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New APBA stock outboard class

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  • #91
    This sounds like the Merc Challenge but with Yamatos, the GOBC hated the challange and they will hate this, they do not want to be equal, they want to talk about everyone being equal. That sounds like the GOBC in DC.


    • #92
      Originally posted by HRTV View Post
      Spot on Mike,

      Having a handful of these boats to simply travel across the country to the "big" races. nationals and races like Lock Haven etc. this is truly all that is needed. Trying to cultivate a brand new class is not the answer.

      6 brand new 302's plus six new boats with all hardware, you can probably do this for well under $50,000. Send two complete rigs to the highest preforming regions where attends is highest. Regions could request that the boats be transferred within regions for upcoming large events.

      * Every boat is for sale and replenished after the completion of the sale. The sale is carried out via credit card reader at the race site tied into the APBA banking system. Proceeds from the sale are shared between the APBA and the club that made the sale.
      Get a couple of two man boats out there to give possible new racers a ride for the price of a one day membership. (A three boat fake race) After a thrill ride they will be hooked. Then let them get into the class that is best for them.
      Last edited by Wild Bill 96D; 02-02-2012, 05:12 PM.


      • #93
        Originally posted by score69 View Post
        Get a couple of two man boats out there to give possible new racers a ride for the price of a one day membership. (A three boat fake race) After a thrill ride they will be hooked. Then let them get into the class that is best for the them.
        @score69 Another great idea, there are a million ways to this without trying to start a new class. Like you said there could actually be a mini race with two or three of these rigs. Let that spray hit them..... job done! this will also allow them to feel the speed and see if its really their cup of tea.
        Last edited by HRTV; 02-02-2012, 03:45 PM.
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        • #94
          Keep the info coming

          Keep all of the good stuff (info) coming to my committee here and on APBA website...this class will be going in November of this year...so those people that do not like it...sorry. We have good news coming on the prop front, and things are moving forward way faster then I ever thought possible...And I know that this class is going to be a huge hit. go to the APBA website for more info starting sunday. And...If u have positive ways of making class better...send me an e mail at Daveracerdsh@aol.com. Love, Davey
          Last edited by daveracerdsh; 02-03-2012, 11:07 PM. Reason: speling


          • #95

            In a moment of weakness I have opted to post again. As I suggested previously to work your way backwards from you professed goal. Dave, your first post stated your goal.."302ssh is going to be aimed at new racers and those who do not want to spend a ton of money on equipment" You have yet to inform us on your hull specs...."hull dimensions and final details are going to be worked out". It seems the vision you have is way too similar to what John Peters is attempting to do with OSY US to UIM OSY over a four year implementation process. A truly stock Yamato propelled hull. This concept is not cost effective in regards to entry cost of the motor or hull. If you implement hull specs you have essentially mandated that a new racer purchase a new unproven hull that with hardware will set the new racer back about $3500 minimum vs 1-2 thousand for used C hulls including hardware. As has been professed in this thread that for $2095 you can get a stock 302 from Ric at RPM Marine. A bit misleading to the newbie as to be race ready you will need the following...kill switch wiring 34.95, reed stop adj. 40.00, adjustable kick out 42.00, mag locks 15.00, kill switch wiring 29.95. And another 123.00 for a 9/16 prop shaft..what I consider necessary since the majority of props available are not metric. This makes your "stock" motor 4-6 hundreds more expensive than a used blueprinted 302 that is legal to run in no less than 3 US hydro classes, when your proposed motor can be run competitevely in one special 302ssh class, thus restricting three fold the amount of seat time a new racer can get for his/her investment. With the details you have leaked, it seems apparent it is NOT cost effective to the new racer and way to similar to the vision of converting US OSY to UIM OSY and I see no need for two truly stock Yamato powered classes. I feel your goal would be better served with a couple of tweaks to the Novice C class that you and Tony Perman implemented in Region 10. My tweaks would be minimal, qualified entrants to Novice C class pony up say $200 to run the class for the season. The $200 goes to C. Dewald to build identical three blade props for the prop draw. Ultimately clubs across the US have a cache of identical C props that are drawn by contestants of Novice C each weekend. This allows the "new" racer to purchase discounted used equipment, motor and hull, that he/she can run in 3-5 currently in exhistant Yamato classes. This used equipment would have the future potential to be competitive in multiple Yamato classes down the road, unlike your proposal that seems to have no competitive value outside this specific class. Bottom line is that as new racer, I can purchase used hardware equipped boats and blue printed motors that could be competitive in 3 classes way cheaper than the "new racer" can purchase equipment for your new 302ssh class. Equipment that has the potential to be competitive and provide seat time in three classes vs one. I appreciate your efforts and support your goal, but this new racer's perspective is that you will not achieve your goal taking this approach. Just appreciative that I have a season of Novice C in region 10 to participate in as I attempt to become competitive in the multiple conventional Yamato classes with one motor and one hull.


            • #96
              Originally posted by stockc View Post
              If you implement hull specs you have essentially mandated that a new racer purchase a new unproven hull that with hardware will set the new racer back about $3500 minimum .
              3500 for a c stock.. im gonna be needing some plans ...Time to start building boats again.. not a bad 40 hr check. less than a grand in lumber and glue


              • #97
                Originally posted by daveracerdsh View Post
                Keep all of the good stuff (info) coming to my committee here and on APBA website...this class will be going in November of this year...so those people that do not like it...sorry. We have good news coming on the prop front, and things are moving forward way faster then I ever thought possible...And I know that this class is going to be a huge hit. go to the APBA website for more info starting sunday. And...If u have positive ways of making class better...send me an e mail at Daveracerdsh@aol.com. Love, Davey
                Do the 302 come with prop? If so, why not require use of the factory prop. Other than kill switch being added, run exactly as it comes out of the box.


                • #98
                  Rules, prices, etc.

                  Lots of good input.

                  Give Dave and the team some time to put the details together and share with everyone.

                  The overall goal is to help get folks into boats. That vision will help guide the decisions and rules.

                  - Mike


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by DougMc View Post
                    Do the 302 come with prop? If so, why not require use of the factory prop. Other than kill switch being added, run exactly as it comes out of the box.
                    I've purchased two 302's from Ric Montoya and neither came with a prop
                    Sean Byrne


                    • go to first page

                      i believe in dave's post it said it comes with a 3 blade prop that you must use at least that is how i interpeted


                      • Originally posted by wright racing View Post
                        i believe in dave's post it said it comes with a 3 blade prop that you must use at least that is how i interpeted
                        If you look at post 97 he is talking about a prop that comes with the engine from JAPAN but when you get the motor there is no prop from JAPAN.. If I remember right the only thing a driver can play with in Japan racing is the prop so they would not give them away with the engines
                        Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                        If it aint fast make it look good


                        • Dave, you are to be admired and congratulated........

                          for your efforts in trying to get something going in your category that you, and evidently others, feel strongly about. In this sport, and most other club type activities, 5-10% of the members do ALL the work, while the others gripe, so you have that to look forward to. The one advantage is EVERYONE will know who you are when this is over.

                          This is from someone who has volunteered for various jobs since 1968. One of the reasons I have continuing battles with Basal Cell skin cancer is all the hours I spent in a turn boat in the 80's and 90's with USTS, no matter the latest sun screen.

                          THAT BEING SAID, you need to calm down a little. This is not life and death, and as I found out a long time ago, one of the worst ways to run a sport (or most any other club type activity) is democratically, as everyone wants their say, and the originators of the idea get very little credit for it, or having average intelligence either. It is very hard to be calm, when lots of folks are insulting your intelligence, but believe me, it is a better way.

                          The attitude that comes through in your posts, is NOT going to be conducive to getting a lot of cooperation from your peers. When you tell someone to "get off my back, leave me and my team alone, ect.", like your most recent and other posts, believe me, it will not get you much cooperation.

                          Just a helpful hint from someone a lot older than you, and who has fought the right battles with some of your attitude that is showing now, and had a harder time than I might have if I had "cooled it" a little.

                          It is hard to be humble when you have what you feel is a good idea, but it is usually a better way to accomplish what you want and feel strongly about.

                          Good Luck with this project.
                          Last edited by bill van steenwyk; 02-04-2012, 09:58 PM.


                          • Make the class use the existing J-props. Just set the motor as deep as it needs to be to keep the rpm in the 7000 range most of us run. If it runs 3" below the bottom, so what.

                            Have the novice guys pick out props just like the j's do.

                            That would keep the cost down.

                            What is the pitch of the J props?

                            Just a thought.

                            Tim Weber


                            • 302ssr

                              If there is going to be a 302SSR (Roll up only) Can I start my five years of experience the first year? Factory Roll Ups......Im in!

                              Craig could run as the pace boat and show everyone how to do it.
                              Dave W. Young
                              "Roll it up or roll it back on the trailer"


                              • wow.. even a new guy gets it...

                                Originally posted by stockc View Post
                                In a moment of weakness I have opted to post again. As I suggested previously to work your way backwards from you professed goal. Dave, your first post stated your goal.."302ssh is going to be aimed at new racers and those who do not want to spend a ton of money on equipment" You have yet to inform us on your hull specs...."hull dimensions and final details are going to be worked out". It seems the vision you have is way too similar to what John Peters is attempting to do with OSY US to UIM OSY over a four year implementation process. A truly stock Yamato propelled hull. This concept is not cost effective in regards to entry cost of the motor or hull. If you implement hull specs you have essentially mandated that a new racer purchase a new unproven hull that with hardware will set the new racer back about $3500 minimum vs 1-2 thousand for used C hulls including hardware. As has been professed in this thread that for $2095 you can get a stock 302 from Ric at RPM Marine. A bit misleading to the newbie as to be race ready you will need the following...kill switch wiring 34.95, reed stop adj. 40.00, adjustable kick out 42.00, mag locks 15.00, kill switch wiring 29.95. And another 123.00 for a 9/16 prop shaft..what I consider necessary since the majority of props available are not metric. This makes your "stock" motor 4-6 hundreds more expensive than a used blueprinted 302 that is legal to run in no less than 3 US hydro classes, when your proposed motor can be run competitevely in one special 302ssh class, thus restricting three fold the amount of seat time a new racer can get for his/her investment. With the details you have leaked, it seems apparent it is NOT cost effective to the new racer and way to similar to the vision of converting US OSY to UIM OSY and I see no need for two truly stock Yamato powered classes. I feel your goal would be better served with a couple of tweaks to the Novice C class that you and Tony Perman implemented in Region 10. My tweaks would be minimal, qualified entrants to Novice C class pony up say $200 to run the class for the season. The $200 goes to C. Dewald to build identical three blade props for the prop draw. Ultimately clubs across the US have a cache of identical C props that are drawn by contestants of Novice C each weekend. This allows the "new" racer to purchase discounted used equipment, motor and hull, that he/she can run in 3-5 currently in exhistant Yamato classes. This used equipment would have the future potential to be competitive in multiple Yamato classes down the road, unlike your proposal that seems to have no competitive value outside this specific class. Bottom line is that as new racer, I can purchase used hardware equipped boats and blue printed motors that could be competitive in 3 classes way cheaper than the "new racer" can purchase equipment for your new 302ssh class. Equipment that has the potential to be competitive and provide seat time in three classes vs one. I appreciate your efforts and support your goal, but this new racer's perspective is that you will not achieve your goal taking this approach. Just appreciative that I have a season of Novice C in region 10 to participate in as I attempt to become competitive in the multiple conventional Yamato classes with one motor and one hull.
                                sounds like you have a good grasp of why this 302SSH might not be a winner. never mind the reality of your logic... you must stand in line and soon you will have your chance to drink the purple kool-aid.
                                Bill Dingman "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

