59 Grove , Ok.74344
    Dennis Burke- Referree, Pasty Ruth Scorer, Melissa Backward-Camera, Jim Talley Weigh Master, Terry Long-Pick up Boat, Grove Fire dept-Crash Boat, Dan Crummett-Announcer, Pit Boss- Col. Jack Stotts, Please Bring Your State Flag for opening Cer.
    Entry Fees both days-$20/class, Tow Money $3000, Prizes;$250 E Mod Hydro, D Mod. Run. $250., $100 special event C stock hydro one heat lemans start. Medalions first three places for Short Course Nationals.(Must be on podium when called). Your best three classes high point Clyde Bayer Memorial Throphy for weekend.
    Note;Racers will be announced as you enter the water, please fill out information form give to Dan Crummett. $15 OBRA membership for out of state drivers. Camping is allow in designated area and a permit;call Annie at
    1918-786-6107 no charge.
    Additional Attractions; Large Car show, Vintage Racing Motorcycle Show, In water Wood Boat Show. Possible street dance all on one site. Food vendors.
    additional tow money is possible, $3000 advertisting buget. $8000 in door prizes, each worth 50$ or more. Each Driver will get a ticket to win. Are you coming?
    Last edited by doc 35-0; 05-11-2013, 04:23 PM. Reason: too much white space

  • #2
    Motels at Grove

    We are waiting on a major sponsor who will want us to use their hotel. If you feel that you need to make reservation now, Honey Creek Motel, and stonebrook motel are good places, please wait if you can and I will announce it next week.


    • #3
      Out of state drivers?

      What do you mean?.... $15 OBRA membership for out of state drivers.....

      Are you saying that everyone who is not an OBRA member needs to pay $15? In addition to class fees? I believe everyone who plans to attend is already a paid member of their own club plus paid members of NBRA. Please clarify for us, thank you.
      Last edited by PROPDOC; 05-11-2013, 09:09 PM.
      Gardner Miller
      Lone Star Outboard Racing Association

      "Water is for racing. Asphalt is for the parking lot."
      Rember....Freedom isn't...."Free".......


      • #4
        Gardner....my dad meant that if you dont already belong to a local affiliated club of NBRA you can join OBRA...

        Rick Miller34-0


        • #5

          Originally posted by DrRick34-0 View Post
          Gardner....my dad meant that if you dont already belong to a local affiliated club of NBRA you can join OBRA...

          Rick Miller34-0
          Thanks for the clarification, I thought that was what he meant but it didn't come across that way. Thank you, hope to see you in a few weeks!
          Last edited by PROPDOC; 05-11-2013, 09:10 PM.
          Gardner Miller
          Lone Star Outboard Racing Association

          "Water is for racing. Asphalt is for the parking lot."
          Rember....Freedom isn't...."Free".......


          • #6
            Please define "local" please so if you are from a club outside of Oklahoma you pay an additional $15.00 on top of the race fees and fuel to come and race. Or, if you are a member of an NBRA affiliated club you are exempt from this fee?

            Welcome to hydroracer, we hope you enjoy your visit.


            • #7
              Thunder on Wolf Creek

              More information; Testing will be from 10-5pm on Friday. We are in a residentual area and noise can bring complains from locals. So come early and have the whole day to test. Testing will start at 9am on Sat. till 11am. Driver's meeting at 1105. We will have a open ceremony with drivers holding their state flags and drivers will be introduced. A broadway star, Ron Young will sing the national anthem. We will bring the boats down a ramp and the announcer will give your number, color of boat and something about your driver history(you must give that information to Dan Crummett). Winners will stand on podium and Miss Grand Lake will put the medalion on your neck. This will be done for the Short Course only. If you havn't joined a NBRA club, OBRA has a reduced rate of 15$. If you havn't raced in a NBRA race this year the day fee is 15$ for NBRA. This fee is used to pay for expenses for National Championship events and trophies for the High Point awards and other expenses of NBRA. We have $8000 in door prizes that I collected over the winter and spring, all valued at least $50. the large prize is a $1000 big screen tv. Each driver and car, motorcycle entry will get a chance to win these prizes. You can purchase a ticket for $10 and that money goes to tow money. The facilities at this site is just the best, gravel shoreline, concrete ramps, good visibility, digital clock, camping area near boats. I have reduced the entry fee in hopes of getting as many boats here, we have room for you.
              We need to recognize that what we do is extraordinary and we should do something to give our self's some credit. Doc Miller 19187911733 cell


              • #8

                Any hotel info yet?
                Keith Kampen


                • #9
                  Made reservations yesterday at Stonebrook.


                  • #10
                    Hotel Monico

                    Looking at Google earth the race site should be outstanding! Where will the RV parking be and how will the trailers be located at the site. Can the RV stay attached to the trailer. We will arrive on Thursday night.

                    Last edited by OldRacerBU; 05-13-2013, 04:41 AM.


                    • #11
                      Thunder on Wolf Creek

                      OBRA is offering a membership of a NBRa club for those who may not be a member of a NBRA club. We expect a number of racers that are not members of a NBRA club that will come to our race. I joined a club last year in a APBA race, the membership cost $35 and they did not send me a thank you note or any information about their club. It was just a fee that it cost to run a race. When you add that to the $40 per class, it cost 420 to race that weekend. I really want to lower the cost of racing, because I remember when gas cost .25cents a gallon. Our normal cost of a OBRA membership is 35$. To come to Grove and race a weekend , I believe $15 is still too high., but the rules say you must belong to a local club and we are offering it at a bargin.
                      Parking of RV, if we do not have rain will be on a grass area near (80feet) from the pits. If it rains then we will need to stay on the parking lot near the pits. We do not have a space problem with 10 acres of parking lot. Everyone that has visited the site has really like it. Eric Vanover, Bryan Tharpe, Burning Vernon Barfield to name a few..Let's make some THUNDER!


                      • #12
                        Parking at Thunder Race

                        Just pulled up Google map. It was taken several years ago. There has be a expansion costing 1.2 million dollars. the parking lot is expanded to the west and south. They have scheduled 60 bass tournments this year. one last week had 600 boats..we have room for everyone....


                        • #13

                          Doc, should we call and make reservations or still wait on what you are working on?
                          Keith Kampen


                          • #14

                            We made reservations at Stonebrook a few weeks back. Given the distance we travel, was not taking a chance on not getting a room close to the pits.

                            Hopefully more tow money is received from the sponsors, work hard Doc !! 8K in door prizes is sweet, but cash in hand is better.
                            Dave Mason
                            Just A Boat Racer


                            • #15
                              bump bump

