I have received of late several calls and E-Mails from VRP customers that heard Through the "Grapevine" and "Rumor Mill" That VRP SOLD it's Equipment and all parts to Demmler-Racing and that VRP will no longer make motors for racing. THIS IS NOT TRUE! The Post By Carlo Verona on the European WEBsite was to only inform European racers that all MOTORS and PARTS will have to be purchased from HIS (VRP) DEALER in Europe which is Demmler-Racing, and, that do to other Racing ventures that VRP does, Carlo will not attend races next year so he can concentrate on The other racing projects that he is Involved in. ALL USA drivers and customers can and will receive parts, motors and tech support as always supplied by me and my company, OUTBOARD MARINE SERVICE. I wish the people that like to start this crap would have the courtesy to contact me about this before starting and NOT telling the truth.
Mr Verona works very hard for all types of racing, and for us in USA and supplies us with some of the best racing equipment we have.
Due to his business ventures in other forms of racing, he just will not be able to attend boat races. Technical help and parts for VRP products is just a Phone call or click of the mouse away.
PH# 770 428 0568, Email Steve77T@aol.com Thanks for your consideration. Steve

Mr Verona works very hard for all types of racing, and for us in USA and supplies us with some of the best racing equipment we have.
Due to his business ventures in other forms of racing, he just will not be able to attend boat races. Technical help and parts for VRP products is just a Phone call or click of the mouse away.
