I just wanted to let the boat racing community know that my father, Tom Utman, from Brockville, ON Canada passed away today around 1:40pm today.
My father started racing ASH in 1967 out eastern Ontario and attended many of the northeastern races between that time and about 1982ish in the outboard division.
He then moved to the inboard category in the newly established 2.5L division when the 2.3L cobra engine was introduced. He continued racing there until 1999.
Throughout the decades there are many that can say that he was a fierce competitor on the course and a gentle soul off it.
After his racing days he continued to crew for many boats, both inboard and outboard to the day he was diagnosed with cancer.
He fought the most aggressive cancer that I have ever experienced first hand; being diagnosed on Oct. 15 and passing away today, Nov. 13.
He was a gentle soul off the course providing his knowledge to those who needed it as a social worker but he was a fierce competitor on the course and I can only can hope that I can live up to his reputation.
He taught me how to build boats and build motors. I would like to think that he has thought the best of my designs. The motors may come later since I have left that up to him so far.
If you have any stories to share then they would be greatly appreciated! If you would like to send them directly to the family you can send them to stu_racer@hotmail.com or leave a message at 613-345-3949.
My father has had the greatest impact on my life and I would only like to pass that along to everyone else since boat racing was his greatest passion.
Service arrangements are still to be determined but I will let everyone know as soon as I can.
Spencer Utman - 19CE soon to be 16CE
My father started racing ASH in 1967 out eastern Ontario and attended many of the northeastern races between that time and about 1982ish in the outboard division.
He then moved to the inboard category in the newly established 2.5L division when the 2.3L cobra engine was introduced. He continued racing there until 1999.
Throughout the decades there are many that can say that he was a fierce competitor on the course and a gentle soul off it.
After his racing days he continued to crew for many boats, both inboard and outboard to the day he was diagnosed with cancer.
He fought the most aggressive cancer that I have ever experienced first hand; being diagnosed on Oct. 15 and passing away today, Nov. 13.
He was a gentle soul off the course providing his knowledge to those who needed it as a social worker but he was a fierce competitor on the course and I can only can hope that I can live up to his reputation.
He taught me how to build boats and build motors. I would like to think that he has thought the best of my designs. The motors may come later since I have left that up to him so far.
If you have any stories to share then they would be greatly appreciated! If you would like to send them directly to the family you can send them to stu_racer@hotmail.com or leave a message at 613-345-3949.
My father has had the greatest impact on my life and I would only like to pass that along to everyone else since boat racing was his greatest passion.
Service arrangements are still to be determined but I will let everyone know as soon as I can.
Spencer Utman - 19CE soon to be 16CE