Tis the season when many homes are loaded with flammable items, like trees, and festooned with extension cords. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SMOKE ALARMS! And if you heat with combustion - gas, oil, wood, you should have a CO2 detector in operation.
A few weeks ago our nieghbor's daughter returned from school after a seasonal fire safety drill and demanded that her parents check the smoke alarms. The one in the bedrom hall didn't work and was replaced. Last thursday, shortly after the daughter and mother had left for the day, the husband awoke to *tweet tweet tweet*. The smoke alarm. The house was on fire. He actually singed his eyebrows and hair while making his escape. No doubt, the functioning smoke alarm saved his life.
Making a safety list an' checking it twice . . . please do it. Thanks.
A few weeks ago our nieghbor's daughter returned from school after a seasonal fire safety drill and demanded that her parents check the smoke alarms. The one in the bedrom hall didn't work and was replaced. Last thursday, shortly after the daughter and mother had left for the day, the husband awoke to *tweet tweet tweet*. The smoke alarm. The house was on fire. He actually singed his eyebrows and hair while making his escape. No doubt, the functioning smoke alarm saved his life.
Making a safety list an' checking it twice . . . please do it. Thanks.