OK - I stumbled across the APBA web site today at work and then had to check it out tonight and then I found this site and was content to browse you conversations and see how many names seemed familiar and how much the sport had changed until I saw one name - Howie Nichols! Growing up around the races in the 1980's in the northeast I got dunked more times by Mr. Nichols than I can remember.
Howie - Still racing I see, how's your family? My dad would be really happy to hear how you guys are doing.
Oh, and for everyone else, I'll try to keep the personal conversations to a minimum from now on and I'll get some old pictures and old Prpeller issues next time I'm at my fathers house that are sure to stump everyone except perhaps Mr Schmidt.
- Jim Howe
Howie - Still racing I see, how's your family? My dad would be really happy to hear how you guys are doing.
Oh, and for everyone else, I'll try to keep the personal conversations to a minimum from now on and I'll get some old pictures and old Prpeller issues next time I'm at my fathers house that are sure to stump everyone except perhaps Mr Schmidt.
- Jim Howe