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Gonyea announces retirement plans...

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  • Gonyea announces retirement plans...

    At the last South Shore Outboard Meeting, Charlie Gonyea announced his retirement plans.

    Starting his first race in 1962, the three time HOC Inductee announced when he has decided to call it quits.

    Gonyea stated, " I am going to retire two years after Billy Giles competes in his last race". There you have it, retirement date is sometime in the future. Keep in mind that Giles himself has retired at least four/five times and has still not missed competing at least once a year for the past fifty one years.

    Our thoughts are that after his impressive performance at the Winter Nationals in CSH, Giles has at least three more years on his agenda, meaning that Charlie can't hang up his kevlars in the fall of 2015.

    Any comments?

  • #2
    Giles has retired every other year since I was 17, 23 years ago...hahaha Charlie, Glad to see you dont plan on retiring!!! What a trooper.
    sigpicWayne DiGiacomo


    • #3
      Unless he shoots Giles, Gonyea will be racing for many years
      to come. Bill came down to FL a week before the Nats with a new boat and two motors, and tested for two days with Carl Staron in Lake Placid.
      He wore out two pit crews
      We tested everything from extra washers under the plugs
      to radical fin settings, two boxes of props, with so many heights and kick outs i can't remember.
      I was #2 crew, and was relieved to see the sun setting
      Brian Hendrick, #66 F
      "the harder we try, the worser it gets"

