I am trying to put some information together and I am trying to figure out what are the top stock and mod race sites that have a large amount of spectators watching the races? I can also count joint races with pro's and inboards also.
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Question to all regions.
Region 6
Constantine MI - USTS race (stock & mod have few spectators there for some reason)
NBRA Sites -
Centrallia IL
Shelbyville IL
New site in IL I think it is called Havanna IL ? Kampen can correct me if I am wrong, but it was pointed out as a huge turnout of spectators.
I can't speak to some stock only races in R6 as I have not been to them.Dave Mason
Just A Boat Racer
Top annual APBA races ranked by number of spectators:
DePue, IL (USTS)
Hartford, CT (USTS)
Lochaven, PA
There is one in MI in conjunction with a local festival...
These are not in any order and not sure how they compare to west coast as I have not raced out there in 15 years or so.
Do you need actual spectator counts?
#1 in the world would be Guayaquil, Ecuador......easy
BWLast edited by B Walker; 03-30-2011, 11:49 AM.302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard
Marathon Mania in Haverhill Mass. Looks to be getting bigger and bigger every year. I can't wait for this year. I am 3 lbs fatter now. EEEEHHHAAA WILD BILL.Last edited by Wild Bill 96D; 03-30-2011, 02:15 PM.
For 32 years we had several thousand spectators for the three day weekend at Burlington, WI. Oshkosh, WI does well too with several hundred for the weekend. Candlewick Lake, IL had a fair amount the first time we were there in '08, we'll see how it goes this year.Support your local club and local races.
Bill Pavlick
I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII
PRO Nationals
It is big race with an established fan base. DePue draws several thousand spectators and back "in-the-day" drew tens of thousands.
Constantine UISTS has pulled 1,000 or more many times (good luck finding parking if you are late). Lakeland has drawn good crowds ove the years, albeit they are spread around the lake. Portsmouth, OH drew really good crowds over Labor Day weekend for the USTS.
Winona, MN has really good crowds with the racing combined with oother events around the lake.
The economic impact usually comes from the race teams and the bucks they spend locally.David Weaver
Newberg for the left coast
Bleachers, concessions and a great vantage point for spectators looking down on the course and the river. My estimation of the crowd for the last couple years would be 25-30,000 per day (using the APBA Gold Cup standard measuring systemThanks to Newberg Boat Club and CORA this is a real highlight on the region 10 and west coast calender.
Moby Grape Racing
"Fast Boats Driven Hard"
I agree with Don. Top 'O has to be the most people I have ever seen lining the banks. (At least until I saw pictures from the recent Josh/Jeff run in Ecuador!) 43/42 miles of people. If you haven't been there, you haven't lived.In all honesty, being a spectator/pit crew at Top 'O beats racing at some other courses.
Last edited by 22W; 03-30-2011, 05:52 PM.
San Diego Bayfair Sept 16-18. Biggest boat race in North America..and yes...stocks have been on the sanction for years. Over 50,000 plus spectators.
http://www.sandiegobayfair.org/Attached Files
Tastin and Racin
Also in Washington State is the Tastin and Racin inboard event. Lake Sammamish June 11-12, 2011. Big Inboard event. Lots of people. Lots of consessions. Beer garden and bands. Fun event, but no outboards. Thought i would just mention it anyway...Kyle Bahl
"He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"
In traditional marathon Guayaquil Vinces all the way from the boats race from the start in the City of Guayaquil, passing the cities of Samborondon, Salitre, General Vernaza, Antonio Sotomayor and reach the city of Vinces is estimated that 200000 people enjoyed the race and the sale of 80000 cases of beer.
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