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RunneCraft Raffle Ticket Round-Up

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  • RunneCraft Raffle Ticket Round-Up

    It is time to start rounding up all of the raffle tickets that have been sold.

    If you will be at Millville, NJ this weekend, please give your ticket stubs and money to George Resch. If you won't be at Millville, please mail the ticket stubs and money to:
    George Resch
    726 Larue Road
    Millersville, MD 21108

    Please do not send cash in the mail, send a check payable to George Resch so George can cash the check and put the cash back into the raffle fund.

    NSRA and CVRA would like to thank everyone who has supported this effort by buying tickets. A special thank you goes to Mike Ross for contacting me and volunteering to sell tickets at two Michigan races, and to all of the Michigan racers who bought tickets from Mike.

    We still have tickets available, so get them while they last. Time is running out!

    Janet Stoy
    Treasurer - Carolina Virginia Racing Association
    7715 Bristow Drive
    Annandale, VA 22003-5147
    703-750-1778 (Home)
    703-816-4032 (Work)

  • #2
    Last call for raffle tickets

    All raffle tickets MUST be received by George Resch by Saturday, Dec. 18. We will hold the drawing next week at Dave Augustine's house. Please call George Resch (410-987-6466) if you have tickets that need to be turned in.

    Janet Stoy
    Treasurer - Carolina Virginia Racing Association


    • #3
      PLEASE HELP US!! We are desperately trying to raise money to put on some boatraces in region 4. Many of you know we have lost Camden, NC. If we can't put on some boatraces, the sport in region 4 will soon die. We are already struggling as it is. All I'm asking for is $20 from each of you. In return, We believe we will be able to put on some high quality boatraces and keep this sport growing. I'm begging you(my nearest race is 6 hours away!), PLEASE HELP US!! Buy a raffle ticket. It's only twenty bucks, and you might win a boat (any class). Our deadline is this Saturday. If you would like a ticket, please contact George Resch (410-987-6466) Janet Stoy (H-703-750-1778) (W-703-816-4032). Thank you and Merry Christmas to all!!
      John Runne

      Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

      True parity is one motor per class.

      It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

      NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


      • #4
        Sent a check out today-12/15 for three tickets. Please put my name on three and add to drawing.

        (Maybe you should hold till first of year????----for late entrys?????)

        John, make mine a full-tricked-out B-MOD/Runabout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Gotta give this class a try!!!!!!!!!!!!

        100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

        SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


        • #5
          Originally posted by Janet
          All raffle tickets MUST be received by George Resch by Saturday, Dec. 18. We will hold the drawing next week at Dave Augustine's house. Please call George Resch (410-987-6466) if you have tickets that need to be turned in.

          Janet Stoy
          Treasurer - Carolina Virginia Racing Association
          Dec. 18th ??? did someone annouce the winners name ?
          HTML Code:

          "https://twitter.com/HydroRacerTV?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @HydroRacerTV


          • #6
            Did the raffle take place ? who won ?
            HTML Code:

            "https://twitter.com/HydroRacerTV?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @HydroRacerTV


            • #7
              late ticket arrivals

              Unless I misunderstood, John told me the drawing was postponed, due to mis-directed tickets. He sent 15 or 20 tickets to the wrong address for Janet. We are trying to make sure everyone gets a fair chance at the drawing.
              Once all the tickets are accounted for we will announce a drawing date.
              We don't want any disenfrachised ticket holders.
              Dennis 21Z


              • #8
                Status of drawing

                Dennis is correct, 16 tickets went AWOL. I have been to the Post Office begging for their help (yeah right), I was given a long complicated stupid Government form to fill out in quadruplicate for reporting lost mail (big surprise), I offered to sell my body in exchange for letting me go behind the counter and look for the package myself which promptly got me escorted straight to the door with strict orders never to return to that Post Office ever again (no surprise), and I have been to my old house (illegally) digging around in the mail box there along with the mailboxes of some of the neighbors. The only explanation left is they somehow got into Santa's sleigh and have returned to the North Pole never to be seen again.

                I now have the names of the 16 people and I wrote out 16 new ticket stubs. The drawing will be held THURSDAY, DEC. 30, at Dave Augustine's house.

                Your patience and understanding is appreciated.



                • #9
                  Being a Postal employee since 1983 myself (vehicle mechanic), I would of had a TON of fun with your offer!!!
                  All I can say is>>>>>>>Their LOSS!!!
                  Being racers, those 16 should be willing to work out payment on those tickets.
                  I have lost complete motors (including a nice Wizard Super-10) to UPS and Fed-Ex Ground (Post Office limited to 70lbs) so I understand your frustration.
                  This is the busiest time of the year at the Post Office (no excuse, just fact).
                  You said package. Was it shipped Express (next day), Priority(1-3 days), or Parcel Post (up to 10 days)?
                  Do you have a current Change Of Address (less than a year old) on file for your last address?
                  A current change of address will add 1-2 days to the above. An expired change will generate a Return-to-sender.
                  Call your current Post Office, ask for a Customer-Service-Supervisor, and ask them to check thru the maill forwarding unit at your Post Office's GMF/General Mail Facillity on the status of your change. Or get the number for your GMF and call and ask for the mail forwarding/CFS unit.
                  If this does not work, send me your name/last address and I will try to find out myself (I have a Friend in the CFS dept in Erie, Pa.)

                  I had my best luck at the Nationals winning the door prices (twice) by being the last tickets entered so those 16 should have an advantage.

                  Tell Dave "hey" and how is retirement treating him?
                  Will look for my winning anouncement Thurs!!!!!!!!!
                  19P GOING FASTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!(to pick-up my new RUNNIECRAFT )
                  Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 12-28-2004, 03:24 AM.
                  100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

                  SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


                  • #10
                    If the drawing can wait till 01-03-05 one more is sold.
                    RichardK.C. Mo.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Janet
                      Dennis is correct, 16 tickets went AWOL. I have been to the Post Office begging for their help (yeah right), I was given a long complicated stupid Government form to fill out in quadruplicate for reporting lost mail (big surprise), I offered to sell my body in exchange for letting me go behind the counter and look for the package myself which promptly got me escorted straight to the door with strict orders never to return to that Post Office ever again (no surprise), and I have been to my old house (illegally) digging around in the mail box there along with the mailboxes of some of the neighbors. The only explanation left is they somehow got into Santa's sleigh and have returned to the North Pole never to be seen again.

                      I now have the names of the 16 people and I wrote out 16 new ticket stubs. The drawing will be held THURSDAY, DEC. 30, at Dave Augustine's house.

                      Your patience and understanding is appreciated.

                      And the lucky winner is ???? Dec. 30th right
                      HTML Code:

                      "https://twitter.com/HydroRacerTV?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @HydroRacerTV


                      • #12
                        mee tooooooo !

                        I wanna win !


                        • #13
                          big winner

                          OK, we had the drawing tonight at Big Dave's house - the actual ticket was drawn by Eric Allen from Florida. And the winner is...................

                          Mark (not Manny) Dias

                          Apparently, this is a guy that used to race and is getting started again. He is currently moving from Massachusetts to North Carolina so we haven't tracked him down yet - so if you see him, tell him congratulations!

                          We let John Runne know already to get the jig warmed up...

                          Janet can fill you in on any other details.


                          • #14
                            Mark Dias relocated from Middleborough, Massachusetts to Wilmington, North Carolina the week of Christmas. Mark has raced in Inboard, Stock and Mod classes and contacted me in October interested in getting information about Inboard and Stock/Mod races in Region 4. What better way to return to Stock/Mod racing than with a brand new 2005 Runnecraft!

                            Congratulations Mark - Mark please call me at 703-750-1778 (H) or 703-816-4032 (W) when you get this message.

                            On behalf of North South Racing Association and Carolina Virginia Racing Association, thank you to all that supported the raffle. Brandt Hilsen organized the raffle as a way to raise funds so the clubs could continue to sponsor races and John Runne graciously agreed to build the boat. Through their efforts, hopefully a former boat racer will come back to racing. All clubs need more dedicated members like Brandt and John to ensure the future of boat racing. So get involved and help out in any way you can.

                            Janet Stoy
                            Carolina Virginia Racing Association


                            • #15
                              The winner has been located!

                              We found Mark and he's ecstatic about his new boat. Mark will be contacting John Runne to start on a new CSH. Welcome back to boat racing Mark. Everyone please extend a warm welcome to Mark and his wife Cindy this season.

