Fun day yesterday and lots of good racing. The best part was watching Becky Nichols making a few laps in Jerry Davids 750ccMR!!!!
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Sharptown, MD Race
From Memory....
I think there were 38 entries. I think the largest classes were CSH and ASH. One AXSH boat went over ........ the driver was fine. Someone else needs to post results; I was in the turn boat/safety boat for a lot of the time.
Results coming soon
Just got to work barely (had a hard time keeping my eyes open). Still exhausted, but I will try and post the results a little later today. We had about 47 entries Saturday and about 43 on Sunday. Thanks to everyone who came to support this race and especially to everyone who volunteered and helped out!"I wanna go fast!!!"
Sharptown races
Originally posted by fhafer View PostI think there were 38 entries. I think the largest classes were CSH and ASH. One AXSH boat went over ........ the driver was fine. Someone else needs to post results; I was in the turn boat/safety boat for a lot of the time.
whose bones still ache from too many heats, too many times lifting the hydros
back up on the top rack of the trailer...I had just sat down by the waters
edge after meeting you. Then, Frank Novotny (my racing buddy) started his
MOD and covered me up with spray. Made me feel like I was back in the game.
Everyone was so friendly. the racing good, the chicken came just in time to
prevent a case of malnutrition. What I fine day.....I needed that trying to beat this old cancer thing. Some of the old guys I knew gathered around me
by the water and continued to tell of early races. They have not changed
any as stories were told and the truth streched out a bit...
Dave Augustine is a super friend just like PAPPY was in our day....anyhow
thank eveyone for a wonderful day........I am to be operated on Tuesday
once more to try and get the old liver and kidneys working again....maybe
someday again I will get to the first turn in the lead. Sorry I missed meeting ABBY as I heard so much about her.
Alvin(Capt. SANDBAR) Sanger ,,,,,,thats another story that FEBY started.
Go Sharptown!!
Thanks to all that came to support our (CVRA) event............Longest drive was no doubt Howie Nicholes and company followed closley by Smokin Mel Thomas from South Carolina. Mel won CSH!! Way to go Mel!
As Race Director a big thanks goes out to Big Dave Augustine and Gary Pond for doing all the little things behind the scene that made things work smoothly!! Also Jerry Davids for doing the inspection duties. And all the rest of ya know from CVRA thanks.
Sharptown is on the Region 3 and Region 4 border and without the support of the out of region drivers we would not be able to race at this great river site!
Weekend highlights included Val and Abby dueling it out in ASH (Merc vs. OMC). And the Eastern Shore chicken dinner was great!! Also nice to see Big Phillip DiFibo and Tommy "Admiral Wierd" Barrett on the scene!!
Hope to see everyone at our next CVRA club race in Wilson, NC in mid August!!
Matt D'Agostino
Race Director
Really glad we can be back racing there! We had great weather this weekend! Those who didn't make it really missed out!
Highlight of weekend: Val kicking Matt's @$$ in 20SSH! GO CUPCAKE!!!
See everyone in Wakefield!!
Stacy"I don't want to just live life, I want to live an extraordinary life." - Kevin Ladd
Awesome Weekend of Racing....Thank You Region 4
Great Fun and Friends this pass weekend!We got a new racer in his first flat turning ASR Nevin Goebel, he loved it and is hooked on runabouts now and his wonderful Mom got a ride in a DMR with me, in my first time driving one, we loved it..........Thank You Jerry Davids!
Attached FilesEarl11 J........ Dangerous when Wet
Runne Craft- Earl said, " Driving a Runne Craft is like Cheating". Dude, ........ Where's My Boat!