Try as we might, Us racers, just don't think like the proverbial "new guy/gal" does. Nope, not anymore than a 40 year old guy can think he can relate to a 12 year-old girl.
Accept it!! Further-more all this crap about taking that person 'under-our-wing' and guiding them toward the right decision... etc, is likewise just that.... ie, more crap.
Because, reading all the posts here on HR, we.... yeah WE can't seem to figure out what the heck to do about the current class structure among ourselves.
How then... can we offer any real guidance to some newby when WE DON'T THINK LIKE A NEWBY!!!
Relax.... there really is hope. If we structure our classes so that engines, even old engines, can enter in a given class, say B Hydro, we will allow that 'newby' the chance to get in there. Yee ha...! So what if she/he concludes on their own, afer two years of running 3,4,5 etc, that they ought to try a new Sidewinder or Tohatsu. Hey.. by that time they will have entered a bunch of races, learned a bunch about our sport, and learned how to freaking drive ............ we should hope!!!
Yup... there is a great advantage to letting the "newby" learn the way we all have. On the other hand, if you want the 'Village' to raise the child... why not call Hillary.
Personally, I'd just offer the newby encouragement to join in.

Accept it!! Further-more all this crap about taking that person 'under-our-wing' and guiding them toward the right decision... etc, is likewise just that.... ie, more crap.

How then... can we offer any real guidance to some newby when WE DON'T THINK LIKE A NEWBY!!!

Relax.... there really is hope. If we structure our classes so that engines, even old engines, can enter in a given class, say B Hydro, we will allow that 'newby' the chance to get in there. Yee ha...! So what if she/he concludes on their own, afer two years of running 3,4,5 etc, that they ought to try a new Sidewinder or Tohatsu. Hey.. by that time they will have entered a bunch of races, learned a bunch about our sport, and learned how to freaking drive ............ we should hope!!!
Yup... there is a great advantage to letting the "newby" learn the way we all have. On the other hand, if you want the 'Village' to raise the child... why not call Hillary.
