I think I need help or maybe I'm doing it correctly.
1. Cleaned and set the points at 0.012" ensuring I was on the top of the lobe when setting
2. Made an assumption that the point set with the red wire is for #1 and #1 is top piston and connected buzzier (disconnected all wiring on the point set).
3. Inserted my dial indicator and found TDC, at this point buzzier is not going off.
4. Turned crank ccw to 0.20" and adjusted advance plate until buzzer sounds off. Tighten plates and had to read adjust.
5. Put a degree wheel on, and ensured point and tdc are set.
6. Starting at TDC turning crank cw no buzzier until I reach 30 deg atdc on the wheel and buzzier sounds and stayed on until I reached 270 deg still turning cw. At 270 or (90 deg btdc) buzzier stops. Timing wheel is labeled in a cw direction.
Before I go to #2 piston thought I'd get the experts advice.
Tom was trying to give me instructions on using a timing wheel instead of using a dial indicator (except for finding TDC) and rotating backwards 0.20" and setting advance plate until buzzer sounds off, but I didn't understand, something about 220 deg I think I've read all the post on here and the owners manual plus RPM's instructions, very confusing with points setting correctly.
thanks in advance,

1. Cleaned and set the points at 0.012" ensuring I was on the top of the lobe when setting
2. Made an assumption that the point set with the red wire is for #1 and #1 is top piston and connected buzzier (disconnected all wiring on the point set).
3. Inserted my dial indicator and found TDC, at this point buzzier is not going off.
4. Turned crank ccw to 0.20" and adjusted advance plate until buzzer sounds off. Tighten plates and had to read adjust.
5. Put a degree wheel on, and ensured point and tdc are set.
6. Starting at TDC turning crank cw no buzzier until I reach 30 deg atdc on the wheel and buzzier sounds and stayed on until I reached 270 deg still turning cw. At 270 or (90 deg btdc) buzzier stops. Timing wheel is labeled in a cw direction.
Before I go to #2 piston thought I'd get the experts advice.
Tom was trying to give me instructions on using a timing wheel instead of using a dial indicator (except for finding TDC) and rotating backwards 0.20" and setting advance plate until buzzer sounds off, but I didn't understand, something about 220 deg I think I've read all the post on here and the owners manual plus RPM's instructions, very confusing with points setting correctly.
thanks in advance,
