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How much are you willing to pay for a new composite boat?

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  • #76
    Well said, Scott. Thanks.


    • #77
      It’s not how much, but where are you going to get it?

      Speaking for myself, I built boats at a discount (the going rate) for 25 years so that I could develop the safest, most competitive designs I could. I have a full line of proven stock and mod boat designs to offer. Now that the majority of the development is completed, I've considered going composite with those designs. But there are no buyers willing to pay for what a hull is really worth. In turn, if I cannot sell hulls for what they are worth, then I cannot justify building and developing them.
      To see the awesome mold packages that Marc Johnson of Composite Specialties has developed go up for sale for only $2,500 for the 250/350cch & $5,000 for the 500-1100cch really says something. And to not have an immediate buyer says just as much. On 10/4/11 he posted that a boat should go for $8-9K. He did what he said he would do and it’s first class…but where are the orders?
      Attracting cutting edge product development takes money. If boat racers are not willing to pay for those cutting edge products, then designer/builders with that kind of talent will not devote the time to develop them.
      What was the OPC and Inboard rule of thumb for a hull?...$1,000 per foot?
      Last edited by Slowboat510; 06-09-2012, 12:51 PM.


      • #78
        A Voice from the Past;

        From the SSOA newsletter;
        Attached Files
        Brian Hendrick, #66 F
        "the harder we try, the worser it gets"


        • #79
          we must remember the Facts :
          1: you can only get so light then you will not be able to keep it on the water !!!
          2: we are not nascar or any other racing but what we are boat racers meaning we do not race for the money and we are trying to keep it cost affective meaning in line so that the grass roots racer can aford it and still be competetive

          i run on a real tight budget and that budget is getting less and less it seems every year as most people, save the rich folks

          so we need to keep in mind not every 1 can spend 30 thou a year for boats motors etc and the guys that want you to spend that much are the ones that are racing tunnels boats err OPC and the Pro guys are up there too if i have to spend that much then i will stop racing !! as we are seeing just that

          guy in stock and mod are becoming less and less if you want racer then we have to have reasonable cost in all areas>> and not give in to such extreme cost as to price the lil guys out of the running as well we need to stop the over regulation of stock and mod just as we are over regulated in the government

          Keep the cost downor die as a sport or get prize money up there
          keep it simple and this will help save the cost

          as for weights i like the weights we been racing for 40 years it worked in the 60s 70s for my father and its working good today do not go jacking up the weights that have worked so well all these years and if you weigh 229 it is quite possible you MAY need to lose a lil

          just my 50 cents worth as 2 cent dont cut it any more

          Randy H*23

          P.S. Brian i remember those day we bought a brand new warren runabout in 1964 for 300 bucks and whole engines stock or mod ready to race any where from 300 to 500 lower unit and all those were the days however we have to remember that you could also get 4 full bags of groceries then for about 10 bucks and the house payment was 70 bucks a month
          Last edited by RandY Aveline; 12-12-2012, 05:22 PM.
          Pure of heart : Outlaw by nature

          "choice not chance determines destiny"

          "the race is never quite over , the course is never quite ours"

          how many years must a man pay for mistakes he did not make?

          here is a link of a little bit of Randy s racing history and a tribute to the late Ken Krier to learn more click the link



          • #80
            say what?

            Just because ya'all want to eat and get fat is your business, but raising weight mandatory is B.S


            • #81
              Back then I worked at a Ford dealer as a used car mechanic for a 1.25 an hour and my gross pay was 57.50 for a 46 hour week.
              Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.


              • #82

                The Luce Altralight DMR in action at Rainbow City with Val...........
                Attached Files


                • #83
                  Great shots!
                  Chris Fabbro 2-F CSR / Carson Fabbro 95-F 25ssr, CSR, CSH, 300SSH / Greg Fabbro 63-F CSR, 25SSR


                  • #84
                    I beleave Ralph De Silva will biuld a unfinshed c or d runabout for 4500.00


                    • #85
                      I posted the ClarKraft add more to illustrate the weights
                      of race boats competitive at that time, ie; pre-epoxy.

                      A local builder says his conventional ASH would be ~95#s
                      A hybrid composite he just did was 67#s, a reduction of 30%,
                      but for a cost increase of 60%+.
                      But as many of the posters have said, composite construction,
                      CF, Kevlar, foam core etc, has many more benefits than just weight reduction.

                      DeSilva price List, c2000?
                      I imagine he would be at least a 1/3 higher now.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by bh/; 12-13-2012, 04:18 PM. Reason: pic
                      Brian Hendrick, #66 F
                      "the harder we try, the worser it gets"


                      • #86
                        cabin fever

                        Bh/ u must have cabin fever, come on South so we can run some boats. I'm putting together a couple of motors, ready to break in and need someone to start me in the cold water and you're the best one for that!


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Bob Dunlap View Post
                          Bh/ u must have cabin fever,
                          -cabin fever for sure !
                          Fl's 'cold water' will seem quite warm
                          compared to the ice and snow up here.
                          May be able to leave next week,
                          and should have room in the truck for a few toys,
                          So looking fwd to Lake Francis in JAN
                          Brian Hendrick, #66 F
                          "the harder we try, the worser it gets"

