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Expiration Date on Racing Equipment

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  • Expiration Date on Racing Equipment

    Mike was right. It was a Feather Ruffling Post.

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that thinks that our micro management leaders are pushing the envelope of safety vs. extinction of the sport. I personally feel if I want to drive a 1972 VW Bug that doesn't have airbags, that's my choice. However some of the push for safety may be insurance related. If it is, we may see more items declared as safety related in the future.

    My favorite post was Bowman’s “How about the drivers”

    Thanks for you input and I look forward to seeing you all at the races.

    Should we have an expiration date on all our racing equipment?

    1) SAFETY EQUIPMENT; sun exposure, wet, mold, abrasion etc. as the material ages it ability to protect diminishes.

    2) BOATS; wood gets brittle, dry rot, water intrusion, composites delaminate, resin breakdown from sunlight. a failure during the race could cause an accident.

    3) MOTORS; the more hours the motors have on them, the wider the parity becomes between them.

    4) PROPS; crack, break, could cause an accident.

    What’s your thoughts and or solutions on a Expiration Date?
    Last edited by ricmontoya; 01-03-2012, 12:23 PM.

  • #2
    Prove the need!!

    As is always the case where money is MANDATED to be spent, prove the need!!

    How many provable injury accidents have been caused by failure of these items.

    If provable injury accidents have occurred, documentation must be provided, and a cost benefit must be proven that would support a rule such as this.

    Another question needing asking is how would it affect the number of racers on the water in this economic climate?

    It might be very profitable for boat, motor, prop, and safety equipment manufacturers, and dealer/distributors if mandated, but are they to be allowed input into the decision as to who, where, when and how? At this time in APBA if these type rules were mandated by category racing commissions as "SAFETY" rules as they (the commissions) now have the power to do, how much problem would this cause for APBA with the other controversial things now on the agenda, and how would it affect the membership that had to spend the money.

    Most boat and safety equipment can, should, and is inspected on a regular basis, at least was when I participated as a driver. IMHO a need would have to be shown, that WITHOUT a program or rule to replace the noted items in the OP's thread by a mandated expiration date, harm is now being done to drivers in the category it was proposed for, WITHOUT such a rule.

    As always, safety is very difficult to legislate, especially in the situation that something MIGHT fail, so you need to replace it at additional cost to participate.

    Last but far from least, who bears the cost for inspections, especially when a boat might have to have decks removed to see rot or broken frames or stringers, metal parts might have to be dye checked, magnafluxed or whatever current method is used to detect cracks not visible to the naked eye, ect.

    Glad I am not racing anymore, as this type of program would certainly drive me out.
    Last edited by bill van steenwyk; 12-29-2011, 01:16 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ricmontoya View Post
      Should we have an expiration date on all our racing equipment?

      1) SAFETY EQUIPMENT; sun exposure, wet, mold, abrasion etc. as the material ages it ability to protect diminishes.

      What’s your thoughts and or solutions on a Expiration Date?
      I believe the safety equipment would be the only thing you could acctually put a date on. Boats, motors, props. You do this and people will leave the sport, guaranteed. Pro Stock and Super Stock in the inboards tried to madate capsules (essentially making non-capsuled boats illigal) .All the racers that didn't want to sped the money for the change threatened to leave. The rule never came into effect, but more of those boats are doing it.

      You start telling people a boat as a 10 year life, you will lose a lot of racers to NBRA and AOF that don't do this.

      I can tell you from my personal experience and wear and tear on equeipment if I want to be competatitive, I usually need a new boat every 3-4 years. But i'm hard on equipment
      Kyle Bahl

      "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


      • #4
        What about the drivers?


        • #5
          Originally posted by BROCCOLI View Post
          What about the drivers?
          Hell...what about the rule makers?


          • #6
            I think it would be hard pressed not to agree with Bill Van Steenwyk,s post.

            Lets be real about this, Racer numbers have decreased (as stated in numerous threads). Do you really want to push more out or away of the sport because someone wants them to spend more money? Most of the new members are buying used equipment to get started because of the cost of new.

            I can agree with our safety gear but not to give it a "date" but it should be given a good inspection for tears, cracks, broken zippers, missing parts etc. I would have breakdowns for each piece of equipment placed in the rulebook. This way everyone would know how items could be fixed/repaired or beyond repair to use safely.


            • #7
              I agree with Mike and would have no problem with a basic inspection of safety gear as long as the guidelines were written with a little common sense . Case in point is a helmet expiration date. You can't tell me that once a helmet is 10 years old it becomes unsafe........seriously ? Everything is is relative to use and basic maintenance, age does not equal wear and tear. Again a little common sense should tell us when it's time to replace a helmet, I.E. cracks, foam compression, rot ect ect. Just my two cents.



              • #8
                Only Stock Outboard lolololol


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Islandmon View Post
                  I agree with Mike and would have no problem with a basic inspection of safety gear as long as the guidelines were written with a little common sense . Case in point is a helmet expiration date. You can't tell me that once a helmet is 10 years old it becomes unsafe........seriously ? Everything is is relative to use and basic maintenance, age does not equal wear and tear. Again a little common sense should tell us when it's time to replace a helmet, I.E. cracks, foam compression, rot ect ect. Just my two cents.

                  I agree fully Sam, that being said "common sense" isn't so common...
                  Roger A 68M
                  Team Casual


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by raceright View Post
                    Only Stock Outboard lolololol
                    Our 'expiration date' expired years ago !!!!.............NOT!

                    Rock on.

                    ps............Ric, hope to see you in Chicago!


                    • #11
                      All APBA classes must go through a safety inspection. If the inspector deems any part of your equipment unsafe you wont race until it is corrected, as it should be.

                      Now comes the hard part, telling someone with a 18 year old boat that has spent some time out side that you don't like all the dark cracking lines of rot that he can't race...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BROCCOLI View Post
                        What about the drivers?
                        Originally posted by ProHydroRacer View Post
                        Hell...what about the rule makers?


                        OMC FE/SE powerhead parts for sale. Kurcz ported block, Mod 50 pistons and cylinder head, exhaust, etc.


                        • #13
                          I agree with Bill.

                          Let's take my safety equipment for example. It's getting old. However, I was never able to make many races per year (mainly due to my work schedule) plus I always tried to take very good care of it. I always tried to dry it before I left a race and it came out of the duffle bag once I got home. Except for letting it dry at the race site I kept it out of the sun as much as possible. I feel that there are still a lot of years left in my cut suit and life jacket.

                          OMC FE/SE powerhead parts for sale. Kurcz ported block, Mod 50 pistons and cylinder head, exhaust, etc.


                          • #14
                            NO, not needed..........

                            too much micro-managing is what loses members!!!! Some people maintain their equipment better than most, so putting an age limit is not fair. I have seen some 10+ yr old boats in better shape than couple year old boats...................same goes for safety gear........leaving boats (and even safety gear) out in the elements all the time is just plain dumb..........

                            and as relating to motors......who in the world haven't rebuilt/refreshed their motors in 10yrs (that are constantly in use)???? Maintenance is WAY more important than age!!!

                            props..................hell, even a new prop can throw a blade, etc...............unless you can CNC machine a prop to exact specs and be reasonably priced, replacing them due to age is also "unjustified".....

                            just seems like a reason for manufacturers and suppliers to make money......of which I am not against in any way, but like is said, "if it ain't broke", don't fix it...........

                            so, BASICALLY, take care of your stuff and it will take care of you!!!!!

                            PS: I am like Kyle .......usely get a new boat or 2 or 3 every couple years......LOL............not necessarily due to destruction, but just to try new and improved designs......
                            Last edited by mercguy; 12-29-2011, 02:55 PM.


                            Team Darneille



                            • #15

                              I think if it gets anymore invasive that it is currently, it will be the straw that broke the camels back. In other words, bad idea.
                              Dave Mason
                              Just A Boat Racer

