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Racing Question

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  • Racing Question

    Hey Everyone,
    I'm new to the racing scene and I don't have the cash to buy a real racing engine (like an OMC 15A or any kind of engine with the racing gearcase) because I'm only 17. I have Glen-L Tiny Titan which is 8 ft long and it is equipped with a 1974 OMC Evinrude 15 hp that has a 9.5" X 12.5" prop. I was just wondering if there is a racing class that only racing fishing motors like mine?
    Thanks a bunch,

  • #2
    The short answer is no. Sorry, man. However, you could still get involved with what you do have. Any club would likely be glad to have you as a course patrol boat. The good news is racers are very generous in nature and if you hang around them long enough, some racing equipment might find you at a very fair price. Best of luck,



    • #3
      Actually - yes: http://www.dillon-racing.com/

      Slightly larger motors

      As interest in this grows I anticipate it moving eastward. You will have time to find a motor and build another boat.


      • #4
        We hope to be moving a little ways East this summer. We're working on bringing our GT Pro class to the F1 Prop Tour race in Trenton, MI this July.

        GT Pro has been an exclusively Minnesota class, but there are pockets of interest developing in Florida and Louisiana. Our appearance at the OPC Nationals last summer, and now Trenton, and hopefully another Kankakee race represtent our effort to bring the class to the country.

        Nothing that I know of is happening in the northeast, but all that's required is for someone to step up and get the ball rolling. Easy to say, harder to do.

        Boatboy88 -- you need a couple of friends to join you, and a club willing to let you race at their events. Find the club nearest you and see what they are willing to do. Clubs are listed on the APBA website: http://www.apba-racing.com/index.html
        Tunnelboat and V-bottom Plans for 15-35 hp, 40-60 hp, 60-80 hp

        Dillon-Racing.com also on YouTube, on Facebook, on Twitter


        • #5
          I agree with Kyle, opportunities are out there. Get in with the right crowd and not only could the price be right but also possibly the terms.

          Good Luck. If you make to Michigan this summer, come to an MHRA event.

          Have you or your team set up a social network page yet? Do your part to expose and promote the sport when you’re not racing and create a presence online today.


          • #6
            Yeah, back when me'n the boy were running we use to do rent-a-driver. If someone wanted to race we had a couple ASH rigs on the trailer, so all they had to do was pay APBA fees, entry fees, scrounge/borrow safety gear and make sure their butt was in the hokeyhydro van when we pulled out for the race. Boats were free to use.

            I bet most everyone can piece together a spare rig and go rent-a-driver.


            • #7

              This is how life works-

              If you really want something badly enough, not having the money can't stop you.

              But, you gotta go after it, you can't sit at home and wish for it.
              Find out where races are and get there...early before the racing starts, be the first one walking around the pits in the morning, watch and listen, get close to the boats and the drivers, be courteous and respectful, and be helpful.

              Figure out who's running the show and walk up to them and volunteer for something, tell them you want to help. Walk around with a garbage bag and pick up trash... I've seen the best and the fastest walking around with a garbage bag. Stay after the races and help clean up.

              Show them that you are the kind of guy that they want to take over the sport of boat racing,

              It won't take long for people to get to know you.

              Always remember, be respectful, and I promise you it won't take long before somebody will throw a cut suit and a helmet at you and tell you to "put this on"

              Do these things, and these boat racers will do much, much more for you than you ever did for them....


              • #8
                Originally posted by mdaspit View Post

                This is how life works-

                If you really want something badly enough, not having the money can't stop you.

                But, you gotta go after it, you can't sit at home and wish for it.
                Find out where races are and get there...early before the racing starts, be the first one walking around the pits in the morning, watch and listen, get close to the boats and the drivers, be courteous and respectful, and be helpful.

                Figure out who's running the show and walk up to them and volunteer for something, tell them you want to help. Walk around with a garbage bag and pick up trash... I've seen the best and the fastest walking around with a garbage bag. Stay after the races and help clean up.

                Show them that you are the kind of guy that they want to take over the sport of boat racing,

                It won't take long for people to get to know you.

                Always remember, be respectful, and I promise you it won't take long before somebody will throw a cut suit and a helmet at you and tell you to "put this on"

                Do these things, and these boat racers will do much, much more for you than you ever did for them....
                Couldn't be said any better!!!!
                Roger A 68M
                Team Casual


                • #9
                  Very true. You have the bug enough to have the Glen L, enjoy that & go spectate, local or as close as you can find as written. Its a great show for anyone who appreciates a fast boat or machine of any kind. My pal flipped his boat in his 1st heat, another driver of the same class, [despite having his own boat to refuel & check over] myself & varied crew stepped up, drained his boat & cleared the water out of his motor. That got him back on course for heat 2 in about 10 minutes. One of many stories of the can do-will help attitude found here.
                  Team Tower

