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growing stock outboard racing.warning: controversial

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  • #31


    Herbie says: As Bob Rusnak correctly posted, “you are wrong on every count”. The USTS Board consists of several very savvy business owners. Definition of a business owner-one who signs the front side of a pay check. They did considerable homework before making this move so the move would be beneficial to all concerned. I believe it was Abe Lincoln who said “It’s much better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than open your mouth and erase any doubt.” You really should have the correct information regarding the USTS before you let your fingers do the talking.

    Let me address the points you raised:
    • The USTS is a category: No it’s a business-a Pro Boat Racing Business-they run several classes
    • USTS getting $10,000 a race: Wrong again-They now get $15,000 plus per race
    • Saving $800 per weekend: “Wrong again-In addition to race insurance savings, the USTS is saving on insurance for testing and considerable savings on dues. This results in saving many thousands of dollars over a season, not just $800 per race. In addition to saving money, they get to write their own rule book.
    • Spectators for the racers: Wrong again- The USTS is now drawing many thousands of spectators to its races. For example: Depue-30,000 to 50,000 for the weekend, Hartford 10,000 to 15,000
    • Using APBA as a scape goat: Ask yourself - What did APBA do for the USTS?

    Herbie finds it interesting that the folks knocking the USTS decision to associate with NBRA are from other categories, many of whom have never attended a USTS race.


    • #32
      Originally posted by adamallen View Post
      If y'all would focus on membership for the series you wouldn't have such a conflict with the HOC and the Antiques. You let a class that uses WWII era engines out-membership you.

      There is an awful lot about Boat racing you do not know,and especially the USTS

      APBA is not suppose to grow the sport there job is to operate with in the budget it has,but like the government it has become top heavy.

      The USTS on the other hand has more dollars to operate in its budget than the APBA pro category. They are trying to operate like a third tier sport and not just a club--there are those and I'm one that believe they will be successful.

      You see as you and many in APBA believe in the old theory that you need thousands of drivers to thrive many USTS members know this is not the case,more drivers equates to more membership fees for clubs Like APBA not
      better races or racing.

      I do not know what racing you are involved with but I will now probably offend you, If you have never been to a USTS race chances are you have never seen a race worth watching. This is the USA and USA style racing is the most exciting in the world,sound predigest,bet you arzz it is.

      You see as the Unlimited race put on HR several weeks showed two things needed for a great race
      1. close racing
      2. Demon Speed

      USTS has both and a short program to boot.


      • #33
        Thanks Adam

        Originally posted by adamallen View Post

        You're right I've never been to one of your races but I spend more time at races over the past 4 years over multiple categories than most I know. This time spent is at a high level of the operation of the event. I am well aware of what it takes to put on a successful race/series.

        For the amount of money spent on rigs and travel in PRO the switch to NBRA for savings makes no sense. It also leads me to believe that if the money is what is getting in the way of success you're in a worse off place than we all think. And the switch to NBRA is a move made in desperation.

        To put on a series race for OPC is most likely the same as PRO. We have purses upwards of 25k in F1 and 5K in SST45 these are for each class. That puts the price of putting on the race around 50k+. The point is 10k over 5-6 classes with full fields plus ambulance and sanction and insurance is a losing value proposition for a newbie. On top of being a mechanical genius and 100 mph.

        From what I read about the agreement NBRA has no say in how the USTS runs or vice versa. I doubt that any org can sustain that level of harmony before one has animosity towards the other. Bet on it!!


        You have about as much knowledge on the contract between NBRA and the USTS as the CEO of Pepsi. We have NOT made this public knowedge yet. There is no document to be released. Some things are being finalized. But I want to address something you said that really struck me. " I doubt that any org can sustain that level of harmony before one has animosity towards the other. Bet on it!!" I am willing to take that bet with you. Would you like to bet pink slips for our tow vehicles ? Or if you prefer we can bet $5.00. You see, the difference here is we are committed to NOT making the same mistakes we feel were made that brought about the decline within APBA. All issues can be worked out, there is NO animosity. We are smart enough to understand that animosity could be the demise of the organization. Please do check up on us though, would love to see you and the family at one of the IL races.
        Dave Mason
        Just A Boat Racer


        • #34
          how fix all of this

          Originally posted by adamallen View Post
          If y'all would focus on membership for the series you wouldn't have such a conflict with the HOC and the Antiques. You let a class that uses WWII era engines out-membership you.


          Now, if we could just find away for bickering and in-fighting to attract new members our future would be brighter than any of us dare to imagine.
          Last edited by Dennis Crews; 01-10-2013, 11:47 AM.
          "In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress". -- John Adams


          • #35
            not the same pitcher

            First lets review what is being manufactured these days in the outboard world due to laws being put in place by the federal goverment.

            1. The only 2cycle outboards being produed stop @ 20hp and the 15Hp model that is made is a down tuned version of the 20-they wheigh 150lbs and are a direct inject engine
            2. The Mercury A motor is alowed only because it fits in a loophole allowed if the manufacture produces X amount of emmision compliant engines.
            3. When I started boat racing the only available new engines where the 25SS and the Champion Hot Rod
            4. The last time any new engines where developed and produed by the outboard manufactures S.O still had a pretty good membership and the manufactures could aford to develope and loose money on race engines.

            THOSE DAY ARE GONE

            The only true stock racing water sport comparable to S.O. these days are PWC's-you could say they are the S.O. of today-walk in the show room buy one-even finance it and you can go racing-buy all the parts you want right across the counter-plenty of companies making performance kits for them.

            My point is quit living in the past-S.O. racing is doing well given the climate it is competing in-it will never get back to the way it was-work on the future based on todays inviroment-work with who is buildings parts and motors-you will not find a manufacture these days that will loose money on race engine like they did in the past.

            You have some very good people doing some very good things-we all wish for the old days when a local club could run races all summer long-again those days are gone-even lake access to race is a problem.

            Concentrate on moving foreward based on today not yesterday.



            • #36
              Originally posted by Blackhawkguy View Post
              First lets review what is being manufactured these days in the outboard world due to laws being put in place by the federal goverment.

              1. The only 2cycle outboards being produed stop @ 20hp and the 15Hp model that is made is a down tuned version of the 20-they wheigh 150lbs and are a direct inject engine
              2. The Mercury A motor is alowed only because it fits in a loophole allowed if the manufacture produces X amount of emmision compliant engines.
              3. When I started boat racing the only available new engines where the 25SS and the Champion Hot Rod
              4. The last time any new engines where developed and produed by the outboard manufactures S.O still had a pretty good membership and the manufactures could aford to develope and loose money on race engines.

              THOSE DAY ARE GONE

              The only true stock racing water sport comparable to S.O. these days are PWC's-you could say they are the S.O. of today-walk in the show room buy one-even finance it and you can go racing-buy all the parts you want right across the counter-plenty of companies making performance kits for them.

              My point is quit living in the past-S.O. racing is doing well given the climate it is competing in-it will never get back to the way it was-work on the future based on todays inviroment-work with who is buildings parts and motors-you will not find a manufacture these days that will loose money on race engine like they did in the past.

              You have some very good people doing some very good things-we all wish for the old days when a local club could run races all summer long-again those days are gone-even lake access to race is a problem.

              Concentrate on moving foreward based on today not yesterday.

              thanks for the reality check


              • #37
                Kerry. Best post I've read in this thread !!


                • #38
                  not to nit pick..
                  I am quite positive the only reason the 15 merc is allowed has nothing to do with emissions nor volume produced. It has everything to do with it being a race only motor here in the US. There is a document that must be signed by the buyer to that effect. That is how they got the exemption to import and sell them.

                  "The Coffee Guy"
                  TEAM CAFFEINE
                  Cranked up and ready to Roll

                  Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                  "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                  " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                  • #39
                    The Merc 15 is still made in Wi and is export only now and they do come with a sticker on the for race use only. APBA deals with Mercury to get them for us to race.
                    Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


                    • #40
                      Race only motor

                      I believe in 2010 the door closed on the sale of any outboard engines in the U.S. regaurdless of 2 stoke or 4 stroke that did not meet the emission requirements set by the EPA. Mercury was still selling a 50 and a 90 carbureted 2 stroke up till then in the U.S. It was a phase in type of regulation with stages over about 6 years. You could still by Yamaha carbureted 2 stokes up till then also.

                      How many carbureted 2 stroke outboards Mercury still makes and sells abroad I do not know but in the United States there are none other than the race only motors.

                      I sell outboards for a living

                      I do think the original veiw point of this post to be interesting but there are way many more factors than just the Yamato engine that effect this class, it was a very well thought out view and does have some merrit.



                      • #41
                        Kerry, once again, thanks for the reality check...and if that is you in your avatar pic, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service to our country.

