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An in depth conversation with the President of the UIM

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  • An in depth conversation with the President of the UIM

    This is a must watch for every powerboat racer around the world. I would love to hear such an in depth conversation with the APBA president.

    <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/30845802?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;a utoplay=1" width="498" height="324" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

    Abu Dhabi-UAE - 24th October 2011

    Dr. Raffaele Chiulli re-elected president of the UIM at the 84th General Assembly
    Raffaele Chiulli has been re-elected with a clear majority in the first round of voting as President of
    the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM), the International Powerboating Federation and world
    governing body for all Powerboating activities, at the 84th annual General Assembly staged at the
    astonishing Yas Island - Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates. During his first mandate Dr.
    Chiulli fully accomplished all the UIM strategic plan projects and delivered on his promises. The UIM
    President soon after the election stated “I am very proud and honoured to have been confirmed by
    the General Assembly as leader of the International Powerboating Federation for a further four years
    term and I will continue the strengthening the UIM position as the world’s governing body and the
    driving force behind powerboating”.
    Last edited by HRTV; 10-30-2011, 07:47 AM.
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  • #2
    Whoa!! "I be da guy"!! ?? Really? I certainly like listening to him. He is a man of visions. And, if he can be an effective chairman of meetings with the underlings (capable underlings) then He will be da man what gets credit for all the good that happens. So.. there is an accent on the need for "capable" underlings. Finding Them.. can be a challenge indeed. However... I do note the involvement of major money, namely Abu Dhabi, Quatar, .....the 'A'rab world. $$$$$ spurt from the ground over there. Let's not lose sight of that little, major-important detail.... because it serves to keep costs lower (as da man said).

    And above all, let's not forget that we are Americans over here. This is America! There's a reason this country came into being. We simply aint wound the same way as 'E'urope is... or Quatar (pronounced guhh-ter), or the UAE (United Arab Emirates - $$$ green).

    So.. lets not give short-shrift to our own APBA or its president, or vice-president, etc. We (our APBA) is actually you and me. We can talk and talk, but until we put our thoughts down in writing where we can re-write them and re-write them...until they they actually make sense..... until that time... we need to leave room for the possibility that our ideas won't work as we speak them.

    Okay.. those are my thoughts. Glad I was able to listen to this.
    Thanks Dan - Alex


    • #3
      Impressive indeed

      First, let me agree with Ram on these points:
      1. Here is a man of great vision and clarity.
      2. "capable underlings" are indeed a rare commodity
      3. Petro dollars (euros?) are an advantage

      Another VITAL point he touched on was humility. I can't say whether we Americans have any patent on ego and self-aggrandizement at the expense of those whose opinions run counter to our own, but that certainly IS a factor for us, and one which can be observed even within the microcosm of this forum.
      POINT: You can have the most technically gifted people in the world as lower and mid level folks in your organization, but if each one has their own agenda and is not sold out to the common vision, you will never achieve your desired goals.
      It would be easy to cop out saying that lacking the backing of the UAE or OPEC we can't duplicate what the UIM hopes to do.
      To which I would answer: So what? Though similar in more ways than not, their are factors in the US which are unique and require a targeted approach which may differ in some ways from the specifics of the UIM plan.
      The idea of a dedicated promoter cannot be undervalued. I spent 10 years (1998-2007)traveling and working with the American Motorcyclist Association Grand National Dirt Track Racing Series as chaplain, assistant starter. and general "gofer". After going through much turmoil as an organization, including the ouster of top level officials and subsequent prosecution for embezzlement and other crimes, the AMA recognized (finally!) that the job of promoting pro racing was not their forte.
      So, they sold the entire Pro Racing division (minus motocross which was already being handled by another group) to the Daytona Motorsports group, a professional promoting and marketing organization.
      To give you some idea of the scope of impact major sponsorship had on that series, one of the top racers (who shall remain unnamed as he is a personal friend and I do not have his permission to disclose his name here) once confided in me that after the ban on tobacco company sponsorship (the Camel Pro series), his annual income as a rider decreased by over $250,000.
      POINT: A good promoter is worth whatever you have to pay them.
      Also note the UIM's commitment to being recognized as part of the "green" (environmentally responsible) solution and NOT a problem child.
      Like it or not, the "greens" have the ear of the powers that be and must be a part of any successful national or international effort.
      I know that for most folks, driving race boats is not their prime income source. But for whatever reason motivates you to participate on whatever level you do, isn't some of what the UIM president said worth taking to heart and implementing?
      Those of you who have long time involvement in the sport can validate or discount my assertion that egos, personal agendas, the desire to be the author of every good idea and the like will be one of the primary hurdles to overcome IF the sport of power boat racing is to survive the tough economic conditions, and the myriad of other available forms of entertainment that vie for the attention and dollars of potential participants and spectators alike.
      So the question on the table is: Are YOU willing to lay aside past hurts, grievances, prejudices and contrary notions in order to see the sport grow?
      And to answer the obvious "Who are YOU to be saying this?" question; Just a guy preparing to enter the sport in his "golden years" who has heard a sound of rushing water as he prepares to step from the yacht tender onto the ship and wants to make sure that what he has heard is the normal operation of the bilge pump and not the opening of the scuttling ports.
      And, as usual, the "delete" key will work on this message as well.
      Bob Cowgill
      Mims, Florida (Currently in Zaragoza, Spain)
      Last edited by Bmwbob; 10-30-2011, 03:40 AM.


      • #4
        Funny how the world evolves around money and boat racing is no different--sand lands are allowed to make money now and the USA has handcuffs on at present.
        Boatracing in the USA will improve as the handcuffs are removed plain as that.
        APBA is trying to better it self and if the membership gets behind them and helps you might see some improvement. But what is the biggest thing to overcome MONEY.
        Racers want APBA to improve but complain every time money has to be spent
        It seems UIM has some good backing APBA does not.


        • #5
          Originally posted by HRTV View Post
          This is a must watch for every powerboat racer around the world.
          Is that a motorhome or an offshore powerboat behind him?


          • #6
            Originally posted by jeff55v View Post
            Is that a motorhome or an offshore powerboat behind him?
            I believe it is called a "motor-boat?"



            • #7
              To the top in case you missed it.
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