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how local racing personally helps me as a driver

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  • how local racing personally helps me as a driver

    1) all RACE FOR THE KIDS events are based on 2 race day events per week end.

    2) how can this help me as a driver ?

    3) if you are going for points ,(which most people are).

    4)you will get double points for that week end. (note) if you just go to series events you get points for 1 day only.

    5) if you only go to series events ,you may make maybe 4 or 5 race events,and that is it and hope you do well at these events.

    6) if i go to only 4 series events ,because work ect. and i maybe did not do so good at the series events but i make a 2( RACE FOR THE KIDS) events , which i receive points for 4 races ,guess who is going to win ? you guessed it the person who makes local races .

    7)( somthing to think about) what does it cost to travel to go to series events ? fuel ,motels, being away from work, ect. local races ,race all week end ,be home for work on monday .you can have 4 heats of racing each week end with double points,

    8) it shure makes scents to me to run in our region more often .

    9) here is somthing that i bet you have not thought about !

    10) if you supported local events , would it be a good time to try those special little things you wanted to try but you never have time to try at a series event ,or maybe did not want to try because you only wanted to test the things that you know works at series events.maybe that propeller that been sitting in box for a long time, or a new one,or maybe that set up you always wanted try .

    11)how about using local racing to practice that start that is so important ?

    12) how about just using local races to practice up on you driving skills ?

    13)would it be advantage to you if you had all these test races , practice driving skills ,extra set up time , ect. so you could be more prepared for the seres events. take a look at how this would give you that special edge on some one that only makes series events.

    14) just think about it ,would it be great to go to a race where everyone is kind of layed back , no pressure,where we can get together ,relax,chat about everything that we all love. and have a great weekend with all our local friends ,and enjoy each others company .

    15) and most of all we would be helping those young people in our llives that need our support,if you support RACE FOR KIDS events you will help everyone . somthing else we should think about ,if we support local events you also support local sponsors,motels,places to eat,local organazations,ect..isn't that important too ?.

    16 ) isn't it important to support our local race clubs ? how important is it to support the people that work so hard to put on these local events like race for the kids .people like bill hosler and janet hosler,ralph donald ,pete voss ,diane murray, also so many local people that work so hard so you can have great events in our florida area.

    17) we truely need local racing back in our region again.

    18) lets all try to support our events ,it would benifent every one.

  • #2
    Chick, You bring up good points and make sense.
    However, I am not sure Region 5 makes sense sometimes.
    You have the greatest places to race in the world, and you can race all year. Yet, it is hard to get locals to attend. Without the support of out of the region a club will surely lose money. I havent quite figured it out, but living up North, with snow 10 feet deep, all I can say, is "what are they thinking, not attending?"
    I know that Carl Staron has just about given up putting races on in Lake Placid, FL. (Lake Apthorpe, formerly known as Cemetery Lake). No more testing on that lake without insurance. So, he has been putting on AOF races, with good insurance (contrary to what people say) and a sanction for about $320 per week end cost to the club (total $320 to put on a race week end). He offers great pits, great race site, good friends, laid back atmosphere....grass roots run what you brung, down home racing. Yet, no one from Region 5 comes.
    Keep trying. Keep pushing. Maybe you can make a difference. I sure wish I lived in Florida.
    PS. I don't mean no one comes. You got the good guys like Howie, Wally, Nuch, etc. They try hard to promote it also. Again, Good luck.
    Last edited by YankeeRacing; 02-10-2010, 10:28 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by chicks View Post
      1) all RACE FOR THE KIDS events are based on 2 race day events per week end.

      2) how can this help me as a driver ?

      3) if you are going for points ,(which most people are).

      4)you will get double points for that week end. (note) if you just go to series events you get points for 1 day only.

      5) if you only go to series events ,you may make maybe 4 or 5 race events,and that is it and hope you do well at these events.

      6) if i go to only 4 series events ,because work ect. and i maybe did not do so good at the series events but i make a 2( RACE FOR THE KIDS) events , which i receive points for 4 races ,guess who is going to win ? you guessed it the person who makes local races .

      7)( somthing to think about) what does it cost to travel to go to series events ? fuel ,motels, being away from work, ect. local races ,race all week end ,be home for work on monday .you can have 4 heats of racing each week end with double points,

      8) it shure makes scents to me to run in our region more often .

      9) here is somthing that i bet you have not thought about !

      10) if you supported local events , would it be a good time to try those special little things you wanted to try but you never have time to try at a series event ,or maybe did not want to try because you only wanted to test the things that you know works at series events.maybe that propeller that been sitting in box for a long time, or a new one,or maybe that set up you always wanted try .

      11)how about using local racing to practice that start that is so important ?

      12) how about just using local races to practice up on you driving skills ?

      13)would it be advantage to you if you had all these test races , practice driving skills ,extra set up time , ect. so you could be more prepared for the seres events. take a look at how this would give you that special edge on some one that only makes series events.

      14) just think about it ,would it be great to go to a race where everyone is kind of layed back , no pressure,where we can get together ,relax,chat about everything that we all love. and have a great weekend with all our local friends ,and enjoy each others company .

      15) and most of all we would be helping those young people in our llives that need our support,if you support RACE FOR KIDS events you will help everyone . somthing else we should think about ,if we support local events you also support local sponsors,motels,places to eat,local organazations,ect..isn't that important too ?.

      16 ) isn't it important to support our local race clubs ? how important is it to support the people that work so hard to put on these local events like race for the kids .people like bill hosler and janet hosler,ralph donald ,pete voss ,diane murray, also so many local people that work so hard so you can have great events in our florida area.

      17) we truely need local racing back in our region again.

      18) lets all try to support our events ,it would benifent every one.
      Raced in Fla in the 80's many many times don't know why Fla went from 58 races a year to less than 10??? But scheduleing as to not make it easy on the snow birds sure does not help...500 cch in the 80's always had a full field now it is not even offered and there are several in Fla. This might not be the bigest problem but add them all up and maybe you can find the answers.
      One more thing that is of great importance to many who race the title series
      Chick, you always race against the top boats,and always get to race weather permitting. Old days in fla I went home because there was not enough time to run all those classes over two days (also no testing)
      Wish you luck as if the race is right for me and my team we sure would run more in Fla.


      • #4

        This thread was started as an appeal for local racing/racers. This is not a FL problem. It is a national problem that crosses the line of every division of boat racing that is not growing.

        If your not growing, your dying.

        I thought about listing the problems specific to FL racing but after 2 re-writes I gave up on the 3 volume novel.

        Fix the problems nationally then FL and the other areas of the country where racing is on the edge of survival will fix themselves.

        Brad Walker
        302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


        • #5
          It looks likke we will not have a lot of classes at each event , maybe 5 pro classes . And 6 to 10 stocks .classes . And we get to get points for 2 days.
          I am not shore what classes are running ,that is not my decision . But i think it eill be a much shorter program then in the past.
          Also special awards in front of spectators, things will be done in a little more proffesion manner. Man that sounds good to me. I say lets support everyone who is trying to get something going in our region .the best way you can thank them is to come to the event. Right? These guys are working for you .they do not get paid ,they are doing it for the love of the sport. I am not saying it will ever be like it used to be in the 80's , but we have the location ,weather, where people want to come down to our state an race. And there is not any race sites in any other region that we have to compet with. I guess i have said my piece. I guess what i say may not change anybody's mind but i just wanted our region to get on the map again .chick lrose

