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Nbra nationals roll call

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  • #31
    Great DSR Racing

    Originally posted by pearson95m View Post
    Is this the weekend of July 31st and August 1st?

    Can someone give me a quick break down of the difference between APBA DSR and NBRA DR? What sort of turn outs do you expect for DR? What does it take to join NBRA?

    Josh, if you want some awesome DSR racing, the NBRA has a lot of DSR's at every race. With the engines someone already mentioned, the competition is incredible and it is one of the most exciting classes to watch too. I ran in the class with Ralph Cooks 40CI Mod and got lucky and won the Nat's with it a few years ago. The Hotsus and the Mercs are VERY good competition to each other in the NBRA. Watching Tony Anderson fly his Sorenson around the course with the Hotsu is a feat in and of itself, I always watch that ! Sadly, I will miss it this year.

    I hear Rotten Ralph might be there, so the SEH's will have some great exciting races too.

    For any of your DSH racers in APBA, it is a very large class in NBRA... it is the Merc 40CI Mods, Merc 44XS and the Tohotsues. It is anyones game. So far nobody has came from the APBA with a Merc 44XS and waxed anyone with a hotsu or Mod Merc 40CI. I always thought, a good 44XS will certainly be in the hunt. Maybe someone will prove it this year !! The Nationals are only a week away !!!
    Dave Mason
    Just A Boat Racer


    • #32
      Class Combos

      It has been our experiece, where we have multiple different engines in a class. No one engine has been dominant. Different winners at the Nats each year. If you have a good running outfit you have a chance.
      Art K


      • #33

        Will be there DSH Csh


        • #34
          Francks came down last year to a couple of NBRA races with a 44XS and was very competitive I even believe he won a heat, by the way from what I am hearing 14 SEH and 8 or 10 SER


          • #35
            NBRA Nationals

            Sniders will be there with a D,E,Super E Hydro and E, Super E Runabout looking forward to seeing everyone.



            • #36
              Qualifying Heats

              It looks like we will have some qualification heats for some classes. I'm fairly sure we will have to qualify E HYDRO, C-MOD HYDRO, 25MOD HYDRO, SE HYDRO. I think we are right on the edge of qualifying E RUNABOUT,D RUNABOUT, and CSH. NBRA qualification runs 2 heats, you must finish in the top 5 in your heat to make the finals, or be the fastest 6th place, last years National Champion is already qualified. If last years champion is not present then we will take the top top 6 out of each heat. We are not planning on running any qualifying heats on Friday. We will have two full days of testing on Thursday and Friday!!!!!!!!!
              Keith Kampen


              • #37

                I forgot one we should have to qualify D-Hydro also!!!
                Keith Kampen


                • #38
                  Raccoon Lake

                  This is a shot from yesterday evening looking down from the Country Club. This is a full shot of the race course end of the lake. The park where the clock will be is midway up on the left and just before the Country club is the first turn.
                  Alan V-25
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    NBRA Nat's

                    If nothing happens we are coming to run CMH. Dave you guys going to be there?. I won't make it my self, but my son Dale an Jimmy Warren are going.


                    • #40
                      we would like to run the apba A hydro class, if enough OMC A comes to Centrailia, Jeff said we would run them, if you brough them?\\\\


                      • #41
                        Thanks guys!

                        I won't be able to make it this year. This is the same weekend as the APBA Marathon Nationals in Indian River MI. However, i will be looking into some NBRA races in the future. DSR in APBA is slim pickings these days...

                        thanks again for the info... look forward to seeing some of you in the first turn one day.



                        • #42
                          Predator Racing - running 25mh, cmh,DH,EH,SEH.
                          Speed cost Money --How fast ya wanna go ?


                          • #43
                            Trailer Parking

                            Trailer parking will be on a first come basis. I will be there Wed. morning to assist finding a suitable space for your trailer. I will need your cooperation if we are to fit all the trailers in the pit area. So please remember use only the area you need. If you arrive after dark I most probably will not be there, so keep theabove in mind. No campers, tents or motor homes allowed in the pits. There is a great shaded spot just a 100 yds away. Tow vehicles are to be removed from the pits and parked in a designated area. The only exception will be if you are working out of your vehicle.
                            Thanks Art Kampen


                            • #44
                              sooooooooooo you mean if we get there at 3 am - YOUR not going to be there guiding us in with a flash light , like the do at the state fair? Dang what kind of survice is that ????? --- lol


                              • #45
                                The "get wired " racing team will be there with one C-stock, C-Mod, Mod25 - all hydros - Joe wont make it again , has to work - This was one of his fav. races .

